Happy Birthday E!
Have a great one.I'm 41 myself...soon 42!
All my best.
hi libs..
thought about you today....a pal of mine wrote a post on facebook saying...
"I'm going ten pin bowling tonight..and I'm going to input my name on the scoreboard as 3 testicles...
so it occassinally reads
Congratulations 3 testicles... you've got a spare..lol
Thought about our conversation about wearing them on the outside..deffo need bigger pants....lol
R and D xx
Awwwww thanks guys and girls,
Had a good birthday was at work all day but spoilt rotten by my mum and the boys when i got home,sparkling clean house,three course dinner,presents,balloons,flowers lots of chocolate in one form or another lol.Its days like yesterday that make you realise how rich you really are and you dont really need much else.
Ha ha ha Rach going to need a real baggy pair if we are going to have three of them lol.
Alls good and still fighting the good fight.
Staying strong
L xx
Happy Birthday!! for the other day 😉
glad you to see you are happy, compared to the position you were in when you came on here.... you just proved that living a life without gambling is a much better life
Mikey xx
Being rich in family, friends and love is far, far better than being ... well, just rich.
Thanks NT too true.
All is well in my world trundling along trying to keep myself occupied,getting abit bored at times where i still find myself mulling over the past,not beating myself up just still stuck as to why a seemly bright person would put themselves through all that shiat.when all i needed to do was talk to someone about how i felt.
Fight or flight i suppose even now when things go wrong i have to fight the overwhelming urge to fly before i put on my warrior head and fight.
Also there seem to be alot of names disappearing from when i joined not a bad thing as usually means all is well.
Staying Strong
We've not all disappeared.
Nice to see you're doing OK.
hey Libby...
Good to see your in fine fettle...
A few folk moved on but I guess thats what happens in recovery..
Thanks for your post hun and yep..all is well i my world at the moment.
R and d xx
Hi E,
thanks for the lovely post miss lady! I am feeling much better than I did. That kind of paralysing, pit of the stomach depression, only comes occasionally thank goodness.
I feel the same about old faces disappearing, it is sad but good to see people gain in confidence.
Keep doing what you do best! rAAAAAAAAA! lol
f x
Hi Elizabeth, hope you are well?
First time I have logged on in a while so first stop is to catch up on your story then updated mine.
big hugs xxx
Hi E!
Just read your last post(great post at that) and i know exactly how you feel when you wrote "where i still find myself mulling over the past,not beating myself up just still stuck as to why a seemly bright person would put themselves through all that shiat.when all i needed to do was talk to someone about how i felt".
Couldn't have put it better myself...we all get those days...And after reading many diaries on here i get the impression we are all Bright people on here! When it comes to why we put ourselves through what we did...i don't think there is a reasonable answer..i've tried to search the WHY i started and conintued gambling even though it ended in ruins - but still came up blank!
Its probably best not to wonder WHY!
It hasn't helped me and if anything any time the thought of the WHY comes into my brain - its only made me depressed.
So...no WHYS from now on...your gamble free and moving on.Life sucks at times,i know that...but your still going strong.
Have a great Weekend E!
thankyou peeps
All is going fine,not posting much but always reading,struggling financially abit with christmas on the way,but have been through worse lol.
not posting on others at the mo as computer letters have been lost due to LO and some coke so i hope all are well.as its taking me an age to write anything.
staying strong
L xx
Hi E
Glad to hear you are still going strong.......made up actually!
Yep I'm back, tail hanging! But believe me it will soon be wagging!
Hugs Sue xxx
thanks Libs
still wading through S***e but still breathing. xx
hi peeps,
all is well,back working fulltime as new receptionist seems to be allergic to work lol
this time last year i'd had a few slips but this year im looking forward to christmas,just about to head out for some shopping.
hope everyone is ok will catch up with diaries as soon as i have a spare hour to fully catch up with everyone.hadnt realised it was so long since id been on here.
thinking of all you peeps who have supported me may not be on much but my diary and cyber pals are never far away from my thoughts.
staying strong
l xx
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