Am I actually G.F?

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Talking at work the other day and the realisation hit me... For the first time since I was 18 I can probably class myself as Gambling Free... I had a brief spell in 2017/18 where I made a promise to someone so didn't gamble at all during that period, that being sad I still had access to gambling etc, since closing the account in my partners name after coming to the conclusion I was still gambling everyday even if I wasn't depositing I genuinely haven't missed it!! No online access to gambling anymore and I really couldn't care less about it, I could go to the bookies but don't feel any need or want too... I have actually got an event coming up within the gambling world but I'm actually looking forward to just attending and not necessarily participating, more going for what's on after the gambling plus it's a night away in a hotel 🙂🙂

Overall it's been a long road and at times I never thought it would be possible but my attitude to gambling, expectations of gambling have all totally changed.

Get the balance in your life right and I genuinely believe anyone can improve on gambling, there maybe issues in life that people don't want to admit is causing their addiction to turn to gambling, the quicker anyone can face those things the better.


All the best everyone 

Posted : 21st May 2024 5:09 am
Posts: 19

It's a great story this. I once went a year without gambling and it was incredible. Then I went back to it and life on every aspect is awful. I'm 42 and I think that there's no time left and it's pointless to change and that I've lost. 

It's a cancer. Even when people stop for ages, it comes back. I hate it. Worst thing. My life would literally have been better in every way shape and form if I'd never gambled. 

Posted : 21st May 2024 9:04 am
Posts: 143
Topic starter

@v78on051pl it's never too late mate, at 42 you've still got alot of life left ahead of you, you've got years hopefully ahead of you, if you lived until 82 would you really want to look back and think wow I gave up when I was only half way through life, what if I hadn't? 

I have no doubt gambling could comeback into my life but I've learnt what triggers it so hopefully going forward I can avoid those moments.

All the best mate, please don't give up 

Posted : 21st May 2024 9:59 am
Posts: 19

@brownie889 Thanks. I really appreciate that. I'm going to try.

Posted : 21st May 2024 10:04 am
Posts: 19

@brownie889 Thanks. I really appreciate that. I'm going to try.

Posted : 21st May 2024 10:04 am
Posts: 306

@brownie889 That is incredible.  Well done.  Reading posts like this really gives me hope that maybe one day I can be in the same situation.  I am trying to look into my triggers as well.

@v78on051pl) Mate we are the same age (well I turn 42 next month!).  I get where you are coming from but there is every reason to change we have our entire life ahead of us. 

It is all relative, when I was 18 I thought being 30 was really old.  I now meet 30 year olds and they look and sound so young.  Now imagine that you are 60 and in good health, working and with an active social life, looking back at a 42 year old whippersnapper, what would the 60 year old you tell yourself?  'Don't gamble, it's not worth it.  Your best years lie ahead'

Posted : 21st May 2024 8:27 pm
Posts: 19

@thebean Wow. The "42 year old whippersnapper" is just such a great statement. And yes you are so correct. I really need to think about this particular statement a lot. Thank you for the reply.

Posted : 21st May 2024 10:31 pm

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