Better to Ramble than Gamble.

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Day 121

Yes 4 months not quite 1/3 of a year yet especially with this stupid leap day this year. An extra day to be gamble free but that's not going to worry me. I've even booked the day off in work as I refuse to work on Feb 29th it wasn't there last year. I think I have booked of the last 4.

Some good and bad news today. the ex has got a job starting Monday only with an agency not what she wants but it's a job that will pay the bills. No messing from her less than a week out of work

The bad news the sky box is knackered spent over an hour on the phone to Christoper in the Sky call centre in Mumbai a lovely chap but could not get it to work no matter how many times I turned it on and off for him. He needs to send an engineer and wanted to charge me £130 for the privilege but soon decided £60 would be better after a few more minutes chatting to me only £35 after a bit more chatting with me he decided to check with his manager and it seems they valued my custom and did not want me to leave so very generously offered to come out free of charge. Unfortunately Christoper and his manger could not get anyone out till Monday but felt that was unacceptable so thought a good will gesture of a free months service would be suitable compensation.

I have filled out the survey they sent me an expressed my gratitude for both their efforts in resolving my issues. At one stage Christoper even suggested using a PS4 to get sky go dispite his efforts he was not able to provide me with the funds to buy one.

So I suppose it wasn't that bad news with no gambling thoughts it turned out to be quite an enjoyable evening


Posted : 22nd January 2016 10:37 pm
Posts: 0

So close man...You need to work on those negotiation skills 😉

Love that...I'm booking the 29th off too - only not this year coz I have no leave left but next time we have one, I'm so doing that 🙂

For what it's worth, if you were my waste of space CG ex, I'd be taking you back like a shot...You've changed so much in these few months & it's lovely to see you fighting so hard - ODAAT

Posted : 22nd January 2016 10:43 pm
Posts: 1789
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Its what I do for a living but I'm normally on the end of the phone to the angry customer wanting something for nothing if they come over all angry they get the bare minimum I can do if they are nice to me no messing about they get the best I can do no questions asked. So be nice and you will be rewarded but I'm sure your always nice ODAAT

Posted : 22nd January 2016 10:49 pm
Posts: 0

It's my middle name 😉

Anyway, what's your stance then on a wailing woman...I literally can't make an IT related phonecall without Tiny Tears stabbing me in the eyes :-0

Posted : 22nd January 2016 10:55 pm
Posts: 1789
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It does pull on the heart stings more now if you can associate with someone it does help and honesty works it worked for my with payday debts telling them my situation and what I was dong to put things right saved my about half of what I owed them. And people who call up before they get in trouble get help rather than burying there head in the sand like I did. Tiny tears has its place and they usually come from a big heart.

Posted : 22nd January 2016 11:07 pm
Posts: 1345

Hi Martin

The steps huh! There are four core elements to GA. The Steps, Sponsorship, Involvement and Meetings. Unfortunately most members only avail themselves of the final one. They miss out on what GA has to offer. You can't complete the Steps. They are ongoing and should always be undertaken with the guidance of a sponsor. When to start them? Again take guidance from your sponsor. But in my experience, get on with it the sooner the better. Nowhere does it say you can't step back if it gets too much. Again discussion with your sponsor will help you know if you need a break or need to push on. ​


Posted : 23rd January 2016 9:47 am
Posts: 1789
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DAY 122

A third of a year gamble free how I have changed if only someone could see

KTF I am

Posted : 23rd January 2016 10:52 pm
Posts: 4422


Fella I think you should take a step back and marvel what you have achieved, folk will notice the difference in your being, it's plain to see,recovery is a life choice, for us there's no end date, no point where we are cured, but from that don't be disheartened because we are in a truly unique position, because every day we make a decision to abstain we really do WIN.

Enjoy it,embrace all it gifts, the good will outweigh the S***e.

Abstain and maintain

Duncs stepping forward never back.

P.s it's an honour to be standing by your side in recovery.

Posted : 24th January 2016 12:42 am
Posts: 0

Hello Oldhamktf,

Well done on 1/3 of a year gamble free. That is some achievement. You should be really proud of yourself. I'm sure it's improved your life.

I'm finally beginning to see sense after 13 years of gambling. It's a diary like yours that inspires me to quit gambling.

Well done!


Posted : 24th January 2016 7:25 am
Posts: 372

Hey Martin just read your diary from day one. Gee whizz how far have you came! absolutely fantastic commitment to a gf life. Makes a good read for any newbies to the forum. Oh and have you watched Dexter?

Posted : 24th January 2016 10:40 am
Posts: 1789
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Day 123

It's as Easy as 123 if only eh!!!

Thanks for your comments o know I'm doing well and am very proud of where I am and I appreciate you all pointing that out but you guys are not the someone I want to notice.


Posted : 24th January 2016 5:13 pm
Posts: 372

Keep going as you are Martin and you never know!

Posted : 24th January 2016 5:17 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Martin , bit late buddy but well done on your 123 days , fantastic mate and am so pleased to be alongside you on your journey , keep nipping to the shed for a crafty cigi ! Take care buddy !

Posted : 24th January 2016 5:45 pm
Posts: 0

Hi, Martin,

Well done and keep going, keep making the right choices for you, because you want it, not for anyone else. The positive changes will definitely filter through to the people around you.



Posted : 24th January 2016 7:01 pm
Posts: 1789
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Cheers guy's.

I am doing it for myself I like the new me would just love to be able to share it one day maybe I ain't giving up hope.

I've spent a few hours today reading the first and last post on people's diaries ice done about 5 pages of them and nearly all of them are wining on one way or another not giving up and fighting the battle. If it's one day or 1001 were making positive changes and your diaries show you this. The inspiration is out there you just need to look for it


Posted : 24th January 2016 9:40 pm
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