Better to Ramble than Gamble.

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Hey Martin congratulations and well done on turning your life around and being gamble free for 356 days. Truly amazing inspiration to everyone xx wcid

Posted : 23rd September 2016 7:03 am
Posts: 0

Well done on the milestone, bittersweet but the journey's worthwhile. Keep reaping the rewards.



Posted : 23rd September 2016 7:08 am
Posts: 480

Hey Oldham,

Huge congrats on reaching the year, never doubted you would get there.

Its funny I've never met you but you are someone I really look up to. I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Posted : 23rd September 2016 7:41 am
Posts: 0

Happy Birthday Martin! I couldn't do a fancy pants cake like you, so I took a photo of the cake I made for you instead (honest guv!)

Big congratulations Martin, you've come such a long way and as I said last night, there are only bigger and better things to come for you. You're a gent and an inspiration to us all. I expect your mum will have a cold one waiting tonight, and that she's proud as punch of you. Enjoy your day Martin!

Keep on keeping the faith, and showing us all the way.

Twinks xx

Posted : 23rd September 2016 7:50 am
Sam Crow
Posts: 551

Happy birthday Martin. Mixed emotions today for you no doubt but look at the positives - no gambling for a year, more quality time with your son and you're in recovery!

Well done

Posted : 23rd September 2016 9:04 am
Posts: 390

Happy 1st year bet free Martin.

It's been an absolute pleasure to watch your progress and your ongoing commitment to recovery and help others on this site.

Doing it properly and doing it well.


Posted : 23rd September 2016 9:13 am
Posts: 264

Massive congrats Martin! You've committed to recovery and turned your life around - inspiring for us all 🙂

Posted : 23rd September 2016 1:12 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

My name is Martin I am a compulsive gambler and I've not had a bet for 365 days.

Well I'm overwhelmed with all the kind words and actually quite speechless but I suppose I better have a bit of a ramble.

When I logged onto this site 12 months ago, I'll be honest I was quite sceptical. How will me wirting down my thoughts help, no one would understands how I feel, to be honest I didn't expect to stop. I thought if I showed some willing the people around me would yeah he's doing ok just leave him to it.

I'd been kicked and I know I'd f****d up again but I'd be able to talk my way out of it I'd spend a few nights at my mums a week tops and id be back home. Giving the false promises I'd given before but I'd be back gambling as soon as I got my hands on some gambling tokens.

That thought process changed when I went to my first GA meeting. I was lucky the first therapy I heard was a guy who had come back and declared a bet after about 18 months gamble free I could relate to so much he said it was like I was talking and looking down on myself, I soon realised I was in the right place and needed to take this seriously and very soon my mindset changed.

I've put my all into recovery I replaced my gambling addiction with the addiction ti recovery. I've never missed a week at GA, I have read on here day in day out. I've listened to all the advice I have been given the majority I have put into action. Not all was for me but I've never dismissed anything without thinking it through.

I can't thank people enough on here and I will check in with you all in time but I have to mention a few

Bal for welcoming me on my first day and his continued support, Dan another who said hi on day 1 but has continued make me think and push the barriers. Tri for being a constant in my recovery be it in my diary or in chat. Loxxie for her positivity her morning posts always helped set the tone for the day, Dunc, Louis, V, Gary and Sandra I love to read your diaries more often than not I have to read them a few times but it's worth it. A few fallen solider salting the way I like to think you are doing well out there but there always room for you back here jigsaw, I wished(Suzanne) GT and Rob. A quick mention for the other side of the fence some don't always agree with their opinions but I have nothing but admiration for CW, WCID, Cathy and HL. There's lots more I could mention in truth anyone who has posted just once in here or been in chat have all helped me in one way or another.

A special mention goes to Alan and Deano. Both have got me through some dark times with honesty and humour. You both know how I feel about you I don't need to say anymore, thanks.

New target set complete a calendar year GF. Your more than welcome to join me ODAAT.

KTF I can only thank all you who have in me.

Posted : 23rd September 2016 1:25 pm
Posts: 0

365? That's huge...well done to you. I always like to read your diary. It's honest. You share the good as well as the bad...the ups and the downs...and you show that recovery is possible. Seems to me that this last year has been much more than simply not placing a bet. You're are a great ambassador for GA and I'm grateful that you're here passing it forwards.

Onwards and upwards. Enjoy the celebrations x

Posted : 23rd September 2016 1:44 pm
Posts: 0

Martin a massive well done on reaching a huge milestone.
I sobbed eating my cereal this morning. Reading the post's from other's to you.
If there's a diary on the forum that shows that even at your lowest there's a way back. This is the one.
Your support to me and everyone on the forum has been solid throughout.
Also a special mention to drunk Martin who texts me late at night
Because It definitely is better to ramble than gamble
You've done yourself and your son proud.
Enjoy your day brother you have earned it.
Deano xx

Posted : 23rd September 2016 2:15 pm
Heather 67
Posts: 64

Hello all,

I am very new to this, joined yesterday to be precise ! Seven years ago I started gambling, it started small, then after loosing about 1000 it turned into panic, I kept going in the hope that I would win back my losses, it has always been on the online slots, the ironic thing is on a 125.00 a go spin I won 17000, that would have got me back to where I had started, so I withdrew it right, wrong ! My head was then telling me, hold on you could win big here, cut a story that went on for about two months short I ended up loosing 45000. My husband found out and understandably went mad, I had a rather large pension, and took some money out of that to pay him back in full, all sorted then, no ! We will come back to the pension in a minute, Despite all this a few months later I started gambling again, looking back it seems that my reasoning for gambling is it is a good way of getting extra cash, problem was when I did have a big win my head would say keep going you could get it bigger !!! I used to tell myself my new gambling was not a problem as I only spent the spare income I had, did not get into debt to fund it and never borrowed to fund it. And so it continued for years, one evening I came back from work to a letter from hmrc appears the company I used to realise the funds were not legitimate and the matter was going to be investigated, and could result in a payment owing of 25000 for the vat not paid on the payment release. And that was it, I started gambling away our savings to try and get 25000, listening to myself now, I can't believe what an idiot I was, two days ago my husband found out and understandably went mad, my clothes were on the front door step when I got home and I have been sleeping on my daughters sofa since, the plus side of this is that she is studying to be a counsellor and has recently been studying gambling so has been an absolute god send. Sorry for the rant guys but It really has helped just writing it all down. I have read some of the stories on here and it has made me realise I'm am not unique just another statistic in a very worrying addiction

Posted : 23rd September 2016 2:24 pm
Heather 67
Posts: 64

P.s. Sorry for the rant but I feel like a valve that has been released

Posted : 23rd September 2016 2:32 pm
Posts: 1345

Well done Martin on your continued recovery. Its no coincidence that those that put the most in get the most out. Your motivation & willingness to do whatever is needed has been a joy to observe. Now i think you promised once you had got to a year, you would seek out a sponser & begin the steps. So enjoy your acheivement & peoples deserved words then hit the books 😉

Posted : 23rd September 2016 3:32 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

Hi heather it's not a problem I'm out with my son so will respond to you later in full what i would say is no matter how much you win you won't stop.

I would suggest you start your own diary just click on the new topic at the bottom of the page and copy your first post into there and the good people on here will respond with advise for you.

Listen to what people say with an open mind and try and put as much into place to help you stop as you can.


Posted : 23rd September 2016 4:06 pm
Heather 67
Posts: 64

Thank you ktf, I have tried looking for the 'new topic' don't know if I am being stupid, but cannot see it, in my head I think if I hit big that will be it, but I guess your right, win big then all you will do is try and win big again ! I will go and buy a diary tomorrow and start putting stuff in there straight away, thank you for talking to me and I look forward to hearing from you later

Heather x

Posted : 23rd September 2016 4:42 pm
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