Better to Ramble than Gamble.

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I dunno , anything to get a bleedin day off ! .

Look after yourself mate , your in the right place and I'm glad your ok :))

Ps , Get em to check your bags out while your in there ?


Posted : 5th October 2016 9:44 am
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

I've not had a bet today or since my last post.

Still in hospital absolutely nothing new to report, only that Thursday seems to be a quiet day on the doctor front never had the privilege of seeing one yesterday.

Been getting a little frustrated with the slow pace of everything 3 days for an ultra sound scan an then nearly 24 hours and still no results back to me, I keep politely enquiring for updates but it does seem like he who shouts loudest seems to get their results a tad quicker

I did lose it a bit yesterday not with the nurses that's not my style, I had a moment of inner screaming because I was having a scan yesterday I couldn't eat fortunately I knew this the night before so I got my mum to bring in s few sandwiches for me which I ate them before 12. missed breakfast came back from my scan just before lunch and was told I still couldn't eat till my scan had been reviewed so no lunch. about 2ish I was given a sandwich and told I could eat again, looked forward to dinner allday only for 5 to come and be told it was soup and sandwich took the wind right out of me.

I got my brother to drop something off I couldn't have done the night without a hot meal, couldn't call my mum and dad as they've gone on there holidays, mums worried about me but she can't do anything, got a text she's arrived safe and sound as she text me from some bar with a San Miguel in her hand.

Thanks for all your well wishes I have tried to have a catch up on the forum but my head wasn't in the right place and I was just seeing negatives where ever I looked. So I will catch up in time with all the diaries when I'm a little more tolerant


Posted : 7th October 2016 6:08 am
Posts: 0

Fancy a Sandwich Martin ? :))

Loxxie said , "They were waiting for a new Scanner to be sent over from Sweden " as apparently " You were far to good looking for the British model to cope with " ? , personally I just think your milking it a bit now and having such a good time being pampered by the nurses you don't want to go home ?

See even Mum's got fed up with you and gone off for afew beers with the Spanish lads , telling you something mate ? :))

Stay safe buddy , hope you get well soon xx

Posted : 7th October 2016 9:21 am
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

Cheers Alan im out now none the wiser to what's wrong. Nice to be out even if I'm bruised all over with all the needles they've been sticking in me, felt like I was a practice dartboard for some. It appears my veins don't like blood being taken from them.

Stopped of on the way home for a chippy lunch so feel nice and content now with a full belly.


Posted : 7th October 2016 1:34 pm
Posts: 0

Hope you enjoyed the Fish n Chips buddy , funny I didn't see you in the lunchtime Q though , you should have piped up I'd have stuck some Scraps on top :))

When they were searching for Veins did you hear em shout " One Hundred and Eighty " or " Double top to finish "?

Glad your back old buddy :)).

Talk to you soon :))

Posted : 7th October 2016 1:41 pm
Posts: 0

Knock , Knock , Just checking in on you mate , it's unlike you not to make an appearance unless your back in hospital of course ? .

I hope your not mate and alls well with you and yours and I'll catch up soon .

Take care Martin x

Posted : 13th October 2016 1:16 pm
Posts: 480

Hey Oldham,

Just wanted to say hi and hope all is well with your health.

Take care.


Posted : 16th October 2016 9:16 am
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

I've not had a bet today or since my last post.

Thanks for checking in with me Alan and Damo and the others for the texts emails and and FB messages.

I'm on the mend don't know exactly what the problem. To be honest it was nice whilst I was laid up in bed in the hospital not having to worry about the day to day life if you know what I mean.

I logged on a couple of times while in hospital and I'm not sure if it was the mood I was in but half the posts where just frustrating me so I backed away.

I've not missed it at all feel But I do feel guilty about it l. If all the people who was pulling me out of the hole I was in this time last year had the same attitude, where would I be today.

I will be back offer support in time but for now I'll be taking a back seat.

Going to start looking into my own recovery more whilst spending time trying to fix others is great and will always be a part but I need to look at me, got a few meetings set up over the next months looking into starting to work on the steps through GA, something I always said I would do after a year gamble free, not sure if it's for me but I said that about GA and that turned out ok. I'm not standing still even though I don't gamble anymore you still have to be push yourself and take a risk remember nothing changes if nothing changes.


Posted : 16th October 2016 5:40 pm
Posts: 0

Dude it's great to see a post.
Let me just add that the only person you owe support to is yourself. You have been solid through the last 12 months. It's time to look after Martin
I'm pleased that your on the mend aswell.
I'm also pleased you're taking the next (step) in your recovery
I'm making this sound like a good bye post but I'll probably speak to you tomorrow lol
Keep working it I know you will
Biggest of kisses

Posted : 16th October 2016 6:17 pm
Posts: 0

Nice to hear from you Martin , just do what you need to do buddy but in all honesty you already knew that :))

Talk to you again sometime x

Posted : 16th October 2016 6:57 pm
Posts: 1701

Yeah I look up to you and Alan in equal measures. Both been fantastic to me even when I've messed up. Do whatever you need to do pal to stay safe. Glad to hear you're on the mend.

Posted : 16th October 2016 9:31 pm
Posts: 1789
Topic starter

I've not had a bet today or since my last post.

Well on Tuesday I have my open meeting at GA where I will get a pin for my one gamble free. It's open for all to attend so if anyone is around the Oldham area you more than welcome to pop in.

I'm just writing my therapy for it I've been doing for a while now and as you know I like to ramble. I've just printed it out all 17 pages yes you read right 17pages and I thought I had cut loads out. I've got my highlighter pen out and some serious editing going on tonight. Otherwise it will be my own personal open meeting.

I'm looking forward to it with nervous anticipation I'm sure they will be tears I've been known to get emotional at the littlest thing so this will be tough.


Posted : 20th October 2016 4:38 pm
Posts: 390

Congrats for next week pal. I can well remember my first pinning and being nervous. Tried to stick to some themes but was an incoherent mess.

I care for my dad on Tuesday's otherwise I'd have made the effort. We have an ex-Oldham member at our meeting now but don't think your paths crossed.

All the best.

Posted : 20th October 2016 6:11 pm
Posts: 0

It's about time you turned up again :)) 17 pages ?????? That's almost as long as my wedding speech and I had to cover my daughters life from birth to 31 , you must have had a long year mate :)) .

Great forthcoming event Martin , youv'e earnt it buddy and there's nothing wrong in showing a bit of emotion along the way , I know what youv'e been through to get here and take that pin and I'm aleways proud to be walking alongside you :))

Stay well old Pal and I'll catch up soon xx

Posted : 20th October 2016 6:29 pm
Posts: 480

I would wish you good look Oldham, but I know that no luck is required.

So I will simply say congrats.....enjoy your night when it arrives.

Posted : 20th October 2016 7:51 pm
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