WOW Mate !! , Strange feeling for me just looking back and remembering them as they were happening to you , so for you it's must be full of all sorts of emotions ? , your positivity's been there from the start Martin , you did what you had to do in order to turn things around and how youv'e done that my old friend .
I am going to give you a pat on the back mate simply because you deserve it , weve walked this path together from your very first day and I'm even prouder now to have been alongside you all the way .
Love and respect Martin ( Oldham KTF )
Alan xx
Be honest Martin you could have asked for someone better but they'd all gone home so you were stuck with me :)) .LOL !
Cheers for the compliment me old mate I'm welling up now !
Stay safe Brother xx
THANKYOU for sharing this with us Martin. ...
I must confess to needing a tissue....
Thanks also for sharing your kebab with me the other night...
Only don't tell know he'll make two and two equal ten.
Mahooosuve well done you for turning yourself around x
Hi Martin, thank you for sharing and you really do deserve a pat on the back. I feel proud of you and don't know you. Your story has also inspired me even more to beat this awful addiction. Well done x
Hey there,
Awesome post above and am very proud of you!
Well done on 400 days - keep on trucking and applying all the helpful tools to your recovery
S x
Well done mate - proud to walk alongside you
Hi old buddy :)) Wot no cake ???? , mind you your the only bloke who can make a decent 3 tier jobby on here and it would seem abit strange making one just for yourself , LOL .
Hope your mum's got some more beers in mate coz you definately deserve another , thirsty work all this recovery malarky !
Well done on another milestone reached 400 day's , glad to be always glancing over my shoulder too make sure your there , don't know why because I know you always will be :)) .
Have a great day Sir Martin of Oldham .
AL xxx
Thanks for sharing that with us all Martin. You have given recovery everything you've got and you are turning your life around - an inspiration to us all behind you on the recovery timeline.
Your mum sounds like a lovely person - must admit to having a lump in my throat when you talk about your parents!
You can relax a little more this weekend having shared your therapy at GA - sure it must have been a big challenge emotionally and physically with the time/effort you put into it so enjoy this weekend and have a beer or two - we'd all buy you one if we were able to!
Well done mate.
Morning " DAD " :)) Thanks for stepping in the other day before things got too ugly xx
Hello Martin , Look as long as your happy and it's working all's good mate , you have to put yourself first in this recovery thingy and do what's best , I've dropped away on more than one occasion as your more than aware and then get a new lease of life and come back refreshed , I'll probably stop one day but at the moment enjoy being here :)) .
As long as I know your safe and well old buddy I'm happy for you and it's not like the first day's of us being on here when a few day's of silence had us both freaking out thinking the worse , as were both not complacent but in a far better place than when we arrived :)) .
Don't be too much of a stranger though eh ! .
Lots of love Buddy
AL xx
Not had a bet today or since my last post.
Been out for a few beers in my local today and news starts filtering through that you don't want to hear. A friend of mine has taken his life I don't know why, he's always seemed to have his struggles but on the outside he seemed fine. He not what I would class as my inner circle but I would cross the road to say hi. Just been talking to his close friends and they are mystified I'm sure he has his reasons. It crossed my mind several times never planned anything more the thought of I hope I don't wake up tomorrow. Gutted devasted angry I don't know just wish he shouted for help I'd have given it as would the dozen close mates he has.
If you feel in that hole ask for help don't ignore what ever demons you have Tharp and e people out there who will be there for you.
KTF Dave Gee
Again, no words can make sense of the loss but second your plea...Reach out when it hurts guys!
No point me saying keep strong Martin, I know you will always KTF - ODAAT
Hi Old buddy , just looged on and saw your post :(( That's awfull mate and such a shame that as you said he couldn't have spoken to someone as it all seems such a waste of life . That's easy for us to say now I suppose though , like you I'd contenplated it before finding help here and it's only now after being in a better place and state of mind for a while I can see how much Dunc's word's ring true " It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem . My partners younger brother commited suiside many years before I met her and to this day She's no idea why and I think that really troubles her to this day ! .
Stay safe Martin , thinking of you and your poor friend xx
Hi Martin,
Read your post yesterday and it played on my mind big time uptil now. So sorry to hear about your friend 🙁
Don't want to sound depressive or low & i understand the question "why". I did ask myself the same earlier this year when my Mummy decided to leave us...unsuccessfully thank god!
I do understand the thinking of such troubled soul. It can be many reasons why people choose that way out. No way I'm an expert in understanding the psyche of this, but i believe many people goes cause they think they are doing others a favour :-(. Maybe i should spk for myself here. That's how i feel sometimes. It's indeed the easy way out, but at the time of the "red mist" you forget the rationality and consequences. It's the momentum what is the most dangerous one.
Our inner reflect is to protect ourselves right, but when you find yourself worthless and indeed confused, you turn such "sense" against oneself...and man...we do shout..we truly do but not out loud for people to hear. That's just common trait in v troubled souls. We fail to ask for help.
Suicide is labelled as a crazy act, selfish and cold. Possibly it is for a straight thinking person, it's whe whole different story for the one who goes through such thoughts.
Sorry if sounded too low or wasn't helpful at all in this post. Please let me know & i will delete it.
Reaching out for help is a must, finding strength for such move is very hard but possible.
RIP your friend.
S x
Morning Martin , hope your feeling a little better this morning ? Sometimes a nights sleep can give you bit of clarity on coming to terms with things and others nmay take a little longer to understand .
Thanks for the post yesterday , Yeah were hopeing they'll be with us for xmas , ther's usually a housefull and this year will be no exception so I'm sure they'll be spoilt rotten :)) .
Dog m**f's seriously ? , I googled it and laughed my @r*e off :)) , I could just see my terrier walking down the street in those , she'd look like Biggle's on 4 legs ! , think I'd rather drug her LoL !
Cheers buddy . hope you have a goodun mate xx
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