Cognitive regret

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"Today is the tomorrow you were so worried about, yesterday".

Great words when you need to keep on fighting.

Stay strong!



Posted : 2nd January 2021 3:55 pm
Posts: 607
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I was reading up on one of the casinos getting fined in a country because it had been sending out emails to a VIP and giving him perks. This was against that countries betting rules and they decided to issue the casino a fine. The turnover of that particular casino in 2019 was over half a billion pounds and the fine was set at 2,5 million pounds.  One company makes half a billion pounds in turnover in a year. That is a mind-blowing amount as it is only 1 casino out of hundreds of online casinos.  Think about what kind of exposure this can buy you in advertising. The newspapers, tv ads influencers, etc. This one company can afford to buy a permanent place on any kitchen table anywhere and again it is only one company. 

If you want to be without the exposure from these giants you are going to have to work on it. I am fighting text messages on my phone still after all this time they still bombard me with them. I hardly watch the Ads on TV anymore because I do not agree with the brainwashing they try and do. It is unfair that you as a gambling addict won't be left alone to heal but the industry is so big that it can influence anyone anywhere so if you want peace YOU have to make the decision to make that peace.

Stay strong, never give up never surrender!




Posted : 22nd February 2021 6:15 am
Posts: 55

Great post. Great advice.


Posted : 22nd February 2021 8:46 am
Posts: 53

Very true, thanks @c43h . I wonder how much of their profits come from problem gamblers?

Posted : 22nd February 2021 12:48 pm
Posts: 90

You make a very good point.

One service I completely endorse is the Telephone Preference Service. It's a UK Government-approved scheme whereby you fill out your name and mobile number and it then makes it illegal for companies to cold-call you...or cold-text you.

Of course, it doesn't work if a company is contacting you because you registered with it and gave it permission to do so, but it does work in cases where a company has bought your information from a third party and is contacting you to offer you things.

Posted : 22nd February 2021 8:07 pm
Posts: 71

i dont think they will ever stand up and say oh yes your a gambler that cant be cured heres a load of money to say we are sorry we did this 

Posted : 17th April 2021 8:12 pm
Posts: 71

i think any one can be gamble free but i also beleive that the person will not feel like this untill they 100% know they want to quit gambling my opinion is if a person beleives they cannot be cured they are not ready to quit 

This post was modified 4 years ago by stace123
Posted : 17th April 2021 8:13 pm
Posts: 607
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It is never a problem till you make it a problem.

The glass can always be half empty or half full depending on how you see it

If you say that you can or you can´t. You are right.

I had a friend of mine who called me and said his son quit his day job just to do sport punts. As I have a lot of experience as a gambling addict I asked him if he was concerned about this? He said no he was not that way inclined. We spoke no more about it but I still wonder what might happen. I remember saying that it is never a problem till there is a problem right? He agreed.

The above quotes I love. They are positive and they bring you out of the box. And we need to be out of the box so we can look at ourselves objectively. If you look at slots forex and see it as a glorified excel sheet. Would it entice you to gamble more? Well, it is a glorified excel sheet so think about that and no one can tell me that those online roulettes are real? They smell of magnets a hundred miles away to such an extent that one almost should beg them to try and make it more real looking. That would be fair at least.

We normally gamble because we are stuck in something else ( Depression mental health ocd Parkinsons loneliness etc) Identify where you're not happy and address that. Changing your state means creating a new way of thinking about the problem. It can be done but you need to be on the threshold so you can transition that change. It can be done. 

Stay strong stay safe!





Posted : 28th April 2021 10:23 am
Posts: 607
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I got to read in the papers today where a lab in Israel can switch off the brain connectors to boosting efforts to treat disorders. The article link I would like to post but it takes too long for admin to ok these links so I will summarise that this discovery is the first step to create the magic pill that we need to stop gambling by turning off the relevant parts of our brains that control our impulses to gamble. I sent an email to that scientist to congratulate him and he returned my email and was pleased I made contact with him. The discovery is a few years away before we can use it for anything but this can definitely be the start to that magic pill we all need to change behaviors so have hope for the future. It just started looking very much better.



Posted : 12th May 2021 6:36 pm
Posts: 607
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Hopefully, I have found the right place to put my posts now.

I had a thought regarding chasing losses. Most people who place bets on slots or roulettes or bets or horses seem to chase losses. Then they burn it when they win and become complacent. Could we agree that if one took away the entire word "chasing losses." The only thing that would be left is repeating a behavior? Because the issue has NOTHING and I mean NOTHING to do with the money you have but EVERYTHING about what you do with your money. We have taught ourselves how to repeat a pattern ( Look at Dr skinner conditioning and the pigeon or Skinner and the rat/ Or look at Pavlov who rang the bell for conditioning the dogs and they salivated at the signal NOT the food) We were taught and learnt our behaviour means we do the same thing again and again and again. The casino's job is to make it look entertaining and as they have all your money they can put a whole lot down on marketing so you perceive it to be fun but it is just a behaviour And if you can recognise it as such and not hide it in fifty lairs of mental anguish then you can start to see yourself holistically. Because we do think we are all important etc and that how can anything like that ever happen to me. It happens to everyone who has a tendency to learn a behaviour. A mobile phone behaviour now has more followers than any religion on the planet

And guess what. That is an addiction to.





Posted : 20th May 2021 12:01 pm
Posts: 607
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First my thanks to the admin for allowing me to show this.

This is a kind of holistic look at how our brains work.  Yes, there are more considerations than this one look at how things are. What about trauma forex. How is that dealt with? I don't have all the answers in this one film. You need to separate it to get an overview.

This is a very good view of how our brains function. It gives you an idea of why we get hooked on stuff, and how we should try to go about making those important changes that we need for a better tomorrow.



Posted : 24th May 2021 12:59 pm
Posts: 607
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How we think how we act

Don't ask why it happened. Ask how can I change it. Don't ask how did I get into this find out how to get out of this. Don´t say I can not do it, think about how you can change it. Take all your problems. Imagine for a second that you are in a movie theater. Watching all those problems that you have. Close those eyes if you need to but make that mental movie clear. You are alone in that theater. Watching your gambling history. The catastrophic impact the pain the hurt the guilt that you feel. Enhance it.

Now. rewind that movie. Watch it again. But take away all the color so you are watching it in black/white

Now rewind it again and remove all sound and color and better yet still zoom out from the main screen and make it small.

Do it again and zoom in now change it to brighter colors. and play a radio song while you are watching.

Once you have rewinded and watched the movie 3-4 times I want you to mentally walk out of that cinema

go outside breathe in the fresh air and promise your mind a few hours of peace. 

Because if you look at your problems differently. The problem will be different.

Try it.




Posted : 30th May 2021 9:21 am
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