Day 1 again

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Posts: 401


Hi Tom,

Welcome back, my friend.  And you've made the same realisation that I've made myself (many times!) and that is - it requires hard work and commitment, this.  It's easy to come in all positive and bright and breezily determined to stop but these initial feelings fade fast unless we quickly get a balance of the situation.

That is, recognising this addiction will quickly bite us again if we're not careful or prepared. 

For me, and probably for you, too, blocks are crucial. Go to Gamstop (phone 'em up) and ask for the 5 year abstention period.  Then you can't gamble online with legitimate online casinos.  If you try to buck this and gamble with illegitimate casinos that Gamstop doesn't cover then more fool you, because they will find every reason not to pay to out. And so it's not worth the risk. (I tried this and they refused to pay me. So more fool me, too.)

You need support, so do share with others BUT only if it's safe to do so and the other person has your interests at heart. Also, if you have loved ones affected by this then trust your instincts; do they need to know? Is this costing them, not just in terms of money but the times you're wasting on the addiction, and all the moods/self-loathing directed at them too?

Just saying it as it is, Tom.  I'm delighted you're back here and delighted you've been honest about your relapse. Full marks for your honesty; I really respect that.

But now's the time for action.  Balance. No need to rush in here all "yippee doo I'm stopping!" (I've done the same in the past, so I'm not judging!).

This is serious. This is your life, your future. And I'm with you here, Tom, as we all are here on Gamcare.



This post was modified 4 years ago by RochG
Posted : 15th April 2021 8:49 am
Posts: 71

you can do it tom , we all can !! good luck tom

Posted : 15th April 2021 8:18 pm
Posts: 71

i love this qoute i say it everyday " addiction is giving up everything for 1 thing , recovery is giving up 1 thing for everything " 

Posted : 15th April 2021 8:20 pm
Posts: 75
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Thank you for your kind words , I really felt like I was on top of this and it wasn’t really bothering me but it was total boredom , I know I need to keep busy and channel my energy onto other things , I took up reading in 1st lockdown so il get back into books and focus on other things . It’s not the finances it’s the lack of control , it’s frightening when I gamble , I have no control or no care and it’s such a strange feeling . A feeling I never want again .

I like to count the days and that’s whT keeps me going , 4 days now and thanks to everyone kind words il be on 5 tomorrow . 

Posted : 18th April 2021 6:49 am
Posts: 401

Hi Tom, hope all's well.  One day at a time, with solid blocks in place, is a good way to go.  Measured, balanced, and real. 

Posted : 22nd April 2021 8:23 pm
Posts: 75
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Firstly let me say how much I need this website , I have become careless and thought I had overcome the worst and not really used this platform effectively, a platform which has helped me through so many bad times . I am now back on here to start a fresh , I fell off the wagon yesterday spending £150 for no apparent reason , this needs nipping in the bid now! . Day 1 and my daily updates on here will help me , the dark days will not return and I will again build those numbers and keep building . 
If you are reading this , writing about this horrible addiction can really help and hopefully we can all get through this together .

Posted : 4th August 2021 9:59 am
Posts: 75
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Day 5 , going strong . 1st weekend of the football season and I thought it would be a struggle but I’m focused and we go into day 6 tomorrow . These days will keep ticking by and I am focused everyday to make sure this happens! 

Posted : 7th August 2021 8:45 pm
Posts: 75
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Day 6 today , taking my daughter to indoor play area and trampoline park . Keeping busy and focusing on the day ahead .

step by step , trust me if you are reading this I have been in deep deep waters with this association meaning I am now in an Iva paying back over £30k . 

This is the now or never moment and 6 days in is the start of my new life . Holidays , houses and cars have bypassed me so far but not anymore . 
I will beat this and keep going . I take huge inspiration from the stories I read on here and in the press and if we can help each other by sharing our journey that’s another source of assistance against this terrible addiction . 
thanks for reading my diary ! Onto day 7 next!

Posted : 8th August 2021 9:00 am
Posts: 75
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Day 9: No real urge to gamble which is amazing , I have managed to watch a lot of football and cricket without the real urge to bet , I think this is because I know it is now or never . I have been on and off gambling for 15+ years and need to stop totally so this is it , i on the cliff edge and know this is it . My life needed to change , I have met a lovely girl and we need a gamble free life and to enjoy the finer things with my hard earned money . I feel 9 days is a big start though I will be pushing and pushing and am totally committed to this 

il keep posting as I believe this is good for my rehab . Thanks for reading .

Posted : 11th August 2021 6:01 am
Posts: 75
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Day 13 now , moving through the days and really enjoying my gamble free life . Lots to look forward to lots booked , just need to stay off the gambling .

good day of sport today but il not lose a penny watching it ! 

Posted : 15th August 2021 8:52 am
Posts: 50

H Tom,

Just caught up with your diary. Firstly well done on coming back to Gamcare, and getting the support that you need. 

Also, big congrats on achieving 15 days, thats over 2 weeks now!


Posted : 15th August 2021 4:17 pm
Posts: 75
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Day 20 today!?

really proud of myself so far , Iv had several thoughts , mainly yesterday as I was looking though the fixtures and also the cricket final but im so glad I decided against it and will continue to do so moving forward . I need to remove myself from any gambling situation or discussions . I have had several relapses which puts all the hard work and dedication a huge waste . I will continue on with this mindset and keep ticking the days off . 
thanks for reading and believe me I was in a bad bad way! So if I can do it yoi can 

Posted : 22nd August 2021 7:37 am
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