Diary 1st entry, Repeatedly letting down everyone who has supported me.....one day ill lose everything

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Scott and Elizabeth thanks for your insight, its always interesting to hear what other gamblers think on these topics!

Keep the feedback coming everyone please, i think this is an interesting topic when it comes to all gamblers

Don't worry Scott this isnt a 'choice' for me, its just more of to get what everyones opinion is on how addiction and other gambling forms that people dont enjoy work

Im not looking to do these other forms but i want to know how other people view them when their vices lie in other forms

I mean i had to do the lottery for my mum on friday but i dont feel bad!! lol


Posted : 28th November 2011 9:11 am
Posts: 0

Hi NIboy

It is a matter of self questioning. Does the other "harmless" forms of gambling such as going horseracing, keep the flame flickering for the fruit machines you crave. Only you know the answer. Why would you want to go horse racing if it bores you?

Take care

Posted : 28th November 2011 9:16 am
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Interesting reponse Smiler!

With me personally Horse Racing is boring. That may also come from the fact that im a massive sports fan both playing and watching and when i see Horse Racing on tv its time to change the channel

Having money on a horse would not make we want to watch it any more than i already do (which is none)

Its the same with odds betting....i dont have any interest in it. Im going to watch that sporting even anyway so i don't need money on it to make it exciting

It also is a case that with those two forms of gambling i dont actually get to DO anything

You put your money on and you watch and see who wins.....seems so dull

With fruit machines and poker i get to play. I put the money in, i make the decisions on how to play and i get caught up in a world of gambling exictement (until i lose)

I guess you could say if your a gambling addict you could learn to be addicted to any form of gambling but i don't think i agree, if the above examples really bore me and i dont enjoy them....i dont see how i would get addicted.

Its a bit like saying i dont like cheese but im addicted to milk. I could get a buzz from drinking milk but everytime ive tried cheese i just dont like it and it doesnt give me abuzz

Maybe a silly example....maybe not?

Who knows 🙂

I love a good debate though!!!

Posted : 28th November 2011 2:55 pm
Posts: 0

One question for you!

Why would you want to do something that is boring such as backing horses?

These demons are cleverer than me!

Take care

Posted : 28th November 2011 3:11 pm
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I guess its the thrill of the chase in a different way. If you love horse racing betting then the chase is watching your ticket to big money racing to the finish line ahead of 7 others

For me my chase is hearing a fruit machine that is full and chasing it until i see red 7s all over the show and bright lights flashing winner and jackpot at me

Seeing as theres actual form to horse racing it probably has a better chance of making you money....but the quick and easy aspect of a fruit machine seems to give me that buzz!

Wish i found them boring! lol

Posted : 28th November 2011 3:20 pm
Posts: 0

Maybe if horse racing had flashing lights and winner flashing at you it might not be boring.I only say that as i went out with the kids for something to eat and ive noticed how my 2yr old always go straight to the fruit machines flashing lights etc maybe its the inner child flashing lights bells dinging etc remind you of toys whe you were little.The flashing lights are there for a reason.

But i have to agree i wish i found them boring lol ;0)

Posted : 28th November 2011 5:18 pm
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Just think what WOULD happen to the jackpot that you may win...

...we all know that it would only be a temporary loan... 🙁

Enjoy your evening.


Posted : 28th November 2011 7:40 pm
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Lol oh i know!

I used to be able to win.

I used to be able to at least walk out with some winnings. Walk when im ahead

But as the years went on i couldnt ever win. I couldnt ever walk away. I might as well have been walking into the amusement arcade and making a donation to them on a daily basis.

Would have been easier to write them a cheque for £500 than spend all the time getting up and down and eventually losing it all.

I think ive got to the point in my gambling life were i can never win ever. Sure all wins are only temporary, but mine are so temporary that they ALL last about 20 mins until everything that is won is lost.

I didnt even get to the go home and go back the next day stage, i dont think i was even playing to win.

I think i was just playing cause i was an addict, there was no buzz....it just became a way of life.

Anyway day 13 has come and gone, no gambling today of my own accord (i think this important as i have money and im not gambling it because i choose not to as opposed to doing it because i said i wouldnt to a loved one as i have done so many times in the past)

2 weeks tomorrow and 1 gambling day in 28

Have to say didnt think i could ever go 28 days only gambling once when i had money and very little pressure on me not to gamble.

Lets see if i can make it 28 with no gambling days!

Good luck everyone

Posted : 28th November 2011 8:41 pm
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Well day 14 came and went yesterday.

I had to admit that i put £3.40 in a local fruit machine yesterday as i was waiting for the bill for my lunch.

However im not going to have a go at myself, i dont feel guilty for what i did. I had £30 more in my wallet and i didnt even consider going to get more change. I just left.

For me its actually a very important moment, i have chosen not to gamble for 14 days and then 14 days again and i have to live with being a Compulsive Gambler for the rest of my life so i need to learn to restrain myself.

I shpuldnt have put the £3.40 into the machine but i did and i dont feel guilty about it because i walked away and got on with my day.

A great point was made about addictions on another diary and that was that going 100% cold turkey is a very difficult thing.

I dont expect myself to just stop gambling now and never ever gamble in any shape or form again, thats unrealistic.

I dont have any urges to gamble today at all, i didnt relaly have any urges yesterday but the machine was there, i had £3.40 in change and in it went.

Its done, i still feel great so ill move on with my day today and look forward to paying off the last remaining £250 i owe to my friend next month.

After thats paid ill have cleared all outstanding debts to friends.

Good luck everyone

Posted : 30th November 2011 3:16 pm
Posts: 0

It would actually have been nice if we were just able to spend the odd £3.40 here and then on fruit machines or any other form of gambling.

That is what gambling should be about - entertainment.

It's just when greedy gambling bosses decided to change the definition of gambling from entertainment to sheer greed.

Four FOBTs in each bookies (and they want eight!), £100 single bets, £2 play for £500 fruit machines and the perils of unlimited betting online.

Sad isn't it?

I do remember when I did enjoy gambling for entertainment before I was sucked into the evil part of the gambling world.

But never again!

Be careful, eh?


Posted : 30th November 2011 3:23 pm
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Your 100% right GT

I rememeber enjoying gambling, it was a source of entettainment and if you got lucky you could make a few quid, a £15 win here and there paid for a carryout for the big night out ahead or something like that

As the years went on i had to bail on the big night because trying to win money for a carryut resulted in me losing the money for the night out!

I wont be looking to start thinking 'i can play a fiver here and there' cause i cant

I dont want to be a gambler, i dont want to try and dip my toes in and see if i can walk away.

Yesterday i could, another day i might not have, ill be avoiding testing myself with that decision. Gambling has cost me enough

But yesterday doesnt affect the progress ive made thanks to this site, the diaries, the responses and my own will power


Posted : 30th November 2011 3:29 pm
Posts: 0

That's great to know mate.

We just cannot afford to give this dark world a trial run just to see if we can beat the system.

Put it simply and mildly - THIS SYSTEM CANNOT BE BEATEN!

The only way that we can win this fight is not to gamble.

Simple really when you think about it...!


Posted : 30th November 2011 3:32 pm
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Simples 🙂

Posted : 30th November 2011 3:34 pm
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day 16

No gambling today

1 gamble in 30 days

Posted : 1st December 2011 6:47 pm
Posts: 355

...and congratulations on that!

Keep posting.

Posted : 1st December 2011 10:53 pm
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