enough is enough got to think about my kids

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time to quit

Enough is enough

I have said to myself so so many times I'm going to stop then as soon as I have the thought or even a slight inkling to gamble everything comes tumbling down. Its so hard I have no will power its pretty pathetic.

Losing hope and continuing to destroy my life and my childrens. Its not fair on them I fear I can't do it,I have tried so many times and ALWAYS ends up being bad, I cannot help myself.

Posted : 9th January 2014 12:14 am
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The morning after how stupid do I feelenough is enough

Posted : 9th January 2014 9:09 am
Posts: 0

Hi Gottobeatrong

I just wanted to say you do have what it takes to stop. By the fact that you found this forum and posted this obviously shows how much you want to.

You dont say how you gamble but if its online- use blockers on your computer and give someone else the passwords so that you cant log on and gamble.

If it is through bookies or casino then self exclude- ban yourself from being able to walk into these shops.

Whatever it takes.

Forget about what has gone before and look to whether you want to continue feeling like you have let yourself and your kids down- I should know- I was in the same spot as you 30 days ago.

Now i can start to see there is so much more to life- I have to keep busy to stop thinking about it but anger helps. I got angry at these establishments and it helped for the first few days. Keep posting on here and see a counsellor if you can.

All the best X Linda

Posted : 9th January 2014 9:20 am
Posts: 0

Hi Gottobestrong, I am 32 an been gambling for 15 years am lucky enough too not have affected anyone else with my gambling problems, if I ever did have money problems I could disguise it throu making up stories about some bad luck I had in life. I have lost a lot of relationships throu my commitment towards them an what they didn't know I was more committed too my gambling than I was too them. Looking back now I have ruined 15 years of my life. I feel I have been given a second chance to get it all back. You will never win please stay strong an comment an read as much as you can every day. Every day no bet your a winner. Forget the past as it will eat away at you. Concentrate on your future an your kids they are most important things. Stay strong an determined an focused. It's your time too win in life an that's for a gamble free life 🙂

Posted : 9th January 2014 3:32 pm
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Thank you for ur replies, y is it so difficult. When I'm walking home from the school run I think what is wrong with me I got twobbeautifull kids and can give them so much and can do so much but I continue to ruin it. I have got myself in so much debt and I wonder how I'm going to pay rent and make up excuses in my head as to why I'm goin to be late paying it, I don't know how to stop myself.

I have self excluded to so many sites its ridiculous. I'm scared how it will end up , I get the most important things such as food and clothes for my kids but cannot do the things such as a day out and fun stuff but it will get to the point where I can't get the things they need and pay my debts because its mounting up and when I thought things were bad a few weeks ago and got a loan to pay bills and see me thru I blew the money like I always do.

How can I control myself.

Something has got to give I've had enough but this stupid brain of mine thinks go on go ahead deposit deposit deposit and I lose all control my morals everything goes out the window.

Posted : 21st January 2014 11:56 am
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Sounds pathetic but I worry what I'm doing to myself physically I get stomach pains I Cant sleep I feel like rubbish. But this is down to gambliing its ruining everything

Posted : 21st January 2014 11:59 am
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The impact of gambling is literally ruining everything my dreams my hopes and my life, and now I have to sufffer the consequences. I wish I could turn back time I really do.

Posted : 21st January 2014 10:41 pm
Posts: 0

Hi got tobestrong yep gambling makes sleepless nights, horrible feelings, negative thoughts, and when I stopped last year for nearly 120 days all those faded to nearly nothing I started to enjoy life and family start getting the days under your belt you can feel this too I'm at day 6 again now and have bad anxiety sleepless nights but it stops now you too can get on the journey to recovery your all ready on it actually,keep pushing on never give up never.

The bear x

Posted : 21st January 2014 11:31 pm
Posts: 43

It's rubbish isnt it got2b! It's soo blooming hard! Hardest thing I have ever done is this!

Don't know about you but it's when you actually become glued to your phone/laptop/PC.. The kids are calling you but just can't tear yourself away.. Well that's what it was like for me.. Now I'm enjoying reading my little boy stories at night.. Painting with him just normal things.. The days out are nice but the most important things are free!

I promise you will feel a great sense of pride when you start paying things off!

Keep your head held high and take bears advice..he knows his stuff!

If you ever want to chat you know where I am x

Posted : 22nd January 2014 12:01 am
Posts: 43

It's rubbish isnt it got2b! It's soo blooming hard! Hardest thing I have ever done is this!

Don't know about you but it's when you actually become glued to your phone/laptop/PC.. The kids are calling you but just can't tear yourself away.. Well that's what it was like for me.. Now I'm enjoying reading my little boy stories at night.. Painting with him just normal things.. The days out are nice but the most important things are free!

I promise you will feel a great sense of pride when you start paying things off!

Keep your head held high and take bears advice..he knows his stuff!

If you ever want to chat you know where I am x

Posted : 22nd January 2014 12:02 am
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I'm really going to try there is no other way, really appreciate the replies. If I Carry on the way I have I dread to think.its really early days I have no money and rent at the end of the month I have been trying to gamble to get my losses but never works.

I'm listening and taking ur advice. Got to b strong.


Posted : 22nd January 2014 8:04 am
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Woke up this morning and thought about money how am I going to get by and I thought great going to be a rubbish day thinking about numbers all day. But as the Morning goes on I'm feeling better just got to get on with it and keep going and eventually can sort my mess out. I'm not counting days gamble free just yet Just want to be gamble free forever.

Got to be strong

Posted : 23rd January 2014 11:47 am
Posts: 4422


Welcome to the forum a place frull of like minded folk who will gift you some amazing advice and all without judgement, just because they have been in your shoes.

My advice take the bull by the horns so to speak, be honest with the folk about your financial situation, don't try to hide them, keep working towards repairing the damage gambling has brought.

It is a common trait that we the compulsive gambler look for a quick fix, an instant answer to lifes problems, gambling offered that instant results, but as the compulsion progresses the only results will be lore losses.

You are doing the right thing, something amazing, yes there is a great deal of damage to repair, but it will get better.

Gambling will only add to the problem, so be very proud that you are doing something to change.

take all the help out there, I used the cab to great affect when I started recovery, if you want to help yourself folk will want to equally.

Keep doing what works for you, if counting days helps then count, if not then do what works for you.

Bottom line is you are correct this is a job for life.

Abstain and maintain

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 23rd January 2014 12:00 pm
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Thanks duncs, I have been looking for that quick fix for so long but that will never work like so many of us waiting for that big win but because I'm a compulsive gambler it will never work. I sometimes feel its good to learn the hard way and pay it of and even struggle for a while for me to appreciate the position I will eventually be in debt free, I will always have this regret as things like credit score will effect me for a few years to come but there is light at the end of the tunnel if I stop now and forever.

I want to get back to me as I have really lost myself to gambling I have to better myself,

I once was a positive motivated and a goal setter but that has

Posted : 24th January 2014 10:55 am
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All disappeared since gambling took hold of me. I have a small family and have good people around me hardly any friends but again its something I can change. Its in my hands now only I can change things.

Got to be strong

Posted : 24th January 2014 10:57 am
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