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Work and family keeping me really busy and the time is speeding along. No thoughts of gambling and with each day that passes I'm in a better position. I'm on day 19, the days have mounted up quickly. Some talk in work of a girl buying everyone scratch cards for Xmas. Mine will go discretely in the bin if she buys me one.

Just for today!

Posted : 23rd November 2023 7:12 pm
Posts: 58
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Day 20 and on the eve of the weekend I'm thankful that it won't be a weekend spent worrying about football bets and national hunt bets. Instead I will be with my family and doing activities with the kids. Money is tight but it will only get easier as time goes by. Life is good, its got lots of ups and downs but it will get better. 

Just for today!

Posted : 24th November 2023 5:48 pm
Posts: 58
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Had a great day yesterday, kids sports teams won, no urges and then went out for the afternoon with the family. A while ago my Saturday afternoon would have been spent stressing about what excuse I would use to get out the house and rush some bets on. I would then spend the rest of the afternoon stressing over these bets coming in or not. Usually not of course. Then win or lose I would want to go back for more and the next day I would need to think of more excuses or more trips to the 'shops' that last for hours.

Yesterday was great, did things properly and was a better person. Just for today!

Posted : 26th November 2023 10:37 am
Posts: 58
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The days are mounting up and I have had no urges. I need to remain on my guard as if they do come back they are difficult to deal with. Maybe the fact my blocks make gambling so difficult are the reason these urges have gone? 

Life is flying by and I'm certainly less stressed, happier and a better dad. Finances are still very tough, just over two weeks till pay day and hopefully a bit less pressure than last month. 

Just for today!

Posted : 29th November 2023 7:23 am
Posts: 58
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Day 27 and I'm still going strong. Not much planned today, but will decorate the house and take the kids out. Was thinking about all those years of blowing every penny every pay day. All the mad bets and how it was all too easy to put them on unchallenged. Things have changed now and the bookies are tightening up which is great for people like me. 

Just for today!

Posted : 2nd December 2023 8:50 am
Posts: 15

Well done Bronson! Weekends are usually my downfall too but today is day 8 and I’m not getting the urges. The upset is has caused for me isn’t worth the temptation of loosing even more money. Completely getting this out my life for good now. Have a good weekend mate 

Posted : 2nd December 2023 9:04 am
Posts: 58
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Thanks for the post Adam. Its day 31 and still going strong, been really busy with work and family. No thoughts of gambling at all. Payday next week and really depressing that again not much will be left but this is my own doing and time free from gambling will ultimately fix this month by month. 

Just for today!

Posted : 6th December 2023 6:49 am
Posts: 58
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The times going so quickly, so busy with work and family and thankfully no urges at all or thoughts about betting. Its going to be a hard week as its a week till payday and I'm skint. So desperately need my tax to be sorted this month or else I will be pretty much skint as soon as I get paid. The old me would definitely try to win my way out of my troubles which never works and only makes things worse. I'm thinking more clearly now and need to remain in this frame of mind. 

Just for today!

Posted : 9th December 2023 7:52 am
Posts: 58
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Life is so busy, putting my all into work, family, kids activites etc and its zooming along. No urges, no sleepless nights and not much stress. Life is easier at the moment and onwards and upwards it will be as long as I stay away from that first bet. Payday this Friday, desperately need the tax refund I'm due. Will be a good Christmas if I get it, if not I will struggle for money. But I dug myself this deep hole, the only way out is time. 

Just for today!

Posted : 13th December 2023 5:16 pm
Posts: 58
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Day 40 and feeling good! Payday tomorrow and my tax refund is sorted so I will get through Christmas ok. Will still be a tight month but I should be fine. I have no urges and I won't be gambling tomorrow.

For so many years every payday was the same, I would wake head to the bookies, spend all day there and only leave for closing or because I was skint. Years of madness that I never want to repeat. 

Just for today!


Posted : 14th December 2023 7:31 pm
Posts: 58
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Spent today xmas shopping, no urges, no parasitic bookies taking every penny off me! Really pleased with how I'm doing and the blocks I have in place are finally working. Money is tight, I have a fair few debts but its getting easier. They days are quickly mounting up but today is the one that counts! Just for today

Posted : 16th December 2023 4:16 pm
Posts: 58
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Day 44 and things are going really well. They will continue to go well as long as I make that daily choice not to gamble. Its been easy so far but I need to be on my guard for when hard days come. Shortly off to work, another busy day ahead. Bring it on! Just for today

Posted : 19th December 2023 6:43 am
Posts: 58
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Off work now till next Wednesday and spent today Christmas shopping. I remember in the past many a Christmas Eve spending every penny I had on rotten dog racing and virtuals. An awful time and I would spoil Christmas every year. This time last year I was a long time bet free but the Boxing Day urges came hard and I cracked. Feeling stronger this time round and got more blocks in place. 

Just for today!

Posted : 22nd December 2023 2:46 pm
Posts: 58
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Day 49 and its thankfully another one that won't be spent gambling. After doing all my Christmas shopping yesterday money is extremely tight but it sure feels better being skint at xmas and having lots of nice gifts for my family than being skint because I've gambled. 

Off out with the family this afternoon, making the most of some time off work. Just for today!

Posted : 23rd December 2023 12:28 pm
Posts: 58
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My 6 days off work is over, I'm sadly back in tomorrow. Money is extremely tight and it will be until next months payday but I've had a lovely family Christmas, been really busy and most importantly not gambled. No Boxing Day urges, I've avoided all online and on tv about the big races. 

The aim of this diary was to get to next fireworks day gamble free and make positive and long lasting changes to my life. It will only happen one day at a time but I've made a really good start! Just for today! 52 days!

Posted : 26th December 2023 6:23 pm
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