Gambling Addiction, Bankruptcy and Me

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Here is a post i wrote not long......

Firstly, Good Morning to all of you.

Since 2008 i have registered to Gamcare, writing diaries, leaving for a while, and then returning, And i am committed to regulary updating this Diary from now on. I would love to commit to at least once a day writing an update, but i will update at least 4-5 times per week.

There is so much to my story, i feel i will be sitting here for hours writing and still missing important parts out.

I will start by saying this though.

On the 26th June 2015 i declared myself bankrupt.With debts of nearly £50,000 i took the 'cowards' way out.

That is If you call the 'cowards' way out committing to pay £1050 a month into an Income Payment Agreement for 36 months.

I thought through my steps in great length. Thinking about the Pro's and Con's of everything.

But i made my decision, and called the local county court up. I had my £715 to hand and only 2 days later i was sitting before the judge who declared me Bankrupt. Just like that.

It was such a strange feeling. i dont know if i felt happy, Sad, i pretty much felt nothing for a while. I remember just going food shopping later that day with £12 in my pocket and thinking, 'i dont have to worry anymore', such a surreal moment.

Last year (2014) was almost the end for me. Everything i held dear at that point and kept me going suddenly disappeared. My relationship with my girlfriend at the time ended after 3 years and i had to find somewhere to live. At this point i was in over £22000 worth of debt and now my expenses would be increasing, my earnings were less than they had been for a few years ( i will discuss this further later) and i wasnt in the right frame of mind, mentally and physically i felt weak and it all got on top of me. I hit a rock bottom.

As a guy who always prided myself on being seen in a good light, Happy, Smiley, a Family man, i felt that person was no longer there. A good friend of mine allowed me to live with him at his parents house, although temporarily, this provided me with enough breathing space to think through things. Living there though was hard. I was in a small box room with my friends old toys from when he was a young child there and i really felt sorry for myself. I became a recluse. Never leaivng the house unless i had to (going to work), I never met up with friends. I lost weight, i was very ill, and all of this happened due to Gambling.

Nobody knew of the situation i was in.

everybody who knew me thought i was doing well for myself. A top performer at work, Always cheerdul. But inside i was falling apart, and if only i had the courage and could swallow my own pride i would have admitted earlier i was in need of help.

The only thing that blocked out all my pain was Gambling.I would sit for hours gambling on anything. I would win big and lose much bigger. this would happen all the time. Until i had 4 weeks until i next got paid and didnt even have the money to buy a cup of tea.

I broke down to my Dad and Brother (separately) I remember clearly it was a Thursday morning and i just broke. I felt 100 times better after telling them how i felt. The support they showed me at that time was priceless. And i thank them for that, i needed a release and to get the issues off my chest really helped.

I knew i needed help when i kept saying just in conversation 'if i dont wake up tomorrow i wouldnt care', i said this too many times and my brother urged me to see my GP. My brother was there for me and i wouldnt be here without his help.

I setup a DMP with Stepchange who were really kind and supportive, dealing with creditors on my behalf and being a shoulder to me.

But then my Nan, who was like a mum to me passed away in January of this year. I think this broke me. I was worried about where our family was heading, i was in severe debt, not sure how my dad would react to the loss of my nan, and i relapsed.

I was at a weak point and wasted about 6 months wages in a few nights.

This continued for a few months and after deciding i have nothing left, i filled out the bankruptcy forms ( all by myself, if you have seen them, they are about 30-40 pages long, and some of the questions are very in-depth) and handed them in.

Years of pain over....

Taking time to reflect on this, i do feel good. I am proud of doing something about it.

I genuinely believe the only reason i gambled was because i was so scared of the debt. So the deeper i fell, the more higher my stakes were, and all i ever wanted was to be debt free. Now i am not so naive to believe that i dont have some kind of addictive personality, as the proof is there to see. But since i made myself bankrupt, i could see a light. The main reasons i am happy ab out my current situation is as follows:

1. Whatever happens, in 36 months after the Income Payment Arrangement is complete, i will be free of paying any more money to creditors.

2. If circumstances change within the 36 month term, I.E i lose my job, earnings adjust etc, I can negotiate or suspend the I.P.A and the end date of this would still remain the same.

I was frightened of the prospect of anywhere between 5-8 years of other debt routes, DMP or I.V.A, and Bankruptcy to me was the best option, as mentally i couldnt go the other routes. I wouldnt have lasted.

I'm not saying that this route is best for everyone, i am just saying it is best for me. My circumstances were dire and i am feeling a great weight lifted, knowing i am out the other end. Although there is still a long road to go.

I wish i knew of the help and support available to me when i didnt have anywhere to turn. This should be more easily accessible. Especially when i felt like i had climbed a mountain just getting out of bed and going through my normal daily role. The thought of having to think about my situation was one i wanted to avoid and that was the problem.

I will write more another time. But i hope you can see an aspect of my story and can relate in some way to how i got where i am.



It is now December 13th 2015 - 20.39pm, Im sitting on my sofa wondering if i am happy or sad, whether i am going to have an anxiety attack thinking about the future, or actually looking for some time off over Christmas.

This month i signed my Income Payment agreement form. On the 21st January i am paying the first installment of £1049, As well as this, i am paying £417 x 4 = £1668 for the Nil Tax code which has been implemented since October - £2717.

The thing is i dont have the money to hand for the Nil Tax code - My car broke down last month and cost me £530 in repairs, My car insurance cost me another £300, and its Christmas. I have been adding up figures and i have my December Pay and January pay to contend with paying this sum of money, (not including rent, food,petrol etc)

Its hard to explain, i would love anybody who has been through this themselves to provide a few words to let me know their experiences with I.P.A's etc.

I dont know if i am scared as the sums to pay are high, or that i am relieved it is starting, and each month that goes by will be a month off the 36 that this I.P.A lasts for, it almost starts the clock which is nice.

I signed the I.P.A form after numerous letters, emails and telephone conversations with the Official Receiver. I argued the amount of £1049 a month as my basic pay is only around £1550 a month i have rent of £450, food,petrol, etc not taken into consideration. I do earn commission but this isnt gauranteed, and i worry that the pressure of HAVING to earn about £1000 a month commission is going to be too much. I did explain this to the Official Receiver, but they said that they have to average my earnings in a 12 month period and work out an I.P.A based on this. I feel it is putting me under a lot of pressure and this pressure could stop me from hitting my targets as it is almost desperation.

Does anybody have any experiences on this?

Stay Strong


Posted : 13th December 2015 8:52 pm
Posts: 0

Good luck on your road to recovery. I am relatively new here so certainly cant claim to have all the answers (not sure anyone has all the answers), but i know a little about the bankruptcy side having been unfortunate enough to have been through this process alomst ten years ago.

Bankrupcty has a stigma attached to it and hence alot of people do debt mamangement plans or ivas or whatever suits, bankruptcy isnt for everyone as you have said ands its a big step and like stopping gambling, one no one really ever takes lightly, but moreover when they need a new start and cant find another way to resolve their situation. Look at it as just that a fresh start, but you need to adhere to your commitment, including the nil tax part. Effectively they didnt tax you so you could hand it straight over towards your creditors. You must have a well paid job to have such a high monthly agreement from normal salary but again they should be providing you with sufficient left to live on, as they do not as a rule wish for your new start to mean poverty and hardship for youself or any dependents etc. You might get a bankruptcy restriction order if you start defaulting on your payment plans and tax clawback and may get one anyway if your debts were deemed to have been created by irresponsible gambling behaviour. Not sure they entirely appreciate it as an illness.

The good news about managing your affairs and keeping a true course whilst your going through bankrupcty is their are helplines and forums and virtually every scenario you can imagine, someone has been through it at sometime - so all the answers are there for you.

On the gambling side of things then that has to stop or how will your new start ever really be a new start... so start making plans on how your going to make sure you control it, counselling, ga , breaking triangle, diaries, accountable people and so on.

Lots of support here and elsewhere on the gambling, and whilst for you bankruptcy and gambling went hand in hand, the technicalities of what you can and cant do whilst bankrput and how your payment plans are allover the debt/insolvency forums.

Best wishes, dotn take my comments as harsh words, unelss thats what you need to take your situation seriously, in which case do... their is life after bankruptcy and gambling so grab it with both hands (better be im just tackling the latter now myself ....)

Posted : 13th December 2015 9:37 pm
Posts: 25
Topic starter

Thankyou for the response. I dont mind harsh words. Its a situation which i never thought i would be in, and i think the hardest part is coping with my own disapointment. I am annoyed with myself for even getting into this mess.

Depression and anxiety are other things i need to deal with, not just the payment side of things. I will recover. One day at a time.

All the best.


Posted : 13th December 2015 9:59 pm
Posts: 0

Yes good luck Joe, and i sincerely wish you the best with all your coping with.

My biggest point was about the nil tax and ongoing payment of IPA.. your Indpendent trustee or OR should be reasonable and fair in how they looked at your allowable income and expenses. You really dont want to start the ball rolling by not being able to find the tax payments you should have available and so forth. If you cant pay due to justifiable exenditures they shoud leb in your Income and expenditure plan and aloowed for...

I am also hinting that there are lots of speciifc forums and helplines for the bankruptcy advice. Its importnat to appreciate that you might get sympathy and support here for the struggle you have with gambling and other aspects in your life, The OR isnt quite so sympathetic to not having the cash cos we have gambled some of it.

Posted : 13th December 2015 10:08 pm
Posts: 0

i know in this instance it was other bills that hit you at wrong time. so no judgment from me.

Posted : 13th December 2015 10:09 pm
Posts: 0

Hi I am going through the same thing when you files for bankruptcy did you state you had a gambling problem ?

Posted : 18th October 2016 8:30 pm

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