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Just catching up with the many fine people on here. You first 🙂

Been a busy day but not in a bad way like it would have been 97 days ago where I would have managed to squeeze in some big losses, but in a positive way where I have just paid for my mom's bday meal!

Just thought I would mention that as we often have a similar script and you talking about shopping with the daughter is along the same lines. We continue to progress and a big pat on the back for both of us today I say!

I will be 100% honest I think I missed our tea, double decker, and wispa party today went to visit my nan. However, free tomorrow if you are around. I noticed you were at work anyway today!

I hope the rest of the weekend treats you kindly and that you remain a permanent fixture in the 'middle'


Posted : 14th July 2012 10:40 pm
Posts: 1057

Took me a while to work out where you'd gone until I read parts of my diary and saw your new name.

Keep up the good fight lassie you inspire so many.

Best wishes.


Posted : 15th July 2012 1:00 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Another early start today so will catch you peeps when I get to take a breath lol

Still middling still ok

Just thinking how hard so many on this site work. Be it doing 14 hrs doing DIY , researching at night songs for leavers party ,driving for hours and hours to get to work, or goimg 11 weeks without a day off. Makes me wonder is it a throw back from doing everthing to earn the dosh to gamble, is it because we are trying to clear depts caused by gambling , is it cause will hope to feel better about ourselves by working hard because of our gambling or is it our compulsion moving ???

With that thought I am offskiies

Take care have a great relaxing Sunday just a bit envious of you today . PantSSSS to going to work

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 15th July 2012 6:34 am
Posts: 4422

morning shiny. Ah another early bird! You know what they say about us early birds lol we catch the worm or as in my case the ball as me and my dog have spent a dry hour playing over the fields, aint life great! I am too off to work now another day to push on, my target today is to have not a single complaint. And from our half full glasses my friend i know we are in a position to make a difference. Enjoy your day, oh and i think you do yourself a disjustice, if you step back i think you may find that you have always been a grafter and that wont change it moulds you, i know it got me where i am, i could not bare to be one of the slopey shoulders its not my responsability brigade, would you? Thought not! Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 15th July 2012 8:20 am
Posts: 0

Good Morning Shiny,

Glad to see you are still middling and that chair was most welcomed for me to join you there!

Work ethics, not such a bad thing as long as we know when to take a break for us, i know i have instilled this into my son who works like mad but still has some balance to just enjoy life too!

I'm not on as much now as don't always know what to put but i read daily and keep up with the wonderful people on here

Have a great day , try not to work too hard!

Keep middling Shiny, it sure suits you!

Smiling Lucy 😉 xxx

Posted : 15th July 2012 8:33 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Just in, been a tough weekend at work.but the worst is over now. Still got a few days until days off but drama of disciplinarys and dismissals is now done so life should return back to an even keel

No gambling thoughts, probs cause I have had other things on my mind . Note to self , must try harder not to dwell on things .

Pretty tired , thank you to all you lovely peeps that have posted on my thread , bit behind on posting back. But as soon as I get a day off , will see what's been going on with you all.

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 16th July 2012 12:24 am
Posts: 0

Glad all the rubbish is behind you at work now shiny. Have a nice day and take care


Posted : 16th July 2012 7:46 am
Posts: 0

Morning Shiny,

Oh what a bummer working over the weekend, Hope your days off are not to far away. Nice to see you in the middle still. Was thinking about naming the barge... "The love boat", rach and boyfriend sitting in a tree. K i s s i n g. Lol..

Catch up soon

Blondie xxxxx

Posted : 16th July 2012 9:33 am
Posts: 298

Hi Shiny, thanks for your post.

Yep... 4 and a half days and counting.. still got my "Man Flu".. but not as bad as yesterday... oh yesterday I felt terrible, I couldn't walk .... it's man flu remember.

Hope you are recovered or recovering from your long weekend working, and redy for a few days off. 6 weeks is not all its made out to be... gets boring to tell you the truth.

Anyway.... hope you are well and middling to good.


Posted : 16th July 2012 1:53 pm
Posts: 4422


I will be that tattooed fella with the sulking Whippet (he dont like the rain lol) who from the top of the hill doffs his battered old flat cap in the morning to welcome you to his city,oh and if you dont arrive till the afternoon he will be the one cycling in his combat shorts No helmet!!(LOL took your fashion tip!!) through the rain on way to work, cant miss the fella he will be wearing the worlds biggest smile, 25 weeks gamble free !!!!!!!!!

you do seem to be finding a path that is silky smooth to sail the barge upon Captain!!! long may it continue.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 16th July 2012 3:27 pm
Posts: 0

Hey there shiny...shiny bad times behind me.....

Glad the weekends behind you for sure by the sounds....wondering if this is an ongoing thing site wide or whether it will slow down soon...guessing some streamlining going on from what you say...

Memory foam eh?..well you shall be putting jackie stallone out of business with a** prints ...lol...if that makes no sense..google jackie stallone...bottom prints and astrology and it will all make sense...moreso why Sly is the way he is...lol

Sounds like our boat is still crusing round with the gang on board...blondie renamed the love boat on account of my new and status..as off the market.

Don't come a knockin if the boat is a rockin...LOL x

Well my lovely I shall leave you to enjoy memory foam and will get back with the post threads once off yet another of Bransons finest...

Over and out for now...lil sis who hasn't forgotten how to kiss ..xxxxxxxx. Whit -Whooooooo xxxxx

Posted : 16th July 2012 3:53 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Dusty thanks for the post, in the hospital at 8:45, tested, in Morrison's for just after 10. All is great, even did a small jog, got to hope it stays like this. Liked your Beatles mentions and I know it's only a matter of time before Gamcare pulls the plug on the pictures. As you say, meetings are probably being planned, software being redeveloped. If I get addressed over the matter I'm simply going to blame Jon, he has this power, if he put his hand in a fire I'd follow or at least that'll be my alibi.

Hope you're looking forward to your days off soon, you've earned it methinks.

Take care, Steve.

Posted : 16th July 2012 11:49 pm
Posts: 0

Hello shiny...can see your up and positing on the peeps diaries already....

Loving these pics although nearly choked on my tea to see a hairy bitten leg first thing...that will teach me for mistaking Ste's diary for yours....((no specs on yet)...

Well nearly another few days off for you...and hopefully some sun....good vibes on the forum with a lot of people hitting significant recovery milestones....

have a sunny shiny day

Rach and Doo xxxx

Posted : 17th July 2012 8:11 am
Posts: 0

hey love....just a quicky before you go..

SPEND THAT MONEY ON YOURSELF ...thats an order!!! (sorry GC...capital letters..but necessary)

A woman can not have too many shoes or clothes...

I want you to keep this mantra in your head whilst out...if you're undecided about treat A or B ..don't put one back...get em both!!

Truthfully ....you need to come shopping with me.I have no problems treating myself and I shall pass that wisdom onto you ...LOLx

Have a super day..."do ladies what does lunch" and also it would be SOOO cool if you bumped into the Duncman...I would be undercover in a wig...scoping out the restaurants ...

Have a Pomy day in Pomy lovely...

Your worth it!

R and D xxxxx

Posted : 17th July 2012 9:16 am
Posts: 0

Happy shopping Shiny

keep enjoying all these new wonderful (normal) experiences, such a difference they make to the quality of our lives, really happy for you,


Posted : 17th July 2012 9:28 am
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