Hi Scott
sorry to hear about your little blip but congrats on realising it was a blip and getting back on with the battle. Glad your feeling better about it and as you say if it's 1 blip from July to July that is brilliant going , keep aiming towards that target ..
The start of a bet free week again,happy that I picked myself up and dusted that blip I had.it was a prity expensive one but I have learned alot from it.on I march on hopefully gamble free to july a day at a time.i must thank everyone that has supported me here. Had a great weekend because I decided not to keep chasing the £650 I had lost from sun to thur.instead I took my lovely wife out with the last of money I had to my name for few drinks on sat and also got us a takeaway to sit chill and enjoy on sun after kids went to bed. Happy times no gambling for over 7 months small blip now back on track to gamble free life. #feeling happy.
Hi Scotty
Thanks for your lovely message yesterday, and I am sooo pleased to read such a positive post.
Onwards and upwards my friend.
Suzanne xxx
Back to feeling strong again 11 days after that small blip. Been really busy with work so not many chances to gamble right enough.had a great weekend away with wife while her sister looked after the kids for us.that small mistake cost me a lot of money but is well behind me now and something I have learned from.
I will now march on to july hopefully to reach 356 days and only gambled 5 of them which would be massive achievement for me considering I was nearly every day gambling for past 10 years.today I feel great and content with what I have in my life.love my wife and kids to moon and back so dont want them to see me as a jeckle and hide person no more.
Great post Scott , well happy for you and your family . Keep up the great work and positivity pal .
Keep it up its took me 51 years to consider giving up gambling. I guess being brutal you have to ask yourself would you sooner lose £650 or your wife and kids....rather brutal. I had a year of self exclusion and slipped back worse than ever so be careful.I apologise if I have upset you or anybody else with this post.Sorry
Keep it up its took me 51 years to consider giving up gambling. I guess being brutal you have to ask yourself would you sooner lose £650 or your wife and kids....rather brutal. I had a year of self exclusion and slipped back worse than ever so be careful.I apologise if I have upset you or anybody else with this post.Sorry
Big sorry again if I upset scottyboy or anybody else........not meant to be nasty but the more I read it the more I regret how. Wrote it.Keep going bet free scottyboy ,I envy your determination
Lovely last positive post Scotty, you are back on track now, and even stronger now.
Suzanne xxx
Stronger I march on to july and hopefully to be happy that I only had the one small stumble on my road to recovery from being a compulsive gambler.i must admit I have missed a few GA meetings recently but coming on here has got me through hard times and kept me strong.thanks all for your kind words on my page and long may this gambling free life continue.TODAY I WILL WIN BECAUSE TODAY I WILL NOT GAMBLE.
Scotty you have done fantastic since you started your recovery, I hope you are not dwelling on your blip, if you are let it go it was nothing when we look at the big picture, be very proud you got back on track very quickly, am very proud of you, and you should be
proud of yourself, Turn that blip into,a big positive now, because you are so much stronger and wiser for it, (don't do it again lol)
Keep starving it and keep winning.
Suzanne xxx
Hi Scott
hope your still bet free , I had a blip also last week , a moment of weakness and I gave in to the urges , now on 7 days bet free but still mad at myself , onwards we march
Hi Scotty,
Hope you are ok,
Suzanne xxx
Good to be back home and back on here,i have been working away last few weeks and not had a chance to post.tomorrow will be 40 days free of a bet after my blip.not had much chance to spend money because of being away so will need to be careful I dont get complacent.on and up.
Lovely to hear from you Scotty and it's great to read you are staying strong and are gamble free.
It's good to have you back too, onwards and upwards my friend.
Suzanne xxx
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