Here again!!!!!

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Hey Lisa,

sorry to hear that things have been so bad, I can only guess that your week away, whilst being a fantastic time for you and your dogs, was possibly a bit of an escape and coming back facing your normal life, sent you low after such a high. Try to adjust best you can, and use the great weekend that you had as the rewards for your efforts. Hope that things begin to improve, just remember that we are all here for you!!


Posted : 5th August 2013 10:16 am
Posts: 7071

Hi Lisa,

I'm sorry to hear you are not in the best place at the minute. I hope you will feel better soon.

I suggest you speak to your husband again, i'm sure he wants to help you, you realise the potential dangers, and you know what triggers can be.

Maybe a little escape in caravans will be the key, to clear your head and have a honest chat with him?

Please stay strong, i know you can do it. There are good and bad days, let bad ones go and concentrare on good ones.

Take care of yourself

Sandra x

Posted : 5th August 2013 10:21 am
Posts: 0
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Thank you both for your words, to be honest it has made me cry to feel how kind people can be. I will take your advise on board. Your support is so much appreciated x

Posted : 5th August 2013 10:26 am
Posts: 168

Hey Lisa,

So sorry to hear you are feeling low. Perhaps having another chat with your husband would help. I don't think my husband realises just how bad this addiction can be - he asks me now and again if I have been on the evil sites. Hope you perk up and at least you have your time at the caravan to look forward to xxx

Posted : 5th August 2013 11:23 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey Lisa,

Hope few days of rest helped you to find more peace with yourself. Hope all is good and you got over those low feelings.

Take care and keep strong

It takes patience to get over this addiction, but as long as you make the right chouce each day, you will set yourself free. Believe in yourself

Day at a time

Best wishes

Sandra x

Posted : 11th August 2013 1:57 pm
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Thank you sandra and pink for your kind words.

Got back from my break late sunday night and it was manic at work yesterday with being off for the week.

Going to try to catch up on everyone today. The break did me good but then i think i really need to sort some issues out at home but overall i feel a little brighter than i did before.

The dogs did me proud at the competition, number 2 dog getting 2 x 1st Places which means two more trophies, number 3 dog had fun but got eliminated in all her runs and number 1 dog who wasnt supposed to run got a second place. Really enjoyed having the time off, i do think that work is a big issue for me, not sure if its just boredom or the pressure that my boss puts me under that i cant handle.

Got training tonight, first time in a year that i am training two dogs in one night so will be worm out, number 3 dog is starting her training properly so hopefully she will be entering competitions seriously!!!

Hope everyone is ok, no gambling and still no smoking which i am surprised about how rubbish i felt!!!!

Take Care all 🙂

Posted : 20th August 2013 9:15 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Lisa,

Fantastic to hear from you. Your break did you good 🙂

You should be so proud of yourself, i'm so happy for you ...Gamble free and Smoke free!

Keep it up and stay strong.

Congrats with your competition, your dogs are first class:)

Well done girl

Take care

Sandra x

Posted : 20th August 2013 1:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Lisa,

well done for the no gambling and smoking and pass my congratulations onto the dogs.....they did you proud!! I see a real difference in your mood and that is one of the great benefits of your fantastic efforts....keep it up!!



Posted : 21st August 2013 8:12 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Lisa,

Hope things are good with you and you enjoying life to the full!

Don't be a stranger:-) would like to hear from you

Take care

Sandra x

Posted : 26th August 2013 6:34 am
Posts: 0


not seen you post for a week, so hope that all is ok with you!! know what it is like, we really do start to enjoy the things that are so precious to us and gamcare becomes less of a crutch that we need!! The good things in your life are all deserved.


Posted : 26th August 2013 1:26 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi phil

Thank you for your concern, not really been in the best frame of mind to be honest, when i get like this i find it hard to talk to anyone, even typing online. I just cant seem to shift this feeling at the moment,it sounds very childish but i feel a bit like someone has taken all my pleasures away, no gambling and no smoking. You know how much i love my dogs and my dog agility and that is probably the only time i feel ok at the moment. Hating work and hating life really, sorry to sound so selfish. I think i need to perhaps go back to the docs and get something sorted, i have always refused any medication before think it might be an option to consider.

Going to try to make an effort today and read some diaries, this should give me to inspiration to shift this cloud!!

Take Care all 🙂

Posted : 27th August 2013 10:00 am
Posts: 0

hey Lisa,

I know exactly how you feel and it sucks....

Tried explaining to my wife how difficult it is giving up things that you trully don't want to give up, for me drinking, gambling (and now smoking in the spotlight). I put gambling in there because although I know gambling will only lead to more pain and destruction, I still actually want to do....crazy i know, but that's how I feel. Can be quite dangerous then to leave your only pleasure in one activity, which for you sounds like the dogs. My dog equivalent right now is my new found exercise regime, which in the past has given way. I think we do act like children, but just wanted to say that your feelings are shared by myself and probably many others, just try and do what is right for yourself, it will get easier as we "reprogram" our minds!!



Posted : 27th August 2013 10:20 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Lisa,

I know exactly how you feel sweetie. Days like that really don't help. But i'm afraid it's difficult to get on with life when you give up not even one but two addictions....You should be proud of yourself girl. you are managing just fine, and i'm sure brighter days will follow really quickly. Go to see your GP, maybe they would sort something out for you.......As my councellor says, there is nothing wrong with medication, and we all need some at some point in our lives.So there is no fault there at all.

My thoughts are with you, and i wish you to stay strong and keep going...keep posting too, it takes so much pressure of.

Sandra x

Posted : 27th August 2013 2:39 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks Phil and Sandra for your kind words as always 🙂

Still feel really down, just cant shift it, dont want to get up in the morning most days. To be honest if i could afford to i would sign myself on the sick for a few weeks but only get ssp which is rubbish so this is not an option, it would give me more stress just starting to get finances back in place a little.

I have been in work for 3 hours and feels more like 8, keep counting only another 5 to go!!!!!!

I have been looking at dogs today which is so tempting to have another but i cant afford that either, its not the feeding costs its the other costs such as vets etc, i only manage to get a small amount for them in my iva budget, i have to find the rest out of my own food budget but i love them so it doesnt matter.

Anyway hope everyone doing ok and staying strong in this horrible place we call life

Take Care 🙂

Posted : 29th August 2013 9:51 am
Posts: 7071

Hey Lisa,

Your presence is really missed and hope everything is well with you. Hope dark cloud has lifted and you find more peace with yourself....

Woofs to your four legs best friends:)

Take care

Sandra x

Posted : 5th September 2013 5:58 pm
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