On my recovery journey, I am now looking to become a hypnotherapist and I will be joining a certified course in a months time. After that, I will start seeing clients. Now I had some interesting feedback on habits and addiction in regards to abstaining or controlling a bad habit.Â
Could it be possible to get the impulse control disorder in control again? I see people fighting and struggling with abstaining and they manage well for a while then they fall back as we are constantly being conditioned by media. I saw a hypnotherapist being approached by a man who wanted to sort out the drinking problem he had which he thought was way out of control. The hypnotherapist asked the man if he wanted to quit completely or if he wanted to get the habit back in control as that was easier for the hypnotherapist to organise for him and they quickly agreed that getting back control was a much better option. Now we have an impulse control disorder which means that our main server (slow brain) is not listening to our computer(fast brain). Could it not be easier to recreate a habit of control than abstaining? I believe it is possible to do but what does the average rehabilitating gambler think.
Your feedback would be appreciated. Ty.
I had hypnotherapy for gambling , my hypnotherapist helped retrain my brain as in my brain every time I felt down or had a low this was a trigger to go and gamble , I had in total months of therapy and found it to be absolutely amazing as I doubted it could help at all but it did it really did, I mean it’s not go and see someone and boom your fixed it’s still hard but yeah it personally helped me so much. My hypnotherapist recorded all sessions and sent them to me in a email as during the sessions I couldn’t remember what had happened. I still listen to them now when I need them and they reinforce the new good behaviour of my brain.
Ty for your response. I am very pleased to hear that hypnosis worked for you. It takes a while to find the right person ut when you do good things happen.
Yeah very true a lot of therapists just wanted to use cognitive techniques and writing down and not really proper hypnotherapy at all the therapist I used did use proper hypnotherapy with a singing bowl to put you under. For me it was the best help I ever got, before then I was gambling everyday for yearsÂ
Here’s my humble -Â
Therapy becomes before any beneficiary of hypnotherapy. So trying to articulate myself here, mastering the nudging of therapy should come before the hypnosis.Â
Hypnotherapy a great tool of the gambling establishments with the flashing lights / features / the near miss’s etc. Hence this particular post doesn’t sit comfortably with me, especially the promotion of controlled gambling or drinking ?
Are you suggesting that this cognitive addiction isn’t an emotional escape of sorts and by hypnosis that we can control gambling in a rational way. Â
Addiction is the symptom and not the cause, sometimes fundamental and sometimes the lack of connection to life / values etc.
Hence dig deep and sort the cause and the symptom will take care of it self
If you look at the brain as it is as a computer it consists of 1 pc and one server. The pc is the rational mind that alerts you of pending dangers etc. The server is the subconscious which is where everything is stored. Once you get things stored there the sever will do its utmost to protect it. So when you have learnt it gambling addiction it will keep it stored forever unless you can change or erase it. Erasing it by will power is hard work so why not change it? That can be done through repetitive behaviour again or by hypnosis.Â
So the question is this if we have tried everything else well then we should look at it differently. There are no written ways in handling addiction only results should dictate how we do things. So if your thing is normal Therapy then good and good luck on that. If it is hypnosis bring it on. The most important thing here is feeling better and handling life in a good constructive way.
Au Contraire c43h.
As someone who would consider one self as fairly open minded and have  also explored the avenues of therapy and hypnosis. Hence not debating the therapy Vs hypnosis  route.Â
My question, with which has somewhat been answered by a question is whether that -Â
A) Should the promotion of controlled gambling / drinking be promoted on this particular site?
B) Are you suggesting that this emotional / spiritual illness can be eradicated and that we can go back to controlling our particular symptom through hypnosis ?Â
Agreed on the last sentence thoughÂ
A) I think all debate here is healthy if it is done in a constructed way. There is so much we do not know. As long as we find ways forward that can help nothing should be off the table.Â
I have spent years in therapy. And all the points that you have made are valid and I agree with them. I believe that we need to get better in communicating with our subconscious because most of our daily routines ( The things you do on autopilot) comes from there and there is not a person here on this website that needs to sit years with a therapist IF we could find a faster and more effective solution. Life is fast today and I believe in a quicker fix than years. That is my humble opinion.
B) The answer to it is yes, maybe. I have seen people lose pain stop smoking get out of phobias etc after one hypnosis session. One. I intend to dive into it a while longer get educated and I will keep you posted.
Have a good weekend!
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