It's slot to stop

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Posts: 7071

Well done Liaison,

Look at you marching on and not looking back! Keep reaching for that light girl, it's out there for you for taking!

Be step at a time

S x

Posted : 3rd September 2015 12:21 am
Posts: 0
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Dear diary, wow 40 days gamble free, so proud of myself, thanks LB and Sandra for your kind words, just a quick post as have got company, something I wouldn't have entertained while gambling as I didn't want anyone around!!! Have a good evening everyone x

Posted : 5th September 2015 4:41 pm
Posts: 0


Well done. Keep it going

Best wishes

Posted : 5th September 2015 4:54 pm
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Dear diary, day 43 wow the days are flying by. Had that horrible sick feeling in my stomach yesterday and that voice going round and round in my head saying 'o*g what have I done, how am I going to get out of this mess!', thankfully it wasn't because I gave into the demons but the fact that I was going through and deleting old e-mails (over 6,000 in fact!) and one of the gambling sites I belonged to would always send two e-mails everytime you deposited saying 'thank you for your deposit' and the other one was a receipt for your deposit, there was hundreds of them and I always thought I was careful and deleted them at the time, just shows that I wasn't careful at all!!! But it made me feel sick seeing how many there were!! Didn't open them to add up how much I had deposited that would have made me feel even worse!!! So glad to be gamble free and to not have that feeling anymore because it's awful, day off today so trying to sort through some of my junk!!! Hope everyone is having a good day x

Posted : 8th September 2015 10:02 am
Posts: 0
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Dear diary, wow day 46, the time is flying. 4 days ago my time would have ended on a self exclusion I had put on one of my gambling accounts but after a few days of coming on here I e-mailed that site and told them I was a compulsive gambler and wanted to close my account permanently, it was a huge step for me and I am so pleased that I took that step because if I hadn't I would have been back to where I was - in despair! Got a busy weekend 2 x 12 hour shifts, not really looking forward to it but it's overtime and when I get paid it will be converted to euros for when I go and see my daughter 4 weeks on Sunday, I don't know if I put in my diary that about 2 years ago I was going away and had got some euros and then ended up selling them before I went to be able to cover some losses and to give me gambling money, still went away but on a very limited budget although I won't have a huge amount of euros but if I was gambling it would be a lot less. Have a lovely weekend everyone xxxx

Posted : 11th September 2015 6:01 pm
Posts: 7071

Time indeed flies Liaison

So good to see you marching on and looking ahead! Small steps forward makes huge difference in the end ☺
You are doing it and good things only just start happening, hold on tight, reach for the stars, they are all yours for the taking, - believe in urself!


Sandra x

Posted : 13th September 2015 10:06 pm
Posts: 0
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Dear diary, wowee 50 days, half a century, can't believe how quick it's gone, when I first started on this journey i really felt that it was going to be such an uphill struggle but by coming on here and with such great support I have been able to keep focussed and determined to remain gamble free, thanks everyone. Got bank statement today and it was so good to be able to look at it and have no gambling transactions on it!!! Last month I was in such a state waiting for it to arrive, I am not going to put myself through that stress anymore, life is stressful enough without adding to it! Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone x

Posted : 15th September 2015 7:33 pm
Posts: 0

Well done! Here's to our next 50 🙂

Posted : 15th September 2015 8:48 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Liaison,

Thank you for your post and woohoo! Look at you marching on and winning your daily battles ☺ way to go and well done on your journey so far, as i mentioned somewhere before, these little steps makes huge difference in the long run and you're definitely on the right track going forwards ☺

Keep making the right choice and claiming your life back - you're worth it!

One day at a time

Sandra x

Posted : 16th September 2015 3:37 am
Posts: 0
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Dear diary, wow 60 days, the urges are getting less and less, in fact I hardly think about it, admittedly I have been busy at work but when I have got time spare I am planning things whereas before all I would plan is a day in front of the computer or a mixture of gambling and trying to limit it time and money wise so that I could do other things but of course as most of us knows it didn't happen like that, but now I can get really stuck into doing things or I can spend time with people without beginning to twitch and thinking I must get back to my computer!!! It's great being gamble free xx

Posted : 25th September 2015 8:56 pm
Posts: 0
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Dear diary, sorry I haven't written for a while, I cannot believe how quickly the time has flown since I first started on my journey with you, it's 75 days since I last gambled, I had hit my rock bottom with gambling and I knew then that I had to stop, as each day has gone by I want to stay gamble free I love the fact that I can see light at the end of the tunnel with regards to paying off my debts, if I carried on the way I was that light would be getting dimmer and dimmer! I am flying off to sunnier climates tomorrow to go and see my daughter, I cannot wait. Hope everyone is having a good weekend xx

Posted : 10th October 2015 1:05 pm
Posts: 7071

Hey you!

So pleased for you and your ongoing strength, resolve and passion towards recovery. You already seen the benefits it brings, hell...why to stop? Keep reaping them dear soldier, they will not stop coming in any shape or size!
Your daughter got the most amazing present from you. She had YOU, there with her, with your mind and soul focused and dedicated to her, and this is priceless ☺

You're doing it Liaison!!

Addiction is strong, but recovery is so much stronger if we commit, believe and fight for it!

Keep moving on, one day at a time and be proud

Sandra x

Posted : 18th October 2015 10:59 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Liaison,

How are you keeping on?

S x

Posted : 8th January 2016 11:51 am
Posts: 0
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Back to square one! I can't believe it!! I had been 239 days gamble free and my finances had changed so much for the better, amazingly my credit score had improved enough for us to re-mortgage and we had paid off our debts and then for some reason that stupid voice in my head convinced me to register with a gambling site a couple of weeks ago and off I went again! Should of come on here first and listened to that sensible voice in my head, I am now back in debt again, not hugely but it's still sickening after the amount of effort I had put in to fight those urges and the amount of extra hours I have worked to improve my finances, one lesson learnt don't get complacent and stay close to this site. Day 0 for me 🙁

Posted : 31st March 2016 12:10 pm
Posts: 7071

Hi Liaison,

Good to see you posting again. No way you're back to square one! As soon as you step in this "GC room" you start addressing your problems and poor choices you might make...we look at ourselves from the outside no matter how uncomfortable that might feel.
Slips can happen, that's why staying on your guard all the time is essential. No excuses. Have you heard about "triangle" ? People talk about it on here and excuse me if i get it wrong (poor memory) but if you keep it broken you cannot have a bet..kind off money - time - one away and no problem...makes sense for me so maybe you could try to keep it broken at all times.
Put blocks on, hand your finances to your loved one, occupy you free time with other hobbies or activities.

Gotta try something else...we all find it eventually!

Most importantly, do not beat yourself up and never give up on giving up!

Sandra x

Posted : 2nd April 2016 4:18 pm
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