Hi Sosad. Thanks for sharing your story. I can relate so much. Gambling I mean slot machines and the casino has ruled my life for 20 years . No one knows the Extent of my destructive behavior. Was always well respected at work. Wow would they be shocked to know the truth. And my son and daughter think I’m the best mom . I have such disgust for what I have done to myself and family. Ruined us financially And I also do not look at my bank statements. Their all in bags stuffed all over the house. But I have 16 days gf and that feels good. Last night I could not get the slots out of my head and fought the urges by coming on here and reading. It’s gonna be a long road to getting control of my life back and regaining my self respect
I know it’s possible because others have done it.
Stay strong. I m also gonna open my bank statement this month. Its gonna feel good not to see withdraws from the casino.
Maybe I’ll get my hair done too.
16 days is huge carol you should be so proud of yourself. There’s no point beating yourself up over the past it’s done and can’t be undone but the future is a different matter. I’ve tried and failed so many times, 2 days is the longest I’ve ever lasted gf. We’ve made mistakes, we’re not bad people and we can beat this. If I look back at the things I’ve done I’ll never move forward. We’re not the lying deceitful people we were, that’s not us it’s what the addiction did to us. You’re probably like me and want to be supermum again, we can be carol, we really can. I’ll be thrilled if you look at your statement too, I truly know the pain that that one little piece of paper can bring but I can now see the happiness it could and will bring me. Join our statement club carol and make this gang bigger. You can even join my mop club!!!
Get off my thread
I will report that post to admin. Think we all should. Absolutely disgusting coming on this site to do that . We are not mugs. carol55, as sosad said, welcome to her wonderful statement club. Best thing I did for my recovery getting involved in this lovely thread of positivity and fun 🙂 Sosad- check you out getting new wellies as well!!! You go lovely. It’s such a wonderful feeling planning ahead for nice stuff isn’t it. I used to plan ahead for “play” money... never had it spare but I justified it in my own gambling gremlin voice to myself. I do use the word gambling now though- because I think I was in denial and it didn’t seem so bad if I didn’t say the word. Crazy! Anyway it’s now 6 days for me and I feel great and love being part of this with all you lovelies on here. Now... to report that thing that hijacked the thread x
I have emailed the forum and reported that parasite poster - so hopefully it will be off your thread soon 🙂
Thank you sosad and Tracyd for the kind words. I would be glad to join the statement club. I do believe we can live a life gf . It’s gonna be a battle but by supporting each other , I am hopeful.
The s**m thread has gone tracyd. Well carol welcome to our club ( would be helpful if you were slightly doo lally but not a necessity). There’s only two rules in our club One. You have to read your statement. Two. You have to treat yourself to something practical but totally unnormal. I think you have the minerals to become a full blown member.
oh lord tracyd I have a major dilemma now!! What colour wellies do I get???? So many choices!!
The forum emailed and they have removed all its posts and barred them- yay! I second that welcome carol 🙂 we can do this lovely ladies. Sosad.... hmmmm... the dilemma of the wellie! Well I reckon you get a funky pair to be honest, walk with pride in some loud n proud flowery little number maybe? Such a shame we can’t post pics!! Haha
I have to start thinking what quirky treat to get myself now too... what a lovely feeling . Not had a treat for so long and I/we certainly deserve one!
You certainly do deserve one! Go mad!! You’re right I will get bright ones. When I read that statement I’m going to change my username if I can cos ‘so sad’ will be dead and buried never to be revived. How about the ‘mop club’?
Awww I was only thinking before that your sosad name doesn’t fit now- I 100% agree you should change it! Mop club is fab haha
Mop club it is then! Oh tracyd we are really doing this, we are really winning. You staying strong is keeping me strong. Keep going gal your amazing.
3 weeks ago I was googling suicide now I’m getting excited about mops and wellies! Funny old world.
Oh sweety that’s it you see- holding on through such dark times shows how resilient and strong you actually are. These rich casino fat cats will not profit from members of the mop club anymore! Don’t be scared of succeeding- this is your time and mine and all the other wonderful people on here. My god- we will be just swimming in mops/wellies/hair do’s and all sorts this time next month my dear :))) let the good times begin x
Today is a big day for me, it’s my dads birthday and we always go to the casino. He nearly fell off his chair when I said I wasn’t going. He thinks I’m joking and we’re going later. Couldn’t tell him why I don’t think he’d understand the mop! I’ll report back at 6 after they’ve all gone without me. This will be an absolute first for me not going but I’m going to succeed.
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