Last Gamble 30th August 2009

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Thanks Awayout, I hope you are doing well, I have self excluded myself too, so once I get home from work it isn't too bad. Weekends have been a problem in the past.... but I am going to get around it by changing my habits and planning my days, keeping the busy.

Day 10 went well, looking forward to Day 11.

A common theme with advice seems to be to put the past behind you and worry about today but I find it really difficult to forgive myself. I must remember how s**t my life is when I gamble.

I have been a lucky guy in so many ways - I just need to sort this out.

Posted : 9th September 2009 7:10 pm
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Day 11 - Went well from a gambling point of view as I didn't gamble as planned.

Rest of the day was awful, but bring on Day 12 and the biggest challange the dreaded weekend!

Posted : 10th September 2009 7:28 pm
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I am on Day 12 and feel pretty good, watching the rugby on TV and haven't done a bet which is a strange but refreshing feeling, I would like a bet but it would and always will lead to other things... fobt's, fruitys, bigger sports bets. So here I am feeling pretty good and saving a hell of a lot of money.


Posted : 11th September 2009 8:02 pm
Posts: 175

hi Dazzler

well done on staying away from gambling, Friday was always my day for a good old waste of a weeks pay gambling binge in the bookies. week after week, month after month. Now i feel much better going round asdas, spend a fraction of what i did gambling, maybe a few beers, and lead a kind of normal life. Sure, may sound boring or whatever, but sure beats a couple of hours losing every last penny in a grubby bookies.

The urges will come tho, that is for sure. Just be on your gaurd, and keep that "shtty" gambling aftermath feeling in your thoughts when u feel a little bet wont hurt. all the best mate.


Posted : 11th September 2009 9:05 pm
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Cheers Neil,

Asda and Beers sounds much better than a sh*tty bookies to me too, I made it through Friday Yaay, Saturday and Sunday have been more difficult in the past though (no work more time) so I have booked tickets to the cinema for tonight... something I haven't done for a long time, which will hopefully keep me busy and help some.

Day 13 - Unlucky for some, but not me not today.

Cheers, Jim - I hope you all have a great gamble free weekend, gambling is the shitest thing in the world!

Posted : 12th September 2009 10:23 am
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Well I made it through Day 13, a couple of temptations here and there but resolute is still pretty strong. Saturdays have always been the toughest day for me so I am quitte pleased to be here right now.

I have to be careful though as Sundays are nearly as bad - sport on the tele... pub is open... bookies open... casino open.... all obstacles that I need to avoid and daren't mix. I am going to venture to the pub today though.... need to be on my guard... I am excluded from everywhere so should be ok.

Have a great Sunday Y'all.

Day 14 sounds good to me.


Posted : 13th September 2009 11:08 am
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Hi Everyone,

I made it to Tuesday - Day 16.

All is good, a few mood swings, nothing that concerns me though. Met with some friends last night who gamble... but I stayed clear and made it home after spending just £15..... which is unheard of! I am chuffed.

Bring on day 17.

All the Best.


Posted : 15th September 2009 8:07 pm
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Day 17,

Not a bad day, enjoyed work got loads done and didn't gamble.

I am watching the footy - no interest in gambling on football, no real interest in football I suppose.

Had bank statement today, studied it got P***** off ripped it up into a hundred pices or more, how I can waste so deliberately.... unbelivable.

Never mind, tomorrow hasn't been touched.

Cheers, Jim

Posted : 16th September 2009 8:23 pm
Posts: 4881

Hi Dazzler,

Great stuff on the gambling free time!

I know what you mean about bank statements. When i use to get paper statements and was gambling they'd usually come in 2 separate envelopes cos so many cash withdrawals.. not any more! 🙂

All the best in recovery.. S.A 🙂

Posted : 16th September 2009 10:45 pm
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Thank you SA, it's nice to have a supportive comment, it is appreciated.

Another day came and went, Day 17 was pretty good. Its the weekend again.... need to knuckle down and concentrate.

I hate gambling.

All the best, Jim

Posted : 17th September 2009 9:38 pm
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Day 19.

I feel good, seem to be making some progress. It is still very early days but I do feel positive and intend to enjoy my third weekend of freedom from gambling.

I remember punching a wall after spending a months wages in an hour! Feels good to be making progress.

I hope you all have the strength you need.


Posted : 18th September 2009 6:39 pm
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Day 20 - Saturday.

All going well at this end, at least I haven't gambled.

Strange thing, I had the brainwave earlier of doing hot picks on the lottery... pick 3 win £450... but the thing is I have never ever done hotpicks or the Irish Lotto so I don't know where that came from.. I even tried to convince myself it wasn't gambling as I didn't expect to win. But I haven't expected to win for years when I gambled as I am so destructive there is no chance of any winnings lasting more than a couple of days. Anyway I decided against it and here is a promise I am not playing hotpicks today or ever.

Time to watch football scores.

Cheers, Jim

Posted : 19th September 2009 2:59 pm
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Posted : 20th September 2009 9:58 am
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Day 21 - Three Whole Weeks. (Yeeha!)

I have made it to the three week mark, which is the second longest I have ever lasted, not easy yesterday but I made it and feel good for it.

I hate this addiction and what it turns me into!


Posted : 20th September 2009 9:59 am
Posts: 4881

Hi Jim,

Well done on your gambling free time! 🙂

Keep working recovery a day at a time.

All the best.. S.A 🙂

Posted : 20th September 2009 10:39 am
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