Lets focus on our positives...... We can do this..... lets change our lifestyle for the better.... 2022 been long overdue

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Decided it's time for a new diary...... In the last diary i succeeded at Not partaking in any vices (drugs, Smoking, Alcohol, and Gambling), i spent half a year getting my flat ready to move in decorating and buying furniture etc, and now ive been living in it a month and to be fair im loving it.  Im cooking decent food for myself, im keeping the flat spotless, im doing gardening, ive been working really well at work and my efforts are being noticed, my social life at the flat has been great etc everything has gone super super well.


So with that in mind im glad to report the success and am now going to open up a new diary to focus on the new aspects of my life i will be focusing on for the remainder of 2022.......


Im going to look to go to the gym 3 times a week and focus on what i eat in order to lose some weight well my stumach and get trim.....


Currently i weighed myself today at gym and im 14 stone 2...... lets see if i can improve.....


Ill also look to update on work things how its going and update on performance along with my social life etc...


I stumbled a couple of weeks ago and tried to get on online poker so im not cured gambling wise.... with this in mind i need to increase my gamstop for another five years as soon as it expires.... this is a must i will chheck when this is but i think it was march 2023 when it expires... its safe to say any poker played will result in a full blown relapse so i must be strong.


I will update on my holiday in august and the world cup in november/december and then will write about my year around christmas time..... all being well ill also hit the 1000 days mark on august the 29th...


For anyyone starting out get the blocks in place (moses for bookies, sense for uk casinos and gamstop for online) these are a must then get yourself as far away from your money as you can keep it safe with a loved one if you can.... then limit your access to it just take cash to town no credit debit cards then you cant visit cash machines!!!!


Im a prime example that although im not 100 percent safe from gambling i know the consequences of starting again and am happy with my life enough that most of the time im thinking clearly (not drinking alcohol helps mind)... all the best any advice needed post on here and ill get back to you/anyone within a couple of days at the most.



All the best Adam xxx

Posted : 7th July 2022 9:25 pm
Posts: 2937
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Second day back at work today after a short three day break for my wellness days this year......  Can't complain about my holiday i get 29 day plus bank holidays so plenty of time to unwind and relax inbetween working periods.  Next holiday is in august ive got every monday off in august plus a week off in the middle.... then no major holidays days untill the world cup.


Itching for the footy season to start again..... will be soo good to see it in my flat with friends over.....


Also ive sold my sega saturn to a shop got 165 quid so thats great..... putting the money towards getting my friends xbox one he gave me up and running in my flat, ive paid for xbox live gold and ultimate..... ive got a controller coming in the post tomo.... hopefuly just need to factory reset the console then get it back up and running again on my wifi with my xbox account and get the subscriptions up and running again....hoping to get into the star wars game on ea play and the golf game when friends come over....


Missed the gym today as legs were tired but ill prob go weds and friday this week.... been doing 220 calories each time i go on treadmill plus 1000 metres rowing each time.


Got my lenny armchair from next today..... it looks lovely..... going to get some more prints for my lounge, hallway and bedroom.


Went to a long time friend who lives near the beach...... was lovely.... dipped my feet in the sea, went to a couple of pubs and had a bbq.


Thankful for everything ive got..... everything that could dissapear should i gamble again...


All the best adam xx

Posted : 11th July 2022 8:30 pm
Posts: 2937
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Woke up to the door bell at 9am...... was my controller sent thru the post...... lovely...... so i turned on xbox factory reset it and imputted card details then went to work..... Came back and invited a friend round to give me a hand inputting the codes id bought (thinking id been scammed and they wouldnt work as it seemed too good to be true).... then took a long time to get it sorted and couldnt get the extra month free but got it set up without and so i paid 24 pounds for xbox live gold, with Ultimate and ea play all paid for for 13 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so 2 pounds a month for online gaming with plenty of games to download.


litterally buzzing


Should have bought more codes but i wasnt sure if it would work and after a year ill probably upgrade to a new console.... maybe...


So all in all a great day....


Then cooked a meal for my mate then chilled played a bit of the star wars game and listened to music....


all the best adam  

Posted : 12th July 2022 9:42 pm
Posts: 2937
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Another couple of days have gone by...... still loving life......need to lose some weight my belly is getting bigger..... too many coffees and chips.... think i will look to improve my diet for a couple of weeks.....


plan of action:

Weetabix for breakfast every day.....

Sandwiches and melon/strawberies for lunch (no crisps or chocolate)

One coffee a day without caramel flavouring syrup.....


Small portions of dinner when possible.....

Gym saturday and sunday this weekend....

it will fly off me then......... surely,,,,,,, we will see.....


All going well with xbox


100% win record on fifa 22 woop


All going well with work....


Musnt look forward to this months pay as that wouldbe wishing this lovely sunny month away..... will just enjoy everyday...


All the best adam xx




Posted : 14th July 2022 9:12 pm
Posts: 2937
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Evening diary..... Today has been great, had a lie in and woke at 130pm lovely start to the day..... tehn had a bacon sandwich for lunch.  Then went the gym and played my mum at tennis and badminton (going to play table tennis with her tomo)..... Then went to gym aand went on treadmill for an hour burned 220 calories 5k distance.


Then came back for cheese on toast.....then had a bath.....Now going to watc hthe 9pm film get carter....


Then will go to gym tomo for more of the same....


Then back to work monday.... working next sunday but i think on the 31st it will be my last overtime weekend shift.....


Will look to get some more overtime as its been good to get extra money......


All the best Adam xx



Posted : 16th July 2022 7:57 pm
Posts: 2937
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Went to gym again today 250 calories burnt on treadmill in 54 minutes.....


Played table tennis....... a lot of fun and beat my mum 3-1 with no handicap..... really enjoyed it...


Can see my stumach coming down already....


Currently 14 stone with clothes on......... (cant really weigh myself naked in gym lol) 


Will look to get down to 13.75 first hopefully by the end of august..... wont do it too quickly dont want to cause myself an injury..... will look to do simple easy exercises and spend a long time doing them rather than do running and tough exercises that could cause myself an injury....


All the best Adam xx

Posted : 17th July 2022 8:24 pm
Posts: 2937
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As usual with my all or nothing approach to everything in life ive been to the gym four days in a row!!!! lol


Great for exercise tho


With my shoes on after dinner time im 14 stone exactly


will see if i can improve on that.


All the best Adam xx

Posted : 19th July 2022 8:47 pm
Posts: 2937
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T-minus 37 days till i hit my target.... one ive been looking at for 200 odd days as a target id really like to reach..... i think once i hit 1000 my goal will be complete...... ill continue on this jorney but ill no longer look at days untill i hit 500 marks and celebrate those along with year milestones...


As with this journeys diary recently ive took a back seat on my efforts at work, took a back seat on efforts on flat and focused on my health (primarily in the gym)...... ive been everyday for 8 days now and have started a spreadsheet to focus on it...... on average ive been an hour and a half a day..... was really tiring on friday as that marked the 7th day and i played table tennis with mum then got back to flat and felt the nee dfor a long long sleep so went back to folks and slept for 16 hours..... now feel recharged again and ready for work tomo (sunday) 10 hour shift.....


been spending too much on coffees (my indulgence) so will look to rein it in a bit...... spent 40 pounds on it this month...... but ive earnt a lot this month and its my indulgence so not too bad.....


Roll on August.... lots of time off in august 8 days plus weekends (if im not working them that is),..... at the mo im not down to work any....


All the best Adam xxx

Posted : 23rd July 2022 8:30 pm
Posts: 2937
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Here I am a week later......in a month on the Sunday I'll be 1000 days gamble free..... There's nothing that will stop me reaching that target as there's no way I'm going to risk such a huge milestone.


Work is going beyond great..... I've been getting on well with my team leader....  I've been doing a successful weekly bulletin and people are reading it along with the news that this quarter up till July the hospital has exceeded its revenue targets...   All in all everything going well.....


I went to the gym yesturday and am looking to go again soon..... I'm eating reasonably well.


I got paid today and it was exactly what I thought I'd get.......got taced a fair chunk but that's to be expected.


Matron has thanked me today for my effort.


A friend came over for a beer tonight.... I had a Costa coffee then a tea....then this evening watched a fav. Film.


Also I applied to get refund on annual tv licence as I don't use it it's a waste.... Also cancelled Netflix the other day ...save the pennies ey....


Tomo my folks coming over.... Sunday friends are visiting then Monday my sister, nephews and niece coming over..... All good here.


All the best Adam xxx

Posted : 29th July 2022 11:17 pm
Posts: 458

Ah Adam, your doing fab. Nearly 1000 days, wow, just wow, what an achievement ? you must be so proud of yourself. You sound happy,  so glad lifes going good for you

Stace x

Posted : 30th July 2022 6:31 pm
Posts: 2937
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cheers stace xx

Posted : 2nd August 2022 11:23 am
Posts: 2937
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Thanks stace for popping by xxx

Today I have been very excited with the start of the footy season today...   Arsenal played palace tonight and although the result was bad for me it was entertaining and started of my long weekend.


When I hit the 1000 day mark I'll start a new diary for the next chapter of my life.


Work is going great..... I'm respected.... I've been given something to focus on thru my hospital newspaper it's been really successful..... My hours are great and allow me to relax before and after work each day for a long time..... Matron has thanked me this week and also our director....  It's really proving a good move.


This weekend I'm going to stay at folks and watch all the games..... Also I'll listen to spurs tomo..... I'm praying for a good start . .  .


Recovery wise my gambling thoughts have diminished, I no longer well at the mo think gambling would be a good idea or even entertain gambling thoughts anymore.....


Skitsophrenia wise all good, spoke to my practioner for an update yesturday and she said if it wasn't for my monthly injection I'm doing Soo well they would have discharged me..    which is great to hear.


I've been going to play table tennis with mum (she really is quite good) Soo far I'm winning two matches to one but every match has been down to the last game and last couple of points.


Independence wise.... I've pretty much bought all I need for flat and it's looking lovely.... I've been budgeting and I've spent on average 145 pounds a month on all my food and drinks which works out under five pounds a day...... This is a good amount and I'm happy with it although coffees from Costa are defo a luxury that are too expensive so I'll try to limit them to one a week.  Meals wise I've been shopping for things on offer in sainsburys and as a result have been able to spend a little amount on food.  Sleep wise even without my double bed I'm sleeping well I've been early for work everyday and not had a sick day since February when I had covid.


All the best Adam xxx



Posted : 5th August 2022 10:28 pm
Posts: 208

You are doing so so well.

Each day and week so well planned and structured.

Now you are reaping the benefits of the hard work and planning.

So very pleased for how things are going, such an inspiration and shows the way forward to all.

Have a good weekend Adam!!

Posted : 6th August 2022 10:06 am
Posts: 2937
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Evening lids, many thanks for popping by, thanks a lot.


The mighty spurs have done me proud today and now sit top of the premier league.... woop woop.


My dads just signed up for another two years of BT sport which is great for my entertainment horray.


Looking forward to this season and the world cup inbetween.


Just had a couple of friends over this eve which was lovely.


Tomo gonna walk back to folks and watch a couple more prem games, then monday sit in my garden.


Then four more days at work and im off work for a week..... its all good.


Was talking to my firend about what ive been thru with skitsophrenia..... he has also had it and hasnt worked since hes had it 20 years.....makes me think how well i have done thru the years with my folks pushing me forward, the help of the nhs and friends help.... everything has pushed me forwards.... really thankful for being respected at work and able to contribute towards society....


All the best Adam xxx

Posted : 6th August 2022 11:01 pm
Posts: 2937
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One more day at work tomo then off for a week. Today I was very busy, tomo is a chance to Finnish everything off then wind down into holiday mode ....


Usually takes a few days to stop thinking about work.... Looks like weather will be super hot.... Chance to sit in my garden and get a tan.


Going to watch all the football too.... 


Really will enjoy this week off I think.


Been in a very reflective mood all week.... Kind of like a f**k it it's only work attitude but I've been working hard and got everything done.


Saw some old friends this week and that brings round life thoughts etc like have I done well thoughts and in all honesty I'm super proud of what I've achieved over last couple of years.


All good with recovery and helping newbies on gamcare.


Long may it continue


All the best Adam xxx

Posted : 11th August 2022 5:39 pm
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