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Firstly and THE most important bit...Im glad to see you back!

Secondly...from me its unconditional..the door swings both ways.

Thirdly....selfishly I need to hear know why???? cos it makes me feel more human.

Truthfully and this is just my own opinion...if my ex partner had communicated to me like you have just done here when the urges came etc and i could see he was trying even despite slips..then we would have still been together!!!..and that is a fact.

Even as a non gambler I can relate to all you say here AN .... nothing can't be achieved if you keep being honest and communicating the real you.

I use my diary all the time to dump stuff on and never think if its helping or contributing cos rightly or wrongly im here to get well and not to people doing that ALL day like most of us..

we all have an interpretaton of what a recovery diary is and I use mine as a proper working the one i used to hide under my knicks in the drawer.

Be the real you AN...thats all you need to do you are enough....I for one am not sat here with a stop watch or a meter ticking...

Easy does it..


R and D xx

Posted : 10th October 2012 9:32 am
Posts: 0 just seen your post to me...

YOU ARE WORTH IT....say that 100 g.gillion times a day...

Keep posting...

I was a bit worried for sure but only becasue I know of your health problems.

I never gave the gambling much of a thought to be honest .... because deep down I know you'll smash that..... :- )

Slowly slowly catchee monkey

biggest hugs from London

R and D xx

Posted : 10th October 2012 9:39 am
Posts: 4422

Mr. B

glad to see you post my friend, not so glad of it's content, but know this fella, Worthless NO, Unconditional Yes.

The doors do revolve fella, you have the re-entry stamp a lifetime ticket,yours to use,to your end.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 10th October 2012 11:19 am
Posts: 0


Well my online bestie , I have a few things to say .

And if I was there this would involve a bloody good shake .

You are NOT worthless , or any of the other things you posted. We have an illness , did we chose to have it NO , are we going to fight it YES SIREEE!

This foooooooking addiction plays on negativety , plays on us believing we are weak .

Do not play into it hand , fight back I know you can do it . Every positive thought , every post , every counciling session , zappppppssssss the addictions strength .

Not many weeks ago you proposed to me , to be your virtual wife , we agreed to be best mates , best mates tell it straight , do not sugar coat it and why cause ultimately they care sooooooooo much about you and know a bit of tough love will give you the best chance of getting through this .

I know you offered an option many months of us exchanging emails , but I couldn't . Not cause I do not want to , but because my other half has access and he would not understand , and his jealous green monster would rise from the depths .

So I want you know I am here for you , as are so many unconditionally . Put on your boxing gloves , grab hold of one of your golf clubs , nine iron would probs do it ,

And batter those gambling urges into the middle of next week .

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 10th October 2012 12:56 pm
Posts: 0

Hi AN,

Just popping in2 offer my support!

I felt really sad reading ur posts 2day, u r worthy of help.... this is a tough journey and u r showing alot of strength by not giving up on ur recovery!

Have a gr8 nite 🙂

Posted : 10th October 2012 7:59 pm
Posts: 0

morning AN..

you know the begins with YOU ...


R and D xx

Posted : 11th October 2012 10:29 am
Posts: 0


Come on mate post , let us help you .

Shiny xxxxxxxxx

Posted : 11th October 2012 3:35 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

On Tuesday, I picked up the phone to place a bet. Instead I asked for customer service. I self excluded for the maximum 5 years. I then followed that up with every online bookie and self excluded. I had accounts with 12. I never excluded telephone betting before just blocked internet and local bookies.

I feel good. My horse won but I don't really care. I don't do that any more.

Recently found facebook so spending a lot of time there. Still golfing and thanks Shiny, every time I hit a drive now I concentrate on sending IT into hyperspace.

Hooray, I am over it! Normal activities will be resuming here soon.


Posted : 12th October 2012 4:08 pm
Posts: 0

welcome back AN.

We missed you .

Normal activities resuming soon.. Great.

Take care

Blondie x

Posted : 12th October 2012 4:29 pm
Posts: 0


Hay bud , made up that you are once again fighting the good fight .

Hats off to your mate for self cancelling on all those bookies .

How is your health now , are you getting that sorted ?

You know mate you've been under a lot of stress and worry in recent months , hopefully take gambling out of the equation and it will ease up a bit .

You take care , oh and you never have to say sorry to me 🙂

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 12th October 2012 5:03 pm
Posts: 0

Hey AN...

Good to see your name back up on page 1....

No words hun..Just sending you my best and a hug (((((IB)))))) from down't road...

always unconditional

R and D xx

Posted : 12th October 2012 6:35 pm
Posts: 0

Hey flirty gurty gonna tell yer virtual missus your tappin babes from the other side... lol xx......only kiddin"

Hows you today?

Big Placebo fan also ....years of seeing bands in the mud slide of Glastonbury til we finally got old and watched it on telly instead. ; )

Never seen that Eels song from Boosh...its the man in the moon

Have a good day hun...keep strong and if in doubt post and shout ...


R and D xx

Posted : 13th October 2012 7:40 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi everyone,

1 week no gambling. That black Saturday last week was the last time. Dropped over a grand. Terrible. Stupid f****n idiot, Anyway that's in the past now.

So onwards and upwards. Been so busy I have hardly had time top think. Off to see one of my favourite bands tomorrow, looking forward to that. Back to work Monday. Look forward to golf next weekend.

I am sick of leading a double life. No longer. Time to be me again.

Thanks to all my loyal supporters, I consider you my friends and will return the love when I can. You helped me a lot. Post to you soon.


Posted : 13th October 2012 6:05 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi A,N

Great to see ya back and goin in the right direction , made my day to see ur post and ur back on track , we're on this journey together good or bad and will always be there for each other

Catch up soon


Posted : 13th October 2012 6:57 pm
Posts: 298

Hi mate... I did very similar about 2 weeks ago, and seeing you back here after this slip gives me strength to pack my rucksack and start the journey again... hope you do too. Seems we are quite similar... golf and Rush... maybe we should set a 6 month target... takes us to April... decent weather.... meet up for a game of golf... as long as you don't play off a single digit handicap...

I'm on for it if you are... ,


Posted : 13th October 2012 9:31 pm
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