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Hi AN..

Be you...that's all you have to are enough just as you are.

R and D xx

Posted : 13th October 2012 9:44 pm
Posts: 0

yup...big fat hairy ones...trapped in yer zip...

Spew it out AN ....

R and D xx

Posted : 14th October 2012 12:32 am
Posts: 0

ps ..not your knacks just knacks in general. xx

Posted : 14th October 2012 12:33 am
Posts: 298

yep.... it is.... hoping in the morning it isn't... but at the moment .. it is.


Posted : 14th October 2012 12:46 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks again for all the kind messages of support. Dotty words cannot describe, so nice. Castle always respected. Jonb2412 shares my interests. Shiny my virtual soulmate. Duncanmac a true gent. Anyone else who shows the time and effort to encourage others when they're down. You are all friends. All except Rach are recovering gambling addicts and her ex was one of the worst kind, refusing to admit.

It was sometime ago that I decided I was looking for a little bit more, some real faces, some private comms, some extra support. I was prepared to be part of a circle of friends, a much smaller group. You could argue that we have that anyway. Only in words though.

I know some Gamcarers who have posted once or twice to me. They post regularly to others. Maybe don't like me. Others I know I don't like.

I am a nice person deep down, a gambler but that doesn't make me evil. I am willing to help people.

Jonb, if you are serious I will take your offer. I am a 28 handicap and hover around 100 for most of my rounds. Shot 108 on Friday in 30mph winds, I played great in my book lol. You should have no trouble beating me. I worry though that you rejected my earlier offer of meeting at the Rush concert next May. You have planted this idea for me. It's eaten me up since.

I have only ever had rejection when I have suggested emails, phone, facebook or meets. Seems strange to me that we gambled on anything that moves then we won't gamble on real people. Most of us have insecurity and trust issues it seems.

I long to hear a fellow gambler's voice, see his/her face, know their pain and mine in more than words from a keypad. I have explained before that I can't join my local GA. Reasons, high profile public job, yes, that is it.

So, finally I would like anyone who is interested to join my little club. An experiment to start. Private counselling service for each other. A lifeline when we feel urges, a sponsor. I want to fight on but need more support than Gamcare can give now. Start with mobiles and emails.Woldn't it be great to call a friend when you felt s**t, and we know what happens when we feel s**t. So anyone who is willing, drop a yes on my diary. I will give instructions as to what to do after that. I will give one week to make decision. I am happy to organise. I have lots of ideas. This is it for me. I would like at least four people including myself. I believe a group like this could become really powerful It's your choice. I am in, I hope to hear others too. Gamble on it please!

I will leave Gamcare in one week. Reject me again or don't reply. I don't know you, it doesn't hurt. If I did it would. No hiding for me. I have got to quit for good now!

So anyone who knows and understands me, your choice.

Freedom is in our reach.



Posted : 14th October 2012 1:04 am
Posts: 298

I was scared when the "Rush" offer ...was offered. Would I be able to afford it?.... Was it a serious offer? Lots of things went through my head.... but the fact that you remember the offer.... means a lot to me.

We know not of other issues that surround us on here and I truly apologise for not taking such an offer seriously... it is, I am afraid, much easier not to.... and sometimes too much to do so... but I hear you this time. And whether or not we ever play golf together, I am here for you now... and would like it if we can be here for each other at this time.

My name is Jonathan.

Posted : 14th October 2012 1:13 am
Posts: 298


Posted : 14th October 2012 1:25 am
Posts: 0

hey are talking to the master of gambling on real people....

Not sure if i can aid too much in your recovery...but I am happy to be fb buds xx

R and D xx

Posted : 14th October 2012 2:10 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Posted : 14th October 2012 2:12 am
Posts: 298

I hope you follow through with your thoughts. I am a teacher, and so will not be able to respond during teaching hours... but any other times....

I find this a bit difficult, dont want to let you down... but thats my problem, not yours... hope you do text... or ring... that first chat will be difficult... but we do have an agenda... Rush and golf... who could ask for anything more... who could ask for anything more...?

Posted : 14th October 2012 2:14 am
Posts: 0

got it x

Posted : 14th October 2012 2:18 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

I must be f*****g mad. I am crazy. Its a gamble Jon but I think we're on a winner. Will text in 2. All walks of life my friend.

Posted : 14th October 2012 2:20 am
Posts: 298

I am off to bed in 20 mins... up till then...

I've always been mad.

Posted : 14th October 2012 2:23 am
Posts: 298

credit went... look to the future....


Posted : 14th October 2012 3:44 am
Posts: 0


You will probs read this when you wake up , so good morning .

As much as I would have loved to be part of your group and feel that it would have been a benefit for us both , as u am sure it will be for those that get involved ,

It just will not work for me , I need the anomity of this site , for the reasons I explained before .

So I suppose I am a bit sad that you will go off and I may never know how it all turns out .

All I can say write what ever , you will be in my thoughts and I truly hope with all my heart , that we both find a sense of peace in our lives , a life which is not only gambling free , but a freedom from the dark clouds that seem to blight our whole being from time to time .

Take care my dear dear friend ..

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 14th October 2012 4:30 am
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