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The honourable mr. I b.

Fella I have read and deliberated your recent posts with great intrest, I would be happy to hand my details over to you fella by way of looking at your plan as a great way to further myself through the twelve step programme I am working on.

I don't know if my credentials are of intrest to you, I don't care to play golf, waste of a good walk and live down south, am always honest (since recovery started 23/01/12 )

Any way I can help, gain help I would gladly be counted in.

I understand your decision either way and wish your recovery well.

Posted : 14th October 2012 8:00 pm
Posts: 0


Hay Hun , just got in from work .

You know how it is , so soooosssss for the late reply 🙁

It's not that I think you would compromise my anominity , intentionally it's life has a way of doing it itself . It's just complicated .

I am sooooooo pleased that you will drop in from time to time to let me know how you are .

And I think this idea and the group of people ( wonderfull people) will help you , and also Jon . I think them along with yourself have alot to offer each other in the way of support. You and Jon always seem to be searching for something more than this site can offer .

But and this is a big but , one day things may be different for me , and I hope that the invitation will always be open to me , cause if things did change I would bite your hand off , to be a part of this .

So Hun , just big hugs , yep we do get each other and I feel very very privileged to call you my friend , my virtual soul mate

Take care my dear dear I**

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 14th October 2012 10:37 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Nursing a slight vodka hangover this morning after attending a great concert last night. It seems like a fitting state to end my Gamcare diary. I cannot use this site forever and the more I need to use it the more likely it is I will have to think about gambling and it's consequences.

I am also currently supporting a close relative who has the same problem. Seems the addiction runs in the family. He has only just admitted his addiction so is very needy at the moment.

With a busy working life I am finding staying committed to this site very difficult. I have made contact with a couple of people already and hope for a couple more. That I can communicate with like minded people whenever we need on a more personal level would work for me I am sure. I do hope that it can help them as well. It can't do anyone any harm anyway.

So, Goodbye Gamcare. I really have benefitted from the experience and communicated with some great people.



Posted : 15th October 2012 8:37 am
Posts: 0

Yo ,

Thank you for your post , my dear dear friend .

It's important for me not to be sad 🙁 cause besties only want what would be the best for their friends , and that encludes Rach , Dunc and Jon.

If between you and those that take the plunge into this very support group , which i believe will take you all to the next level of your recovery . Cause i care soooooooo much about you all, I have turned that frown upside down 🙂

Go get ummmmm friends , fight this fight with everything you have got , recon you've all just added another tool to your armoury , and as we know the more the merrier .

Having said all that do not be strangers ...... Lol

Shiny xxxxxxxx

Posted : 15th October 2012 11:05 am
Posts: 0

Hi Ian,

Wish you all the best of luck , I have a whole list of other CG in my phone book from G.A more than happy to add yours to it ?

If not take care wish you all the very very best in your onward journey.

Blondie x

Posted : 15th October 2012 11:28 am
Posts: 0


I have been thinking bout this all day to find a solution .

If you could get gamcare to email me you mobile number , I would be happy to text you .

And then maybe we could keep in contact that way , as my phone is locked , and also have some of the guys I work with on itv. So that seems like a way around it for me .....

Are you up for that ???

Sleep well , won't sleep awaiting you reply you know ....:-)

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 15th October 2012 11:47 pm
Posts: 0


Just read your post on blondes thread , so explain to me what I need to do , .....

Cause I can be really dim, an idiot guide would probs do the trick.

Well that is of course if you accept my offer 🙂

Sleep tight ,

Shiny xxxx

Ps I am working late tomorrow , so accept another midnigh post , whilst we sort this out .....

Posted : 16th October 2012 12:11 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Come on Shiny Read your post!!!!

Posted : 16th October 2012 2:17 am
Posts: 0

Hey AN...night owl...could'nt open your link btw...

Guessing your cyber hearts fixed now

off to try and sleep

R and D x

Posted : 16th October 2012 3:35 am
Posts: 0


11.15 tuesday it is then .

I will be carrying a copy of the times , a red carnation in my button hole , standing on platform 9 and three quarters lol

Or maybe I will just log on to your thread and wish you a very good evening .

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 16th October 2012 3:37 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

I knew you would like it! Be there or be square. xx

Posted : 16th October 2012 8:22 am
Posts: 521

Hi AN,

Seems like you are having a tough time recently.

I know the feeling of wanting to reach out to people, real people and face to face conversations.

I signed up on gamcare in January and have told my GP and one other person who I vaguely know.

It is a massive secret, I would lose everything, I really admire people like you who have had the courage to come out with the truth.I really hope to do so one day. I know that is putting it off and being weak, but I really can't face it. I would lose everything I have.

You are a dear friend and I wish we could speak on the phone or meet up. But this would be another great secret that I would keep but one day when all this is out in the open I hope I can do so.

You can get my email from gamcare I would be happy to write. Above you have a good taste in music and sport!…1s9F_pWXbg&feature=fvwrel


Posted : 16th October 2012 12:37 pm
Posts: 0

Hey AN......Not sure if I'm gonna make it to 11.15pm rendez v**s with your soul mate...go easy...

Im too knackered and need to sleeps....but if my curiositty gets te better of me I can be called in for some crooning...Harry Connick jnr style..

s**t,shower and a shave...

R and D xx

Posted : 16th October 2012 9:55 pm
Posts: 0


Under the clock, times in hand ..............

Shiny xxxxxxx

Posted : 16th October 2012 11:15 pm
Posts: 0

Yep .......

Posted : 16th October 2012 11:18 pm
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