Resetting the counter.
Got to 160 days then had a big blip for a week. Got back on the treadmill. Great at first - small bets - 30p or so at the beginning of the week - moved up to £1 bets but have just cleared out my bank account by putting fiver after fiver on number 34 on roulette table - it never came up - and even if it had I would have just rebet the money til I had run out - that was my mindset tonight. So am back to zero - I have experienced 160 days - nearly 6 months of being gamble free - I know what it's like not to be watching over my shoulder - or to be swearing at myself for being so stupid - and to go to bed at a reasonable time rather than as tonight nearly 1am and my alarm is set for 6am and I am at work from 7.30 til late evening tomorrow.
So maybe it's a positive that I needed reminding how rubbish gambling is and that I need to get back to my life again.
I know I can do it. Aiming for 365 days gamble free this time and then forever.
Good luck everyone
Annie....So sorry to read about the gambling binge. It is exactly what I did a few years ago after 165 days without a bet. My heart really goes out to you as it is very difficult to pick ourselves up after a fall. Don't beat yourself up because it doesn't serve any purpose and you didn't choose to be a gambling addict. Take care ...stephen
At least you have bounced back. Good on you. As abstainer says, look after yourself, be on the same team. Allow a few seconds of anger and frustration with your actions - really let it all out in those seconds. Shout, scream, kick a pillow or something. Then say to yourself, I'm back, I can do this and try and stay away from gambling one day at a time. You got this. I believe in you.
Bless you both. Such great words. Gamcare will be my go to site again as so easy to fall but your words make me feel everything is possible. Thank you!!
Anything is possible indeed, just believe in yourself ☺
Keep posting,
Get better
Abstain & maintain is the only way forward.
S x
Sometimes we need relapses or blips like you said a reminder as to how c**P gambling is. Our lives might sadly be littered with relapses and we shouldn't beat ourselves up, as long as they cause minimal damage. Well done on getting straight back on the non-gambling train to a happier future. Be strong
Thank you for reassuring words. Blip continued a little longer sadly and have recommitted to giving 100% back to life from now and sod all to online gambling. This week I've had 2 nights with only 4 hours sleep due to the addictiveness of the sites and I've lost lost lost. I'm tired of it now. It's been 4 years 7 months and 8 days of gambling and tomorrow is day 1 of the rest of my life gamble free. 25 June 2022 will be the date of when the equal amount of stopping gambling will be. How many hours have I wasted..,,,, how much money...,...
Hope your ok Annie. I also gambled today and tomorrow is my Day 1.
We have both had long periods gamble free, so we know we can do it.
We're back on the recovery road now with our GamCare friends. Let's just keep going forward one day at a time.
I intend posting on my diary every day even if it's only to say i'm ok. Take care Annie, wishing you well. Stephen.
Hi Annie2016 - I'm really sorry to hear about your 'blip'. It's incredible how the urge to gamble just refuses to die - but like Wilsy said, maybe see this as a reminder of just how pointless it is to gamble.
It's only been 10 days since my last blip, but I'm sure if I keep visiting this site, it will help to give me all the support and reminders that a life without gambling is going to be so much better.
I hope you catch up on your rest - and here's to the next 4 years 7 months and 8 days of you life!
Thanks so much Stephen and Equinox. Today is day 3. We can all do this. Let's kill the gamble bug once and for all. Good luck good luck good luck. Xx
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