my betting diary

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Hi wp,

Thank u 4 ur support on my diary, it means a lot!

I read Jac's post it was really inspiring!

It is ppl like u here that give me hope, no matter wot tough times u have gone thru... U have stayed gamble free!

U should be so proud of urself!

I hope things work out so u can see ur little one I really do!

Take care 🙂

Posted : 30th January 2013 8:27 pm
Ex-gambler Curly
Posts: 599

Hi wp.

Bumping you to page 1 where you belong. Any newbies stumbling across this diary should give it a read. If you are determined to achieve something then you can do it irrespective of what other challenges you face in the meantime.

Hope you are well my friend.

Posted : 18th February 2013 9:42 pm
Posts: 0

Hello m8

I know you are having a rest for a while.But just checking in on you,to let you know your not forgotten lol.

Cheltenham week is a hard time for us all ,but i know you will get passed it.Stay strong m8,all the best Jeff.

Posted : 13th March 2013 8:18 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

Can't believe December was the last time I posted on my diary.i haven't been posting as I kinda took a huff regarding a member of staff finding me abrasive but still read on the occasional day.

Christmas was spent by myself in the hope of seeing the little one. Wasn't to be.

Between Christmas and easter things improved to the point of 1 1/2 hours visit per week.

I haven't seen bairn since easter and currently shoving all my hard earned cash at a solicitor. recent Email and phone call cost me nearly £150.a never ending Rip off but not much you can do. It has to be done. Court case on the horizon but at what cost.certainly on a par with my gambling days.

Decided to log on today as feeling it a bit.

No gambling issues,today I won't bet tomorrow I won't bet I can do this.

I sincerely hope anyone new reading this post takes heed of the dangers gambling really can put you in !

Happy fathers day !!!

To be continued one day.....

Posted : 16th June 2013 3:23 pm
Posts: 0

Hello wp and thanks for the update.

For what its worth think being abrasive is a quality and saying things as you see it.

Think you've got some real strength and shown it a plenty in these past few years on your diary. In a fashion your last post selfishly means a hell of alot to me and shows in abundance the work you've put into recovery.

Recovery to me is alot easier when lifes all tickety boo, its when life throws up the adverse S***e when you need to be at your strongest. And you wp is one strong chap.

Keep on moving on and up and believing, a break is only round the corner.

All the best from an old friend

Posted : 16th June 2013 9:41 pm
Posts: 1226

Hi wp

Good to see a post from you on your diary. sorry things arent going too well for you and hope they improve soon.

Thanks again for the support you have given to myself and others over the past few years, much appreciated.

Posted : 17th June 2013 8:52 am
Posts: 0


Thank you sooooo much for your post . Writing on here but not sure when you'll pick it up.

Have to say there's security knowing that you are lurking out there somewhere .

For that I thank you again !

Shiny xxxx

Posted : 19th June 2013 3:04 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp!

Can't believe Your so long back on the diaries.Hope alls well and i will post you soon!


Posted : 13th July 2013 12:37 am
Posts: 0

Hi wp

Long time no see!! (well you know what I mean, though I've never actually seen you 😉 )

Just been having a wee look and it's comforting to see you're still around and gamble free!

I started a new diary as I couldn't find my old one, then I found it..but maybe best to keep new one. I probably won't write much anyway, just give support if I can now and again.

Hope you're well! Keep in touch


Lili x

Posted : 30th September 2013 3:15 pm
Posts: 1172

Been a while wp, hope your well, sticking at it. Hope that things are better with ex and kids and everything. Take care mate. Wishing you well.

Posted : 11th October 2013 1:36 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp

Great to hear from you and thanks for the congratulations which i shall also be returning in a couple of weeks.I hope all is well with the family have done even better than most with the problems you have had along the way and will always have my utmost respect for that.many would have crumbled.All the best Jeff.

Posted : 16th October 2013 3:50 pm
Posts: 1057
Topic starter

Many thanks Jeff,lili,Dave,captain,viggo,shiny and volcano (took me a while to figure you out but your last name reminded me of what you put tea in I think) 😉 always nice to see some support on my diary even though I hardly post anymore im still taking the occasional browse through the diaries.

Just a brief update for anyone interested.

Yip im still here using my reliable mobile phone which has been a real asset to my recovery. If ever I get an urge and they are still here I can log onto these pages through my phone.

Where am I ?

Well I've been to court in what was certainly not a nice experience and cost me a few thousand in fees.i wouldn't have batted an eyelid on this amount gambling so I guess its rough medicine.

I have managed to arrange to see my kid 3 nights a week Monday,Tuesday and Wednesdays for 2 hours under my ex s supervision. Its not the best but its certainly progress and better than nothing. Its the little ones birthday on Saturday so I have just wished her an emotional goodbye and enjoy her birthday.the pain of gambling is still very much there and hurting.

Today I haven't bet tomorrow I won't bet,every day is still a challenge.

If I can do this anyone can,never give up giving up folks this can be beaten for a better life.

Best wishes,

Winning post.

Posted : 13th November 2013 9:00 pm
Posts: 1226

Good to see a post wp and not at all surprised to read you are still gamble free. I have quoted you as one of the guys to follow and a diary worth reading.

Keep it up mate. Best wishes

Posted : 14th November 2013 4:44 am
Posts: 0


So pleased to hear you know get to see your children . Although not perfect defo a step in the right direction.

Keep on keeping on mate , hopefully with in time things will move on even further .

Shiny xxxx

Posted : 14th November 2013 3:54 pm
Posts: 0

Hi wp,

Nice to get an update on how things are with you, I remember back when I first started here, and you were such a great support, I'm glad to see that things are moving forward. They might be small steps forward, but its better than going backwards.

Hope all's well up in the far north, and not too cold for's been bitter down here in Wales today, and a bit of snow further up the valley.

All the best


Posted : 19th November 2013 5:54 pm
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