My Diary 🖤

7 Posts
5 Users
Wretches and Kings
Posts: 9
Topic starter

Hi everybody,

I know some of you already through my extensive reading of the forum and my intro post.

I've decided to start a diary following my journey of recovery. I won't be posting everyday, but I will be here frequently.

Not much to say today, still GF, just shy of 14 days in fact. I'd be lying if I said it was easy, it's not that I want to gamble (I don't), it's dealing with the fact that I've finally stopped gambling and I'm having to come face to face with the extensive damage it has done to my life.

I get paid in less than a week. All of the money is already spoken for; pay my debt payment, pay bills, save a little and use the rest for a 2 week break. I'll definitely have to stretch my money but I'm feeling good about it. For the first time in years, NONE of my salary is going to gambling.

Thank you for reading and I hope you're all doing well.

Wretches and Kings 🖤

This topic was modified 2 months ago by Wretches and Kings
Posted : 20th July 2024 11:36 am
Posts: 336

There is a old saying that when you stop gambling you give yourself a massive pay rise.


Just for today I will not gamble, and apply cheese to all my dishes this week including jam on toast.



Posted : 20th July 2024 4:38 pm
Posts: 361

Well done mate. And totally agree with Dav
e101. The pay rise is coming. It may take a while but you will feel it soon. The hardest part for me was the realisation of what I’d done. If ruined my life, as most of us have. Turns out though, we can rebuild. 2 weeks in and I bet they’ve flown by. Trust me, you’ll be so far down the line and so far from gambling before you know it. That’s when you have to be careful but you seem in a good headspace so you’ll be good. 

A diary is a great way of tracking your progress. It also gives you a written contract with yourself. 2 weeks done. All written down. Do you want to break that streak? Of course you don’t. This diary is another way of being accountable to yourself. 

1st month of no gambling money. Here’s to many more.

Stay strong mate 💪

Posted : 20th July 2024 5:59 pm
Posts: 44

Congrats on going two weeks clean already. Good luck on your journey. You should know all the common practices for recovery as you've spent time on this forum. All I can add is, do not neglect designing your own solutions for overcoming addiction. Hope to see your success here.

Posted : 20th July 2024 9:47 pm
Posts: 419

Hi there.

Just wanted to say a huge well done on approaching your first two weeks g.f journey. 👏👏👏👏. It’s also nice to see that you are now firmly set up with your own personal diary to record in, as and when 👍.

I would add to all of the above by saying, I find setting myself mini goals in my diary, help to keep me focused and motivated which then enables me to use my hard earned money constructively and sensibly👌.

Wishing you hope and strength on your journey 💪🙏.

Pink Lady 🩷🍎.

Posted : 22nd July 2024 11:38 pm
Wretches and Kings
Posts: 9
Topic starter

Hi again everyone,

Firstly thank you for your replies and words of encouragement and kindness, I read every single message intently and appreciate you all taking the time.

I received my first payslip from work since quitting all forms of gambling yesterday. As I promised to myself and expressed here, I have used it to pay bills, save a little and enjoy some time away (which I am currently doing), I also made my first debt payment (59 payments to go 😭🙂).

All of my money is already spoken for and for the first time in a long time, none of it has gone to gambling. I feel proud and happy with the progress I have already made but I know I have a long and hard road ahead of me. I would love to say it has been easy but that would be lying, it has been HARD, very HARD!

I still don't want to gamble and haven't even had the thought of gambling to be honest, it's just that gambling was clearly a huge part of my life and I'm only now realising it since I have stopped gambling. In a strange why I miss gambling, even though I don't have the urge to do it.

I am still dealing with all of the emotional and financial damage and distress gambling has caused me, but for the first time ever, I have to say that I have hope for the future and have never felt more determined to defeat this sickness.

As I write this out today, my days free from gambling have ticked over to 21 days. 3 WEEKS GF!

I'll report in again soon, please be kind to yourself.

Wretches and Kings 🖤

Posted : 27th July 2024 12:46 pm
Posts: 361

Get in mate! First pay check is a big one. Not financially. You’re screwed for a while, just like me, but to do proper adult stuff and use it for good is a huge step. 

I never thought I’d be like this but in a few months you will be in this situation. You will have some money left before payday. You will feel like a champion. You will get the biggest buzz, and you will want to do the same the following month. It’s honestly the new dopamine hit for me. Just imagine how amazing it will be in 59 months!

Solid work so far mate. Let’s get debt free together and enjoy our money instead of giving it away for nothing.

Stay strong 💪 

Posted : 27th July 2024 10:32 pm

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