Yes ODAAT , so far so now fixed too - cost me 2 weeks wages but hey ho - least not wasted on gambling...
YAY, 2 weeks is yours 🙂
Loved your poem but don't want to hijack that til I'm feeling a bit more creative!
Great work, keep going - ODAAT
yes Emily do let me know lol x
ODAAT, please do join in - i have wrote three now and it's no fun doing them alone lol
Thanks Emily - hope your doing good?
Yes we all winners each day we don't gamble..........sometimes it feels like the debt is not going anywhere but least it is not getting any worse.........
Yes premium bonds are well worth the look........bit of a oxymoron for us abstaining from gambling luckily........we still get the chance without a actual gamble.........although in a way you could say sacrificing your interest is a gamble but in my eyes the current interest rates on savings are so poor that you would have to have thousands saved to be giving up anything substainsal........and with 28.5k debt i have no savings to worry about lol....
(19 days gamble free)
Day 21 Gamble free - had serveral urges today and a massive opportunity to gamble which i managed to avoid by simply doing something else.....albeit going to a bar on my own and drinking coca cola and j20's lol
Still even if that might be sad it was better than losing my roll of gambling free streak not to mention the loss of money, gambling would have done to me.
So yes......i suppose i am pleased.......rather bored but still pleased.......
Thank you....yeah all good apart from the dentist bill lol.....all that sugar....
My hobbies are karaoke and driving.......and have been doing as much as possible of both to overcome urges....
most my urges are late at night when normal people are in bed.......i just most awake then and never feel like sleeping...
Wayne (22 days gamble free)
Welcome to the start of week 4 🙂
Mmmm I love that fizzy stuff from a red & white can & even though I haven't quit that completely (down to 2 cans a day) I am way more likely to break this 'recovery' journey than I am my gambling one :-0 I'm not great @ sleeping...You think it could be too much sugar 😉
As you probably know I don't gamble online so I applaud your strength in those early hours when sleep will not prevail!
Keep staying strong - ODAAT
LOL........Yeah too true Odaat
Had a bad day today as my temporary job ceased to had the day off mainly looking for new jobs with a little bit of exercise too on the boxing machine lol............but again still no gambling.......especially now i out of work atm.
day 23 complete gamble free......yippee...
Boo to being out of work 🙁
That sucks but so impressed that you are pushing on through & remaining positive! Hopefully a lovely job is just around the corner!
Keep your strength up - ODAAT
Hi Wayne,
Sorry to read about your job, I hope a better one comes up very soon, I am in the process of job hunting myself.
23 days of being gamble free and staying positive, that's great news cos the addiction will hate that.
Suzanne xx
Thanks ODAAT and Suzanne.
Hope your both doing good in your own paths against it?
Yeah it is depressing but it was temporary work and with that you never know anything.......except the fact it will end at some just kinda hope it won't be the day your in .............but i will get something soon i'm sure......never been out of work since 16 for more than a few weeks........have too much debt to pay to be able to not here's to the next adventure lol
Hi last we forget I can never forget your encouraging words on my thread I am still doing my recovery dire if you ever feel like popping over there reading your posting I enjoyed our conversations. All responses have been helpful, and I am still on my quest, doing shorter and smaller amounts of gambling and trying to fill in my life with other activities, but the conversations with you especially since you were the last one to respond back and forth with me made me think about and realize some things about gambling and are helping me to limit it in my life and see it that it should be less important in my life. I hope you're doing well I see you have not posted on here since 1229.
Did you find work?
Hi Jenilee
I struggle sometimes to find the posts i was commenting on unless they are under one day old since the last submission.
I do try and be helpful in all my comments and speak from the heart so glad to hear they have been of some help to you.
Job wise - my previous contract that was ended, have offered me odd days of work but nothing that will really make it a viable still searching.......but will scape by in the interium .....i have had opportunities however they have not been clear on wages until the final stage and have had to turn them down as they were not enough to pay off this debt i'm in ....catch 22 really.....but anyway.....thanks for asking.
i will try find your posts......and see how it is going for you....
Affected by gambling?
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