My first diary!

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Blondie that was beautiful !! Flagg has been such an inspiration to us all , we're in this altogether we have to give up for our own sakes we know there is light in a dark tunnel ! The temptations will be great theres no doubt but the rewards will be 3 fall! Not gambling will make u a less lying individual will give u more self respect will enable u to spend and save money on what u really want out of life , that family holiday that meal out that trip round the world ! Whatever ! But know u can't achieve that with ur past life it only leads to lies deceit Pain an failure ! Don't get me wrong we all miss the buzz that goddam buzz ! The one that sucks us in and turns our minds into zombie mode were we will spend every penny we have to

Posted : 18th July 2012 12:08 am
Posts: 487

To try and chase the dream which doesnt exist ! Flagg keep posting do u know im an avid steven king fan just finished the stand for the second time! The lead bad guy was a person called Randal Flagg but I know ur far from bad and may u inspire many more folks who come into this website to give up this horrid addiction for once and for all ! Amen

Posted : 18th July 2012 12:13 am
Posts: 0

Good Morning Flagg

100 days yesterday Woop Woop Woop

Ohhhhh Flagg, you have come soooo far on your journey and your commitment to yourself and to others in amazing, your support helps me and i'm sure all the others sooo much in their recovery so a big THANK YOU!

Flagg , we don't need to feel all conquering when we reach a milestone it sometimes is good enough to sit back , smile and say ' i'm doing this and it feels pretty d**n good!'

Again Flagg , a pleasure to go through your journey with you and look forward to continuing with you on it!

Keep Strong

Smiling Lucy 😉

Posted : 18th July 2012 8:23 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hello Diary,

Day 101 - Thanks for all the messages yesterday don't think I get that many well wishes and attention on my birthday amazing!

Not much to say today, on to the next 100 well actually 83 for the 6 month milestone!

Barcelona fund continues to grow each day it keeps gambling very much at the forefront of my mind but in a good way, think its very important we keep it close in order to avoid sneak attacks!

Day 101 - 82 Days to go!

Posted : 18th July 2012 10:48 am
Posts: 0


Well done for starting up the 90 thread. It's not my thing but anything that helps , is a plus in my book .

So good for you. I truly hope your list is compleat at the end 🙂

82 days to reaserch , plan and come up with the next fitting tribute .

All joking aside what we are trying to do ain't easy

So everyday is a success in my book, with people like you standing on the side lines waving the flag ( oh dear shiny was that really nessesary ) the good folk on this site are much more lightly to get through another gamble free day .

Anyways , need to address my latest addiction could you please cancel the wispa on our next date and replace it with a low cal , healthy eating , taste like cardboard alternative . Yum yum can not wait .

Shiny xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 18th July 2012 1:39 pm
Posts: 0

heya flagg,

Well done on reaching over 100 days. That is a great achievement i am aiming towards that now and think your idea for that 90 day milestone challenge is a great way of getting people motivated and determined to go the full 90 days so well done on that. You may see that I have put my name forward for that. I am day 65 today that in itself is a great achievement for me and if I can complete those 90 days aswell I will be very happy. I get married on saturday so to start married life gamble free will just be amazing.

Thankyou for your kind words on my post means alot good luck your great inspiration to everyone who really needs help on this site 🙂

Kind Regards

Ricky 🙂

Posted : 18th July 2012 6:12 pm
Posts: 0
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Hey Diary,

Day 102 - Really have very little to say today! Wow not very often I say that! GA meeting tonight no problems, infact I would argue this has been my best week since I stopped gambling! Consistent moods, more motivation, and positive outlook! Oh and the golf has started watching it on the computer at work in between. Working of course!

Day 102 - In a good place!

Posted : 19th July 2012 10:52 am
Posts: 0

Hiya Flagg

Have a good sesh at GA tonight....went to a meet last night and got my positive fix and feel good x factor ...


Rach n Doo xx...

Posted : 19th July 2012 1:09 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Flagg,

Thanks for the post.. Mums the word lol.. Hope you have a good meeting tonight cant make mine out for birthday Tea with Mum. It was a spur of the moment thing telling her and sending her the link but im so so glad i did.

Enjoy your day

Blondie x

Posted : 19th July 2012 3:01 pm
Posts: 0

hey Flagg just stopping by to offer some support and bring you some sunshine lol thanx again for your post lol it seem's your fighting good so keep it up and take care Sunshine : ) X

Posted : 19th July 2012 4:20 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Hope you have a good meeting tonight.

Next comment....bloody know where I'm going tomorrow....flippin Blackpool....about 1 mile from the golf........If I get stuck in traffic how much fuel will I need in the van to cope with traffic queues???

Stirring my cauldron as we speak!!!!!

Yes I did see the message!!!!!

Sue xx

Posted : 19th July 2012 4:49 pm
Posts: 0

Yes, and she called you a Nasty Man!

"so foul and fair a day I have not seen."

Posted : 19th July 2012 7:50 pm
Posts: 0

Off with my BIG broom to sort mrRCG out now!!

Sue x

Posted : 19th July 2012 8:00 pm
Posts: 0

hahahaha you sort these men out Sue X

Posted : 20th July 2012 10:06 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Afternoon Diary,

Day 103 - Weekend is here once again! Pretty sure it the days and weeks didnt fly so quickly whilst gambling! They almost go too quickly but only in a positive way as the days are generally pretty good right now!

Have a really good weekend ahead and no work Monday either so I certainly no reason to complain today! I said yesterday this has been the best week I've had since I stopped gambling and I stand by that today!

Day 103 - Very Content

Posted : 20th July 2012 12:47 pm
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