My first diary!

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Good afternoon Flagg

A great positive post showing how life can become when there's no gambling in our lives , those dark days must be a distant away and that can only be a good thing

Very content sounds so good much better than stressed worried or besides urself and don't know which way to turn

All by Malkin the right decisions in ur life , well done and enjoy ur long weekend


Posted : 20th July 2012 1:55 pm
Posts: 4422


Fella 100 hundred days have been and gone my friend you give so much to your recovery and that of others you do so deserve to be content. a massive well done from me to you.

Be proud.

duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 20th July 2012 5:58 pm
Posts: 0


Content eh............How good is that!!

You deserve everything...You have put so much into your recovery and also helping all us lost souls on the way.


Sue xx

Posted : 20th July 2012 6:13 pm
Posts: 0

The further we get into our recovery journeys, the more content days we have.

And that can only be a very good thing!

Enjoy your weekend.


Posted : 21st July 2012 1:46 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Good Afternoon Diary,

Day 104 - Closing in on the end of another bet free week. A settled time for me at the moment and I mentioned sometime ago during a similar period I was enjoying coasting a little. Back then I said I was not complacent just enjoying the days where the urges a zero and the mood is bright. This period is lasting a little longer and I don't want it to end. However, football season kicks off again mid august and I know that is lurking at the back of my mind. It will be a test but one I am now more than capable of passing.

Also really pleased to see virtually everyone check in on the 90 day thread. That is why it was created for focus and to give people a chance to pat themselves on the back for a week well done!

Have a super saturday every one enjoy the sun!

Day 104 - Feeling Fine

Posted : 21st July 2012 2:00 pm
Posts: 0

The longer you spend being gamble free, the more you will be able to enjoy your football.

Which is what the game was invented for. It really is a shame that certain people have tried to sabotage the game in order to fuel their own greed.


Posted : 21st July 2012 2:54 pm
Posts: 1172

Thanks for your post on my diary and thank you for the opportunity to participate in the 90 day thread, think its just what I need to keep things going in the right direction. Well done on the 100+ days. I can't wait to join that club.

Posted : 21st July 2012 8:12 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Morning Diary,

Day 105 - Another Sunday another 'worst day of the week' that was my feelings towards Sunday's whilst gambling. Now it is different. Now it is Sunday and another week done gamble free.

Off for a run in a minute. Last Sunday I started my 12 week running plan designed myself, to try and get up to half marathon distance which is where I was 2 years ago. I ran 6 days out of 7 in my first week and that was exactly to plan. I would say barring the odd minute or two I have run the plan perfectly in week one.

Many gamblers say they have other things they either want to give up or do now they are not gambling. For me this is my other thing I am not a smoker or drinker but my fitness was on the wane and it was time to address it. So, on I go to week 2. Must admit feeling pretty stiff today so that first half mile will be tough.

As for the gambling I was going to say I really have not given it a thought for some time now but actually I think about it every day by posting here and I keep it close. By keeping it close it's easier to keep it away well that's what I have found and I now have 105 days proof that it's working. The urges that's what I have not had for some time and it feels good getting life back on track. 5 years ago I had endless options in life I then wasted 5 years, I will not make the same mistakes in the next 5!

Waffling a bit today this is weekend Flagg. Content and talkative.

Day 105 - Stiff!

Posted : 22nd July 2012 9:51 am
Posts: 0

Good Morning,

I still read you diary and it amazes me the change in you in recent weeks.

From being very unmotivated and without any sense of purpose beyond not gambling . I admire the fact that you stayed close to this site to try to help you get through that faze in your recovery . And I must say got through it in record time ! Lol

I am a big believer in recovery that one size does not fit all, and that there is no right or wrong way. But one thing that did stand out on that post was that you only think of gambling when you come on this site. Alot of people in the same situation see it as a bad thing , get frustrated and become very torn as to whether to read or post . In the end they almost begrudge it.

Funny how you and I see it the other way round , and like to keep this site close .

Do many people give up posting for this reason and go on to live a gamble free existence , I hope so.

Me and you I do not think we are ready to risk it, will we ever be, hmmmmmm , that's the golden question .

As I said before I may well be posting 90 , gamble free and still sending double deckers to my fav buddies lol

Enjoy your run , hope the sun is shining ,

Shiny xxxxxxxx

Posted : 22nd July 2012 10:42 am
Posts: 0

Hiya Flagg...

also noticed how far you have come since you started and now looking at improving other aspects of your life such as fitness...


I know SA,Nearly There and I think Tomso are regular runners so may be opportunity for a sub branch of the running forum...putting your times/distance on a new thread too?

Im sure there are lots more and its great that you have a new focus...

Just to echo Shiny...I also keep close to this site because like you all ..I cant do it on my own...but thats not really true as I can...but I don't want to.

To admit that is probably the biggest step in recovery on any side of the equation...Of course I can go through the motions and practically do life on my own... but I like the suggestions and encouragement that this site brings and camaraderie.....even though i have many pals ...

Well flagg....hope you are enjoying the weather wherever you are today...

R and D xx

Posted : 22nd July 2012 8:57 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg, thank u 4 ur post on my diary 🙂

I just wanted 2 say that I get lots of hope out of reading ur diary, I think u have put all ur effort and determination in 2 this journey and u r doing brilliant!

I'm glad u started the 90 day thread, it will help me stay focused..... so thanks 🙂

I hope ur having a gr8 wknd 🙂

Posted : 22nd July 2012 9:09 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Morning Diary,

Day 106 - Some days there really isn't a great deal to say but I come here and post I think it's important to do so even when things are going well. Keeping the enemy close as I often say.

Today is one of those days not much to say. I do have the day off today and it is pretty full with bits and pieces to do certainly tied up my time today. No gambling urges and cannot realistically see where I would fit it in today anyway. Maybe that's when we should be on guard more than ever.

Day 106 - On Guard!

Posted : 23rd July 2012 9:28 am
Posts: 0

Morning ,

Well my friend hope you find the time to watch some golf . Saw it was on yesterday , maybe it is still on today.

Shiny xxxxx

Posted : 23rd July 2012 10:17 am
Posts: 0

Morning flagg,

I fear my diary is turning into an eposide of coronation street or worse.... Jeremy vile lol..... I dont have much to say about gambling really but who knows if that will come, I still think its good that we can support people and have a laugh on the way.

There will be days like these when things just tick along with no drama and not much to say.... i am becoming to like those days.

Enjoy the rest of yours flagg.

Take care.

Blondie x

Posted : 23rd July 2012 12:33 pm
Posts: 0

Just dropping by Flagg....thanks for the post on mine.

You did give me food for thought with your last post. I am aware that I am not always going to feel so up beat about life, but I have the tools to deal with things when they do. I intend to keep posting and keep reading.

I think we all get days where we can't think what to say....even a chatterbox like me!

So hope you enjoy the rest of your day and bask in the glorious sunshine.

Sue xx

Posted : 23rd July 2012 3:50 pm
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