My first diary!

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It's a great feeling to be able to really enjoy weekends again isn't it?!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, life really is so much better when we stay well away from the hell hole which we call gambling.


Posted : 5th May 2012 3:26 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg

Great to see your enjoying the weekends

Great to see your still bet free

Maybe ...... You should think all days are either called Saturday or Sunday lol lol

Keep strong


Posted : 5th May 2012 3:57 pm
Posts: 0
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Morning Diary,

Day 28 - That equates to 4 weeks right?? Feels good I must say. It's still a bit bizarre as I am so used to working toward the next pay day or the next time I can access money so as the gambler I work in months making days a little unimportant.

However, as the non gambler the days have real significance and a month will be a real milestone for me. Long long way to go (A lifetime) but I have made a strong start to the new life and considering I have been pretty miserable at times surely things will only improve!

Most fascinating thing so far is my real appreciation of the weekends. Amazing what losing hundreds can do to your mindset. Have not lost a penny for the last 4 weekends and I suddenly find Sundays are not all bad!

Well on with the day.

Day 28 - = 4 weeks 🙂

Posted : 6th May 2012 12:00 pm
Posts: 0

Woop woop go Flagg!

Well done you on getting to day 28 , some going

You appear more upbeat than recently and it's soo good to see

Thanks for your post as always

Keep thinking of all the positives

No money lost in 4 weekends , feels pretty good doesn't it

Keep strong


Posted : 6th May 2012 8:46 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi Flagg

Well done on the 28 days like we av said time is massive on here and it now shows in ur posts it does get easier as ur finding out and that's all by makin the right decision


Posted : 6th May 2012 10:35 pm
Posts: 4422

flagg. "have not lost a penny in four weeks" fella arresting your addiction gave you a 100% payrise fantastic! Keep making the right choice my friend and life will improve daily. Duncs compulsive gambler no bet today.

Posted : 7th May 2012 6:35 am
Posts: 0
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Afternoon Diary,

Day 29 - Pushing ever closer to that first bet free month! This morning I have finished off the seemingly never ending task of sorting the rubbish out in the boot of my car. I was hiding much of my other life in there and it is nice to be "clean".

As I was cleaning the car out I found every single one of my credit cards (All maxed out) so I took them out and cut them into little pieces. I did achieve this once before but this time I will not go back to them!!

Not sure how I feel today, I am a bit anxious I can't put my finger on why? Is this an urge to go and gamble or is it a realisation that I am breaking free from that life for good? I hope it's the latter. Either way not totally myself today!

I am off out for dinner later which will be nice and I know I won't be gambling today 🙂

After just a few weeks it's crazy to see the difference in my bank balance and apart from keeping Morrisons and Asda in business I can't really complain at all.

Have a nice bank holiday everyone!

Day 29 - Getting Closer

Posted : 7th May 2012 12:41 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg

Thanks for your post to mine 🙂

I believe the feeling is that YES you are breaking free from your old life and like anything we change it brings anxious feelings , but this change is soooooo much for the better 🙂

You are already seeing the benefits and are out again with those closest today so have a bloody good time and enjoy this bet free time

Enjoy your bank holiday


Posted : 7th May 2012 1:43 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Ive been reading your diary and like so many on here its so visible and such a difference in your first post and your last one. You are making such amazing progress and for that you should be very proud.

For me its 2 weeks which like one of your posts, i cant remember the last time i went that long without gambling.

Well done.

Blondie day 14..... and moving on up

Posted : 8th May 2012 12:34 am
Posts: 0
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Morning Diary

Day 30 - back to work today and going to try and be a little more positive this week! I found over the weekend that many of my recent down moments are occurring during the week and that I'm really happy at weekends! It's a bit crazy because I don't particularly dIslike work yet it seems to be dragging my mood down!

However, this won't happen this week I've got plenty to look forward to in the coming months and provided I remain bet free these things will all happen! What more incentive could I possibly want!

Thanks everyone for the recent posts the support is always appreciated hopefully ill be posting on the diaries of others a bit more on weekdays and not just weekends in the coming days!

Day 30 - Positive Thinking

Posted : 8th May 2012 9:25 am
Posts: 0

hi flagg,

30 days for me also!oh god its been a tough month thinking about my losses and how my life would be without gambling.but my life is indeed off gambling for a month are moody during the weekdays?i m moody all week!so start feeling better now!lol!

i think i need some time to stand on my feet.

take care


Posted : 8th May 2012 9:34 am
Posts: 0
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Good Morning,

Day 31 - I guess the numbers are totally insignificant now because whichever way I look at it I've definitely reached my first monthly milestone now! As Dunc oftens says its the 100% pay rise I've given myself and it feels good!

Had a semi productive couple of hours at work this morning made the office look a bit tidier and threw out masses of paperwork clogging up the place! I'm trying to re invigorate my enthusiasm for work a day at a time so I see my couple of hours as a minor achievement!

On the gambling side I havnt been bombarded with loads of urges and I feel content at the moment I am always on my guard and im still aware I need to put new barriers in place!

That's about all today!

Day 31 - Month 1 Done!!

Posted : 9th May 2012 12:00 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg

A big well done for 31 days 🙂

Yeah had quite a few urges lately but also know why , I liked to escape when dealing with emotions but finding other ways to cope now which is good 🙂

I'm glad it's constantly improving for you and you appear alot brighter than of late

Hopefully your enthusiasm will start jumping up and down and you can start to really enjoy this gamble free life !

Keep going your doing really well

Smiling Lucy

Posted : 9th May 2012 1:20 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Flagg,

Just wanted to pop by and say thank you for posting on my diary. 31 days so very well done flagg, i cant remember the last time i got through a month without gambling. I look forward to that as my first target.

Keep up the effort your putting in your already reaping the rewards.

Blondie day 16 x

Posted : 9th May 2012 1:37 pm
Posts: 0


Tremendous progress my friend. 31 days gamble free is magnificent. Be proud of yourself and enjoy the rest of your journey. As the days tick by you will notice so many positive changes in your life.


Posted : 9th May 2012 8:08 pm
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