So glad you struck around. Sorry you were having a bit of a hard time. But please please believe me when I post that you have become an integral part of sooooo many people's recovery .
I planned to post the following if you went missing for much longer , now your back yipeeeeeeee , thought I would post it to I hope make you smile ..........
Shiny xxxxxxxx
Hi sue, havnt been on for a couple of weeks been trying to sort my head out and have felt so tired i didnt have the energy to put the emotion into typing, just read through your posts for the last couple of weeks and it seems youve had some highs and lows but have stayed positive which always comes across in your posts, keep fighting the good fight your doing brill sarah x
Hiya Sue...
I was squinting to see Shinys wobble and it is Orinocco !..loved that series...
Hopefully you are ok..am a bit out of the loop with posts having been away again this weekend...but have caught the odd ones here and there,..
Not sure who the mystery postee is but I am intrigued none the less....
Send clues!..I shall read between the lines...
anyhooooo hun....take care and sending a big hug from me and Dots xx
Hi Sue,
Just popping in 2 check u r ok?
Have a gr8 day 🙂
Stay strong xxxx
Hi Diary,
Day 32
HUGE smile from me today when I read all my messages!
Shiny..........Couldn't stop laughing when I got the Womble pic......Will let you all into secret as to why I'm called Womble...............
When I was younger my mum tried to encourage me to be creative..........I'm as creative as a bag of cement!!!!! Well she bought me a sewing kit to make a womble...I made it and was soooooooo proud. When my brother went to uni...he took my womble with him (think it was for a laugh!)
Anyway, think it was rag week...do they still call it that? They kidnapped my womble... Orinoco! . They published pics of my poor womble in strange locations in the rag week publication!
I even knitted the scarf....they subjected my womble to near drowning in the river!
Hope I've given a smile to a few ...It's made me smile just remembering!
Wow this is turning into an epic post.
Now lets get back to yesterday and my journey to Blackpool. This just gets funnier and funnier! If anything could go wrong it did!
Set of from down south at 9.30 ish so far so good.
After stopping for lunch, this takes quite a while due to unloading van etc and helping service user with lunch. Well we arrive at said hotel which had been carefully circled on his itinnery at delivery time of 3.00 ish only to be told ....hummmm no reservation here!! Well my friend and I just looked at each other and we didn't know weather to laugh or cry....Well we thought best to laugh. Turns out he was in a sister hotel which was only few miles away.
Ok ..no problem pack everything up and get to the correct hotel.
Finally reached the correct hotel, dropped off...away we go for journey back.
So by now it was 5.00pm..........I drove up and my friend was driving back. Well we were making brilliant timing and she was congratulating herself for doing better than I did!!!
Well.....reached near Birmingham and petrol light came on.........I know, I know....U all know whats coming .....right!!!
She's getting really paranoid about reaching garage....Me...cool as cucumber...No worries hun,I know this van really well ......we can easily make Warwick..........WRONG.....We ran out 1 mile from services!!!
Withen a few minutes highway patrol pull up......they tried not to sneer!!! Well recovery details at work locked in office, no one has key!
So HA...say we can drop you at garage and you can get can and fuel and walk back .....we cannot take you in van because of fuel. I thought it wasn't allowed to walk on hard shoulder...but they said it was fine. So my friend has bad leg so I went. Blimey.....walking back up motorway an hard shoulder is bit scary!!
So if any one passed a little womble on M40 yesterday about 4.30 pm.....IT WAS ME!!!
Fill up said van........friend and I feeling quite pleased......turn ignition....turn ignition....turn ignition......get the picture!!!
Eventually work gets hold of AA.......an hour.Oh well cant really get worse.........Getting dark now..breakdown truck arrives and tows to services....then wait for AA....Apparently faulty fuel pump...but he managed to get us going......HIP HIP HOORAY for mr AA man.
So arrived back at work 12.15 am. 12 hour day turned into 17 hours!!
Had to write this because I feel if I was gambling I would of found the situation incredibly stressful........But my friend and I could not stop laughing.........So guys just think what gambling does to you....wrecks lives.
When I did get home could not stop laughing.......I love not gambling!!!!!
Return trip Friday....Watch this space!!!
Hugs to all Sue xxxxx
ha ha ....youre not wrong there Womble...that did give me a laugh and bizarrely I was nr warwick myself yesterday.....
I wonder if I passed you? ..lol
Good to see you had a good laugh over this and didn't ruin the rest of your week...keep smiling and as for that Bro....well....boys eh?...little rascal.
take care hun and thanks for popping in....always pleased to see you and your kind words plus a dose of hooting and a hollering.....made my day.
Rach and Doolots xxxx
Have just read some of your journey, gave me hope there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Seems like people really are affected by positive words. I have a really good friend he suffers from depression, I’m always talking though his problems with him, I long to tell him about my problem just feel so ashamed.
Maybe if I can stick with this website and keep posting my daily diary I might let him read it, it would be nice to have someone to talk to face to face.
Hi sue
Great to see u av smile on ur face and lookin on the bright side of life , fully agree been stressed is an ingredient to make us gamble but u made that decision to turn a negative into a positive just like u make that decision each day and choose not to gamble
So well done and be proud of that , still love the way ur so supportive to others it makes such a difference to people's days and lives
Take care
Hi sue
Great to see u av smile on ur face and lookin on the bright side of life , fully agree been stressed is an ingredient to make us gamble but u made that decision to turn a negative into a positive just like u make that decision each day and choose not to gamble
So well done and be proud of that , still love the way ur so supportive to others it makes such a difference to people's days and lives
Take care
HI Sue,
Sounds like a fun day out lol... Not.. Its good to see you retained your sense of humour at all times , It did make me chuckle. My little girl loved the pleasure beach and came back soaked to the bone after going on Valhaller 4 times lol. I loved the womble story. Brothers eh, where would we be without them.
Its amazing to see your transformation before our very eyes, Your doing brilliant sue.
Blondie xxx
Good Morning Sue,
What a post , made me chuckle imagining a Womble along the motorway lol lol lol
Sue , you are sooo right in saying that a situation like that while in the throes would have sent us on a bender but now just laughing about it is soooo much better for the soul!
Great to see you in such high spirits Sue, made the day start on a great feeling 😉
You are keeping strong Sue and it's just brilliant to see!
Keep Strong and i hope the return trip goes without a hitch but WITH plenty of petrol lol lol
Smiling Lucy 🙂
Morning Sue,
I hope that all is well with you. I hope that you have a great day.
Dave X
So glad my post brighten your well pretty grim day .
Get through that lot , you can get through anything lol
As to the sewing think I may well have been set a similar task by my mother .
Know I tried with my kids .
Anyway you brighten a lot of souls yesterday with your post , proving once again that life is sooooooooo much better with out the G word .
Take care........ Over ground under ground ..........
Shiny xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Diary,
Day 33
Good day to all!
Feeling really good....why.....
Hummmm........I dont gamble!
Quite looking forward to my trip to blackpool again on Friday....One thing for sure tho.......Will NOT run out of petrol!!!!!!
Funny thing tho....1 month ago...I would of said......I will NOT gamble!!!!
So on Friday...I will NOT run out of petrol.... and........ I will NOT gamble!
Love to everyone!
Sue xxxx
Hello womble great to hear frm you again and humbling to think you starting reading my diary and kept on reading.
Iv read thru a gud bit of your diary this last few days and your doing great and your support to others on this forum sue is first class as we say over hear you sound dead on (
( its a compliment ).
Dont put diesel into the car instead of petrol on friday heading to blackpool haha.
Great 2 hear your feeling good a day at a time
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