My Journey

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HI Sue,

Not sure what has happened as im just catching up on diarys, But i wanted to give you some support from you posts over the weekend.

Its natural to have some bad days but know this, they will pass and the clouds will lift, recovery from anything is painfull at times, its slow by nature and its not all sweetness and light, Take the good days when they come and just try and roll with the bad days as best you can.

Your not responsible for anybody elses thoughts or actions only your own so what ever has happened on diarys try and remember that. We all build friendships with people on here and there is a sense of unity but the honest truth is its individual journeys from a bunch of diverse invidivual people. Each journey is different, concentrate on yours and try not to take anything to personal.

Chin up kiddo hope today is a better day for you.

Blondie xxxxxx

Posted : 30th July 2012 10:21 am
Posts: 0


Miss womble , no more tears ruins the fur you know lol

We seemed to have missed the boat a bit on teasing Castle , might need to step it up . Lol

Today is another day , I am feeling back to my old self , so be prepared for bad jokes , crazy pictures , and the positivity and humour coming back.

Can not do it on my own , so hope your are feeling upto giving me a hand .


Shiny xxxxxxxx

Posted : 30th July 2012 11:29 am
Posts: 0


Time to get this show back on the road the weekend has passed people are springing back to life, mischief is returning and Monday for some reason seems to have perked people up!

Come and join us! In all honestly I couldn't put it any Better than Blondie has at the end of the day we do build up these virtual friendships, we offer our support, and we are saddened when things are not 100% right but in truth this is a tough tough journey and you gotta look after number 1 first!

Make yourself number 1 today 🙂


Posted : 30th July 2012 12:17 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi Diary,

Day 45

Back to work today........Boy....Did they see me coming!

Didn't have time to breathe!

I like being off but find working and being occupied is good for me!

When I woke up this morning, I felt because I had wanted to gamble (felt kinda dirty inside)

Don't know if that makes sense to anyone?

But soooo glad I didn't!

Feel a lot better today, especially after the lovely posts.

Thank you all

This wee womble is back!

Sue xxxxx

Posted : 30th July 2012 5:13 pm
Posts: 1423

Hi sue

Glad ur back on track , know exactly where ur comin from esp with time off work they are my worst times to

But sue u fought the fight and told that gambling demon where to go and stayed gamble free and that is what it is all bout , the strength this will give u will help u even more moving forward

Today u should be proud of what u av just achieved so a massive well done for sticking with it , u read and posted took ur medicine and now ur better for it

No dates as yet bit of chatting but my hearts not in it but it's keeping me busy and amused

Take care


Posted : 30th July 2012 7:37 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

Thank you so much for posting to me...I understand now why you were so upset.

I was full of guilt because I was worried that you would go and gamble on account of me and I felt responsible...

I'm so glad you have been strong and kept on your true path...and I had every faith deep down you would as you have come so far also laughing and crying like me along the way...

I really do know what you mean about feeling dirty and unclean inside...this is a big reason I clothes shop to cover up ...and also to do manic cleaning of the house..which I have calmed down on more now with a dog.

When I get angry I feel i'm discharging all that is toxic and unclean inside but somehow after it I feel purged but so full of shame.

I am sad you were sad Sue but I am happy that in some weird way it has released something in you with regards to your ex.

It also has for me because for some reason I can now separate the gambling from the baby stuff....

I think naturally my input on this forum may reduce as a result of that and I also need now to put the gambling days behind me...

I can focus on the baby stuff now and grieve properly and feel sadness and let it go rather than all this being lumped into one big ball of anger.The correct emotion for me now is sadness not rage..

I'm glad we have turned a corner Sue ...and I do want to hear more about your dating ,bestie and all the fun stuff....

I think anger can be destructive but it can also be cleansing too...and now we can be clean again.

hugs and extra hugs

Rachel xxx

Posted : 30th July 2012 9:23 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue, thank u 4 ur post on my diary xx

U r doing brilliant, well done 4 resisting the other day that takes alot of strength 🙂

I hope u have a gr8 day xxxx

Posted : 31st July 2012 9:19 am
Posts: 0

Morning Sue,

Great to hear that you are staying strong and fighting those temptations. You are doing brilliantly and long may it continue!

I hope that you have a great day.

Dave X

PS 10th Sept. Can't wait!!!!!

Posted : 31st July 2012 9:22 am
Posts: 0
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Hi diary,

Day 46

11 hour day at work...... been to my special place in the Worcestershire countryside....heaven!

Service users loved it....I loved it.

God I am soooo have a job I love (even though it kills me at times)

Just seeing their happiness is worth soooo much!

You know we all should really appriciate what we do have. We can walk out of the door any time.....They cant do that, they rely so much on us. Imagine having to wait for a cup of tea...not being able to go out cos there isn't enough staff on..........Breaks my heart sometimes!

But hey I do what I can but sometimes it's not enough!

Well enough reflection from me!

After I finished today went and got new TV......Old one completely packed up yesterday...been on the blink for yonks!

God it's so good to be able to buy things again....instead of using stake money!

My mum.....I love her soooo much...knows I don't have much money has let me off my rent this month!

Back to the TV.....Grrrrr.....Can't get it to work.....Am a complete MORON........flippin' cables this cables that...input...tuning.......pc this...output that........wanna scream!

Good news.....very good news..........

My lovely son is coming tomorrow for few days ....who just happens to be a whiz kid on techno stuff!

Will be great to see him....he has not been to see us since easter!

Another epic post from the womble.........and got day off tomorrow.

Cook son and mum nice dinner..........I am so lucky to have people who care around me!

Hugs Sue xxxxx

Posted : 31st July 2012 9:30 pm
Posts: 0


What do you do Sue? Keep meaning to ask? Do you work in a home for people with learning disabilities?

Well done on your continued progress fast approaching day 50 🙂 great going keeping this site close is really paying off!

Take care

Fit Flagg

Posted : 31st July 2012 9:52 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Quickie back to you Flagg,

Yes , I work in a small residential home.....Our services users all have cerebral palsy.

Loved your sign of

Fit Flagg.......LOL

Posted : 31st July 2012 10:08 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue

Soo pleased to see such a great post 🙂

Agree about appreciating all the things we sometimes take for granted

We remain happy each and every day we remain bet free 🙂

Hope the time with your son is just fab too and you have the telly working soon lol

Keep strong Sue , you continue onwards and upwards on your journey 🙂

Smiling Lucy xxx

Posted : 31st July 2012 10:09 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue...

Just popped in before bedtime...

Im very glad things have shifted for you inside that hopefully will pave the way for more days of you enjoying life and not being shackled to the past....

It weird what can trigger a release and unlock things..I can see just from the tone of your posts that you come across as a very happy upbeat lady and i'm sure you smile a lot but guess only a few people would even know the things that go on inside as for most of the time we carry on normally ...(whatever that is! lol)

i think your doing great Sue and your posts make me smile...was a shock to know ex "s Mum is reading and it may also shed some light on what was going on and who knows? if he is in trouble or at a rockbottom in his life at least she will know she can come on here too and get help.

Night night Sue I still read your dairy and keep up with your days and enjoy your sons visit x


Rachel and Dotty xxx.

Posted : 31st July 2012 11:47 pm
Posts: 0

Morning Sue,

Happy Wednesday! I hope that you have a great day.

Still deliberating over names. Any suggestions would be welcome! Maybe I should start a baby names thread! ha ha.

Take care

Dave X

Posted : 1st August 2012 9:20 am
Posts: 0

Hi Sue, thank u 4 ur post 🙂

U r doing brilliant, I'm sooo glad u enjoy ur job, wot a rewarding job u have, u r such a caring person. Ur support means alot 2 me 🙂

U r an inspiration 🙂

Have a gr8 day xxxxxx

Posted : 1st August 2012 1:52 pm
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