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Hi Diary,

Day 60

For some reason a day with a nought at the end sounds good.......Don't know why, maybe it's just me!

Have had a really hard day today.

Took my key client out for shopping and lunch.....she has a huge amount of emotional problems.......she tested me to the full throughtout the outing.

Have arrived back home....physically and emotionaly shattered........Doesn't help that we have a manager that comes in one and a half days a week and no senior staff to get propper advice from!

When I came in from work...I really snapped at my mum and stomped upstairs to my room to sulk!

Sat for half hour and thought about what I had done!

So when I had processed everything I went downstairs.....told my mum about how my day had been so hard and how sorry I was.

We then had a big cuddle........things all good again!

What I have thought about now........What if I was gambling....what would I have done.

Well I think we all know the answer don't we!

Something Blondie wrote on my diary stands so true! I have started looking after myself and am now getting things sorted with my life...........I am now finding solutions to my problems instead of masking things!

So am at 60 days.....feeling very proud!

Sue xxxxxxxxxxx

Posted : 14th August 2012 4:38 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

Great post there. One thing I have been really focussing on is to try and take a step back from difficult situations and learn new ways of dealing with them. It sounds like you took a step back, processed what had happened and then dealt with it in way that you never would have whilst gambling!

That's some progress my friend!

Well done on 60 days too.. you really are flying now!

Lmm xxx

Posted : 14th August 2012 5:28 pm
Posts: 4422


Sixty days!!!! Taking control feels good and so it should, every day you make the choice life will improve and for sure it will snowball and for the greater good affect others too.

A massive well done from me to you.

Keep making that choice.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 14th August 2012 5:48 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

Well done on 60 days gamble free, I just wanted to say a big thank u 2 u 4 ur continued support on my diary. Since speaking 2 u in chat, I really look up 2 u Sue, I think u r gr8 🙂

Keep being u 🙂

Stay strong and keep going xxxxxxxx

Posted : 14th August 2012 6:20 pm
Posts: 0

hi sue big well done on the 60 days and its because of people like you im getting through this horrible situation so keep up the good work and take care


Posted : 14th August 2012 8:13 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

Go girl 60 days hey! Fantastic stuff!! Thanks for your concern. I'm really well thanks. I've just been really busy getting everything ready for the new baby and I'm glad to report that gambling could not be further from my mind.

You are doing brilliantly. Take care and stay strong.

Dave X

Posted : 14th August 2012 8:49 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Sue,

Happy 60th lol... I like the ones ending in zero for some reason as well, although every day away from the demons should be one that we celebrate.

Im still working on my impatience and i cant always see what i have acheived but like you chick its all there in black and white a day by day account of how far you have come, your post today about you being moody then thinking about how you had reacted and making amends I can relate to so much, sometimes i have to mentally kick myself but we are aware and we keep moving forward in small managable chunks.

You have contributed so much to this site sue, Long may it continue my friend im so proud to be part of your journey.

Blondie xxxx

Posted : 14th August 2012 9:20 pm
Posts: 0


A late night drop in , to say well bloody done.

To my fav Womble , no pictures, no fan fare Just the biggestest high five .

Go girl , next pit stop 70 ,

Getting closer and closer to the magic 90 .

I an see it in the distance can you ,

Almost close enough to touch ,.........

Shiny xxxxxxx

Posted : 15th August 2012 12:36 am
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

Thanks for your post on mine 🙂

Loved that last post there, what different people we become when gambling and is'nt it great to see the changes and how we try to find solutions now instead of gambling (apart from me lol)

It's good to talk things through a lovely to be able to move on, hug and get on with the next bit!

Keep Strong Sue, your doing amazing

Smiling Lucy xxx

Posted : 15th August 2012 12:11 pm
Posts: 0


61 today and how quickly it moves forward soon it will be the fanfare and celebration of 90 or 100 days providing you keep doing what you have done for the last 2 months! Wow that sounds good doesn't it 2 whole months, 2 paydays for most of us, 2 fingers up to the addiction! The moods will come and go but hopefully as those days mount up they wont come half as much and life will become a nice little serene stroll! That is prob our utopian vision as non gamblers now and I like holding on to that! Sure as hell beats the total dystopia we lived in whilst gambling day in day out!

So as you progress through 61 and on to 62 take a little look at how far you have come already I think it will spur you on to that next 61!


Posted : 15th August 2012 2:25 pm
Posts: 0

Sue thanks for writing on my wall. you are doing really well . Keep going . Onwards and upwards

Posted : 15th August 2012 4:43 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

Just dropping by to pick up a bit of positive energy from you!

Hope you've had a great day today!

Lmm xxx

Posted : 15th August 2012 4:52 pm
Posts: 0

hiya Sue....

just looked at your last post on your own diary and it was only yesterday....! it seems ages ago...

Just popping in to say coooo eeeee and wishing you a good eve.

Rach and Doo xx

Posted : 15th August 2012 5:57 pm
Posts: 0
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Hi Diary,

Day 61

Day today has been very hard again. No offence to my collegues but I work at a different pace. When I was young (really young) Mum took me to doctors and I was prescribed medicine to calm me down.......Looking back think I had what is now described as ADHD!

I work even now at twice the pace as everyone else....peolple take this for granted a little too much. Am kinda at the stage now where I am getting a little older...and boy I am feeling it!

Even when I write I have to check about 5 times cos I get letters guess am a little dyslexic also. I do find it quite hard to relax....even in bed am kicking and fidgetting all night..........I weigh myself every morning and have lost about 3 pounds in the night!

I'm not sure how to move forward with my job now.........People expect me to do all the hard work and don't offer me any support and I am too proud (thanks dad) to ask............Would love some thoughts from my friends!

Sue xxxx

Posted : 15th August 2012 6:01 pm
Posts: 0

hi sue

well done on day 61, i cant wait to get that far.remember from my diary i still got the lucky pound i found last week LOL. with regards to your dilemmas i am similar to you as in i cant sit still always on the go and fidgeting i guess thats why the gambling took control as patience is not my strong point but i am working on it now. with regards to work what do you want next? is it a new challenge? promotion?

anyway keep up all the hard work

take care


Posted : 15th August 2012 7:07 pm
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