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21 TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations on getting the key to the door! I hope that you will having a party tonight to celebrate 🙂

Enjoy your special day. I know that there will be many more special days to celebrate in the near future.

I hope that you have a great day. Take care and keep smiling.

Dave X

Posted : 6th July 2012 8:31 am
Posts: 0

Wit woooo 21 eh....

Well done sue and thanks for your post.

Enjoy your family meal hope all goes well, im not that good of a cook either but i try my best lol.

Your doing great, your really using your diary and participating and supporting other people as you go, I find when i support other people as i write it keeps confirming to me what im trying to achive and also has a healing effect on me.

Well done sue.

Enjoy your weekend.

Blondie xxx

Posted : 6th July 2012 9:51 am
Posts: 0

Morning Sue,

I hope that you are okay and that you have a great weekend.

Take care

Dave X

Posted : 7th July 2012 8:10 am
Posts: 0

Hi Sue,

So good to see your remaining strong and really starting to see how much better life can be if we remain bet free 😉

Hope the cooking went well and all enjoyed a good feast

Thanks for popping in , been a little low but back up again and still bet fre 😉

Have a great weekend Sue and keep doing what your doing!

Keep Strong

Smiling Lucy xx

Posted : 7th July 2012 9:11 am
Posts: 0

Hi Sue, thanks 4 ur post on my diary 🙂

I hope the meal went well, it's good 2 see how positive u r 🙂

Hope u have a gr8 day!

Stay strong and keep going xx

Posted : 7th July 2012 10:39 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi Diary,

Day 22.....Missed posting on my 21st!

Thanks everyone for the lovely supportive posts on here, I really don't think I could of done this on my own.

Having a real downer of a day, mum is out I have my bank card on me. My stomach is churning like it needs a fix......I will not give in, I will not undo all the hard work I have put in.

This is probably the most intense urge I have had so far!

Going to post on other diarys now, this helps so much!

Sue xx

Posted : 7th July 2012 12:38 pm
Posts: 298

Hi Womble,


If your urges are big.. and your downfall is online... then get yourself away from the "Sweety Shop"... for an hour or two... or untill they have died down. The longer you sit there and look at the screen the more likely you are to click....

I have not read all your diary... but could your friend not put K9 on your mums comp... or does she play online too. If she doesn't.. the only way she would find out is if she went on a gambling site. Just a thought.

I am sure you wil get through today, and wake up tomorrow with a big smile on your face.

Stay Strong... leave the comp alone for a bit... and have a good weekend.


Posted : 7th July 2012 1:08 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Hun

Go and find something to do a know the weather is cack but maye you could go for a walk or a drive pop down the pub,just sit on those hands and ride the storm hun it wil pass remember urges and thoughts wont hurt you but the actions will.

LOL about your mum sounds like the sort of thing i would say.

Ladies final is on maybe you can watch that take mind off things.

Thinking of you hun

Come on Murryyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Big Hugs Stay Strong

E xx

Posted : 7th July 2012 1:23 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hi Jon,

Thanks for the post. Safe now mum back!!!

Urge fading into distance!

No mum doesnt gamble but she checks her premium bonds on line....Would she still be able to do this with the block on there....If so will get my friend to do it.

My computer is safe....Good old gamblock!

It's just hers!

Sue x

Posted : 7th July 2012 1:28 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Awww Thanks E,

Urge fading now..........Will turn off comp and watch tennis....Catch you all later.

Sue x

Posted : 7th July 2012 1:31 pm
Posts: 298

Hi womble... not sure about premium bonds and K9... maybe someone using K9 at the moment could do a check for you.

Other than that... just a thought... if you know when your Mum isn't going to be there, ie days and times roughly.. could you plan ahead to do something different... maybe a little something for yourself?

If you plan something so you are out when she is out.. maybe the gremlins will start to get fed up and leave you alone for a bit... just a thought.

Well done... enjoy the tennis.


Posted : 7th July 2012 1:37 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Sue,

Great to see you going strong 22 days is some achievement. I say to many I'm a numbers kinda guy and you can manipulate numbers to suit yourself. Try this today, 22 days? Hmm sounds good, but how about you are into the 4th week or you are fast approaching a month gamble free? When you posted on day 1 you might have thought wouldn't it be great to reach 22 days but it's more likely you would have said I want to reach a month. You are close friend you are close.

Big urge today I just read! Well take away one of the components, walking in a park removes gambling location or like you just said watch the tennis that's tying up the time! Funny really, the urges are a B*****r, hard work, and not easy to shake but the components to stop you acting on the urge are bloody easy to put in place.

I just wrote on my own diary respect the addiction, but don't overcomplicate it. It's a big powerful addiction, but it's not very clever you can outsmart it. Today by putting on the TV you got one over on the addiction. Simple but effective!

Feels good doesn't it, that is a proper WIN!


Posted : 7th July 2012 1:41 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter


Thanks everyone for the posts.

When things are not going well it does mean such a lot when people offer encouragement to get you through .

Thank you Flagg..........Oh yes numbers....Totally agree with you, 22 days is going on to the third week.

Jon thanks for your support too, I know it's just an urge and am going to do as you suggest when I know am at risk......Get out of the house preferably.

In the past I had managed to give up for just under 3 weeks......So maybe this was my danger point. Anyway I rode the storm and survived.

Yesterday I didn't gamble, today I wont gamble!

When I woke up this morning, I smiled because I didn't let the urge win!

Neighbour came round earlier, delivered my bank statement......Had gone to wrong address, said he nearly opened it by mistake.....God he would of had a heart attack!!!!!

In the past when in a frenzy I would of refused to open my statement as if somehow it would go away.........Today I opened it!

Today I will not gamble!

Sue xx

Posted : 8th July 2012 12:12 pm
Posts: 0

Well done sue 23 days, Your fought the urge and gained some more strength for the next time, I always take great pride when i ride them out and so should you, Your getting stronger and urges are losing there strength.

Enjoy your day, and keep that smile.

Blondie xxx

Posted : 8th July 2012 12:42 pm
Posts: 0

Totally Echo blondie.

Beating the urge is one of the best feelings in the world!

From what you've gone through I know your more than strong enough to get through this.

Keep in touch Sue x

Posted : 8th July 2012 12:48 pm
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