My Journey - 17/05/2020

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Well done bulaI'm day 23  today just a few days difference. Glad you are enjoying the footy, my husband and son are overjoyed me hmmmmm... Not so much lol. All the best wishes for staying gamble free

Posted : 27th June 2020 1:19 pm
Posts: 83
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@charlieboy haha thanks! Well done for coming this far, don't stop moving forward!

Posted : 27th June 2020 2:51 pm
Posts: 414

Hiya bula

How are you? By what I'm reading things are looking good I hope your proud off yourself I can remember at the start your one off my favourites I always have a look to see how your getting on and your doing great keep up the good work 

Posted : 27th June 2020 3:54 pm
Posts: 83
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Day 28 - Had another challenge approach, but it was overcome and I did not gamble. I was in my local town centre and I could see that the bookies are back open, but I did not walk in. I didn't want to walk in. Still taking it day by day, and at the moment that has been working!

Posted : 28th June 2020 2:33 pm
Posts: 83
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@kevthekev40 Hello! I'm good thank you, I am this far into the month without gambling so I definitely don't want to let it slip now. Yes I'm very happy with how I've been doing and I will continue into the new month. I hope you're also doing well not only with staying gamble free but with life in general!

Posted : 28th June 2020 2:35 pm
Posts: 83
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Day 30 - It's been a whole month, tomorrow is the start of a new one. I'm going to post less frequently but still come back at least once a week to check in. Lots of other things going on at the moment that I need to address. But I've managed to come this far which I'm very happy about and I will continue to remain gamble free.

Posted : 30th June 2020 9:23 pm
Posts: 83
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Relapse - So I managed to last over a month which was the longest I had been gamble free in a few years but I've had a little relapse now. Not a lot of money, and at least glad I stopped before it got worse, but it doesn't matter how much it was, as I still gambled. Tomorrow will be day 1 for me and I'm going to keep posting on this thread as it is an accurate representation of my journey. I won't say how I relapsed in case it triggers other people, but I have managed to block the way that I gambled with my bank provider, so it cannot happen again. I'm pretty sure there is no possible way for me to gamble online now, but lets not test it. Back to square 1. I've gone a month gf before and I'll do it again.

Posted : 11th July 2020 7:40 pm
Posts: 882

@bula try try and try again.

I'm curious about one thing if you don't mind. Why did you decide not to post as much?

One post previously you said you were not going to be posting as much after posting every day or other day, and then your next post you've gambled. Most relapses don't happen when the bet is placed but a few days or weeks beforehand, it's like an idea that burrows into our minds and chips away at any defences we have until we relent. The way to help keep it away is to share your feelings, good or bad, and any bad ideas eating away at you just put it out there to take the power out of the thoughts and feelings. 


Posted : 12th July 2020 12:36 pm
Posts: 414

Hiya bula 

Hope your doing well I'm glad how your gamble free life is going your doing amazing my friend and keep up the good work as just wanted to say really well done and be proud off yourself 

Posted : 13th July 2020 7:32 am
Posts: 83
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@chris-uk You're 100% correct. The relapse happened a few days before I posted about it. When I think about it there was no particular reason for me to stop posting, maybe I thought that a month was enough, maybe I knew I was going to break my streak after a month? There's so many ways to gamble but unfortunately it's taken me to try them to then have them blocked. I'll come back to posting regularly. I need to remember why I started this. Thanks for your comment.

Posted : 13th July 2020 8:16 pm
Posts: 414

Hiya bula 

How are you? We can all relapse my friend as it's an addiction and if it was that easy to stop none of us would be here. I'm so glad I've got as many blocks in place as I can as I won't say I'll never gamble again as it will probably be a lie as I've said it so many times before just to be back there with a bigger loss so I'm doing it one day at a time and IF I relapse it's damage limitations. You've got to remember we're not robots and will make mistakes but just think of how well you done before hand and take it one day at a time 

Posted : 14th July 2020 8:15 am
Posts: 83
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@kevthekev40 Hello nice to hear from you. I'm not feeling the best due to relapse and feel like I just need a few days to get myself back into the correct mindset. Going to get right back to it tho and try to do as well as last time.

Posted : 14th July 2020 6:19 pm
Posts: 414

You will do bula

Getting back and achieving your gamble free days again will be ace plus you've came on and was honest a lot off people wouldn't and and letting people see we're human and can relapse therefore we can get back on the horse or just go into destruction mode and keep chasing but you should be proud my friend as you've done the hard bit starting again 

Posted : 14th July 2020 9:23 pm
Posts: 83
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Day 1 - Back to basics I'm afraid. My relapse saw me betting on sports matches, so my main thing for today is to not check the fixtures. This way I won't know what games are on and it won't make me want to bet on a team. My past has shown that this is a really helpful thing for me and when I don't check what games are on I almost always never have a bet. Back to taking it day by day, obviously I'm upset and frustrated. But I didn't gamble for the whole month of June, and I hadn't been able to do that for the last 2 years, so I am making some progress. I'll do it again!

Posted : 15th July 2020 9:38 am
Posts: 83
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Day 2 - Continuing from yesterday, not checking fixtures. Also have allen carr's book so will be giving that a read.

Posted : 16th July 2020 9:38 am
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