214 days gf. Still going strong.
224 days gf.
There are times where I worry that it has become too easy and I need to remind myself that I am a compulsive gambler and never to forget the damage I done to my family.
Baby is due in May, I am still employed (albeit not as secure as I would like it atm) and things are good with the family.
I am proud of myself.
Today I wont gamble.
Hi, just seen your latest post so decided to read your journey from the start and what a story it is, warts and all, showing all the ups and downs of recovery. It's things like this that should be shown to people starting out on their recovery to tell them that it won't be plain sailing, there will be major downs as well as the upside but if you persevere with all the blocks in place and the help of those closest to us you can succeed.
I know what you mean about worrying it is becoming too easy, but I think it's mainly because life is returning to how it used to be. All we need to do is realise we are still recoving from this addiction, not let our guard down and be proud of our success so far.
For me I have just passed the 5 month mark gamble free and can relate to a lot of what you say but life is so much better.
Well done on your success so far
Thank you Bladesman. It means alot, and it has not been easy, especially the first 2 months.
234 gf days now. At the beginning of this journey I would never have believed that to be possible.
We are getting there for Christmas for the kids, and on the whole things are good, even considering the year its been.
Recently I have been thinking about missing gambling, but I remind myself the damage it done and move on.
Stay strong all.
@wanttochange1234 good work, keep going.
Just a pointer towards your honesty about missing gambling. This addiction is progressive in its nature, which means that it gets worse the more you do it, and for a lot of people who relapse end up where they left off, or certainly get back to their level fairly quickly. If you have these thoughts try and do something called playing the whole tape. Don't just think about the bet but what would happen after that. Think about what brought you here in the first place. Maybe strengthen your blocks, and let the thought of placing a bet go.
Keep going though, sounds like you're doing great.
Chris, thank you, that makes total sense. I have not acted on it and hopefully never will.
Everything is in place and life is good just now.
248 days GF. Xmas is sorted, thanks to a true friend helping me out and things are good at home.
Thanks for sharing your journey and well done to get to where you are at, keep up the good work.
I’m currently at the beginning of my journey, in the last few weeks i blew savings and got into a bit of debt. I’ve left my family with the very bare bones until payday and the stress of debt to pay off in the new year. My partner resents me at present, that’s the tough part for me for now, getting her back on my side after I’ve caused such betrayal. I see you have a baby due in May - my partner has one due in June!
I just hope that things will get better in the relationship aspect, I see your story and it does give me hope.
260 days GF and feeling great. For some, this year has been a nightmare, for me it has been great.
So much to look forward to next year and cant wait.
Merry Christmas all.
270 days gf and going strong.
288 days gamble free.
Well done your doing amazing
So I have reached 301 days gamble free.
I am not going to lie, recently I have been struggling and my wife knows I am not happy. I feel like all I do is work and housework etc. My days are boring and I yearn to gamble.
My wife suggested I have a budget of £10 P/w, but I flat out refused and told her, I cannot control it. She understood, but doesn't like seeing me down.
I really don't know the answer to this one. I thought everything would be great if I didn't gamble, but the reality is, life is still just as tough. We struggle from month to month and financially, we are not a whole lot better off.
On the plus side, things are good with my wife and work is looking up and we still have the baby and holiday to look forward to later this year.
I think for me gambling was less about the high and more about trying to make money, so with that, I am trying to occupy my time looking at ways to make extra money when I'm not at work, that doesn't involve gambling or risk.
I will continue to update, and Im proud of myself, reaching 301 days.
Affected by gambling?
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