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Hi G-unit,

enjoyed having a nice joke with you tonight. You are like a DT replacement patch!

It is important to just have that connection and rapport I think, even if you are in a fairly good place.

Hope you and yours are well my lovely,

f x

Posted : 12th February 2010 10:51 pm
Posts: 1226

Hi Graham

Just wanted to say thanks for all the support and advice you have provided to me and others.

You have a lot of experience and talk a lot of sense and key for me is that you are non-judgemental and can be objective and see the wider picture.

All the best in your continued recovery.

Posted : 15th February 2010 8:58 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya young man,

Just popping in to say hi to my cyber dad, hope you are well down there in the SW.

Im plodding on and most importantly im still gamble free.

All the best mate, take care, til the next time...bye ands

Posted : 1st March 2010 9:27 pm
Posts: 314
Topic starter

Flipping heck. This recession is doing my head in. Another chain of retail shops in my field have gone under. My little agency three years ago was doing well. Right now it`s pants. A, my wife is pretty dedicated to care work bless her but it pays poorly. Thankfully we have no mortgage, well 5 k which I should pay off and in a few years not too bad pensions to be had. However, this was one of the old triggers. Getting anxious. The brain goes into over drive. If the agency goes, OK no debts but what does an oldie like me find for work for the next 4 years?

I shouldn`t be moaning because in the greater scheme so many are far worse off. What stays with me is all that cash that went on gambling. Stupid ain`t it. Still thoughts like that keep me firmly on track when it comes to spending money on such a wasteful past time as gambling.

All the lost years, lies and money. Guess if you are reading this and you ask the question " Why do/ did I gamble? " the answer will be the same , escape/ buzz.

You know gambling screws with your mind and judgement, it certainly did with me. Not saying my judgement is great now but certainly a lot worse when gambling.

Another point. I believe that for 99% of gamblers it goes one way. Down. OK someone wins squillions on the lottery but you have as much chance of winning that as Ghengis Khan being an expert in childs knit ware.

The Devil takes a hold for many. It`s called chasing the lose. That`s when total madness grips. The stakes get higher, the looses get higher and so the vicious circle sets in. Before you know it, 10`s of thousands are owing. Met many like that but if you stop that debt can be sorted one way or another.

Anyway, a bit of a vent there. Lol. Just to say, gambling is a mugs game.

Posted : 2nd March 2010 7:19 pm
Posts: 2967

Hi g-dog,

Do you like it when I call you that? I do.

Times do seem to be hard, and it can feel like a general gloom hanging over us all. Don't feel bad for worrying you wont have enough, everyone does it. However, remind yourself that you are doing your best on this front, and that anything else that happens is in spite of your best efforts.

Believe me, possessions and wealth are pain. Just think how much you have saved on the old cigs, not to mention the gambling. Prioritise - roof over head - check!, food in cupboard - check!, somewhere comfortable to sleep - check!, companionship/love - check!

You are very wealthy 🙂

Posted : 2nd March 2010 11:20 pm
Posts: 0
Posted : 12th March 2010 9:49 am
Posts: 0

oh and i dont play any musical instruments, lol!

Posted : 12th March 2010 10:01 am
Posts: 314
Topic starter

Darn it. Blinking anxiety attack! Don`t you just hate them. Been sick, stomach in knots and have had to resort to the emergency valium.

By nature I do tend to get anxious from time to time. I am at my best when I am throwing myself into work but with the downturn I don`t have enough to keep occupied. I have been a bit twitchy for a while but today is deffo not a good one. I start obsessing about money which is daft as I have good savings and no mortgage or rent but anxiety can stop you being rational.

The problem is, as anyone who gets this knows, it`s hard to concentrate on reading or anything else. It will pass as it has in the past but it`s a pain when it`s happening.

Years back anxiety = gambling which is 1. not an option 2. I can honestly say that even when feeling this up tight I am not getting any urges.

My car needs seriously tidying and i will aim to do that a bit later. Considering a lie down and thumbing throw a text book.

Posted : 17th March 2010 1:09 pm
Posts: 0

Hey there ((((Graham)))) my friend

Just sending love and hugs. Praying that these attacks, subside soon.

God Bless

Charly/Sabine xx

Posted : 17th March 2010 1:19 pm
Posts: 0

I went into chat to check on you. Only managed 4 mins lol. I hope you are feeling a bit better G? We need our rock 🙂

Take care

Jas xx

Posted : 17th March 2010 3:03 pm
Posts: 2967


Panic attacks are horrible, I can really relate since I used to have several a day.

The most helpful things I discovered, were

1) Might sound weird, but to just let the feeling wash over you without 'resisting'. Don't 'fight it' as it were.

2) exercise. Again, something that seemed the last thing I should be doing while my heart is going ten-to-the dozen, but really works. Your heart wont go any faster, but it helps keep the adrenaline from building up, it kind of uses it up and calms you down. I have found this also helps prevent the fluttery heart after I have calmed down.

Anyway, hope you found this remotely helpful. I strongly recommend you get a copy of 'self help for your nerves' by Dr. Claire Weekes. She has actually passed away from old age, but her book remains one of the most popular reads for those with anxiety.

Really feel for you pal, those negative thought spirals still get me from time to time, and you are so right they rob you of your ability to think rationally.

Take care,

f x

Posted : 17th March 2010 7:03 pm
Posts: 0

Hey there my friend

How are you doing? Hope all is well in Graham's world?

Sending calming hugs

God Bless


Posted : 25th March 2010 3:05 pm
Posts: 314
Topic starter

If you have read Jasmines diary you will see that some begger has illegally used her credit cards. I thought that it might be an idea to post regarding security on the internet.

It is easy to download a little program that will record your keystrokes and fire them off to a third party who can then gain your card details.

This is a good read


I am interested in computer security and as well as a firewall, anti virus, I use a number of anti spyware programs. One is not enough as they all have various strengths in detecting bugs on your machine.

Spybot and Super Anti Spyware are good. Also Malwarebytes is considered to be a top program.

If you want to know a bit more bang up any questions on my diary.

Posted : 27th March 2010 12:47 pm
Posts: 0

Hi graham

Just wanted to thankyou and apoligise realy, thanks for your post and your kind words, and i would like to apoligise for my now deleted post last week on your diary!

Hope you are well mate and not getting to soggy down there in the SW, take care mate...ands

Posted : 29th March 2010 7:38 pm
Posts: 1057

graham. . Hope your well and dont mind me saying. . You dont post on the diaries very often but when you do its valuable reading. . Just like to say thanks and keep it going encouraging us all. . wp

Posted : 1st April 2010 8:59 am
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