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Keep going to those meetings merc 🙂

Posted : 13th May 2016 12:39 pm
Posts: 0
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Thankyou everyone for all your support you amazing kind heartef people and i couldnt of done this without you all. Life is good at the moment i feel stronger every day and yes i still get urges but think about how i was on day one and dont ever want to feel like that again.

Posted : 13th May 2016 4:27 pm
Posts: 1831

Great day for you merc
And reaching 100 days shows you were ...and still are totally COMMITTED to your recovery..
But then...I never doubted you..
You go girlie xxx

Posted : 13th May 2016 9:12 pm
Posts: 0

Hiya Claire and thanks for the post Hun !,

Sorry I missed you party and everything but it looks as though you had enough guests round to have a bit of a knees up ! , anyway a big belated Congratulations on your entry to the century club , you worked hard to get where you are and deserve all the success youv'e acheived , keep enjoying life Honey and talk to you soon !

Alan x

Posted : 15th May 2016 9:00 pm
Posts: 0
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Well day 111 gamble free even though past few weeks have been hetic. Just found out a house me and oh wrnt for a gorgeous stone cottage has been accepted i even passed a credit check which im very shocked at but also very pleased as hoping to start saving a deposit to buy a house in a few years. Also been suffering with chest pain and low blood pressure but ecg came bk normal just now waiting to see cardiologist as heart problems in younger side of my family, so have been started on asprin and given a gtn spray. Have so much to sort out as move in 4 weeks but told oh as soon as Internet installed to put the blocks in place. 40 in 5 weeks which im looking forward to not lol and off to prauge in December. For the first time in a long time the future looks bright and all because i stopped my evil soul destroying destructive addiction.

Posted : 24th May 2016 12:57 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Claire , congratulations on the house and also your 111 day's of winning fo real , sorry to hear about the health issues but at least you know and it's being kept an eye on .

Keep enjoying life Hun and stay safe .

Love and best wishes Alan x

Posted : 24th May 2016 1:12 pm
Posts: 1831

Well chuffed for you lovely merc...on the days ...on the house...on your happiness....lovely lovely news...and I'm sure your health will improve soon as well....just don't go stressing over the move
Ooh....just had a deanos passed....he could do removals ! xxx

Posted : 24th May 2016 2:01 pm
Posts: 0
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Thanks Alan loxxie and deano. Still gf 117 days just so busy moving and working near enough every night but hopefully will calm down once we move xx

Posted : 30th May 2016 5:16 pm
Posts: 0
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Thought I better check in 126 days gf. Life is chaos at the moment. Move house next week daughter in hospital for op next week company I work for just been bought out and having investigations for my heart at hospital but Am still gf xx hope everyone is well xxx

Posted : 8th June 2016 9:00 pm
Posts: 0

Congratulations Clare on day 126 !! But bloody hell girl you don't do things in half's do you ?

I can't say anything except " I hope everything turns out ok with everything ", look after you and yours and I'm thinking of you !!

All the best ......................Alan x

Posted : 8th June 2016 9:05 pm
Posts: 1789

There's my answer I've got a pen for you I'll keep hold of it or send me your address and I'll post it.

You take care I'm sure everything will work out for you

Posted : 8th June 2016 9:11 pm
Posts: 372

Hey luv well done on day 126 gf, hope everything turns out to be ok for you all xx

Posted : 8th June 2016 11:28 pm
Posts: 0
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Thankyou Alan oldham and wcid xxx upto now all results for my heart are normal just got the exercise tolerance test, I will need a ambulance after that lol. Can't wait to move but just very stressful but haven't really thought about gambling once tbh which is a good thing. Been working far to many hours at work which I did get told off for by my consultant so need to stop that.

Posted : 9th June 2016 1:35 am
Posts: 1831

Busy girlie..hope the house move goes as easy as those things can ! and that you and your daughter are soon fighting fit. ...look at them days chalking up ! well done ..look after yourself lovely lady x

Posted : 9th June 2016 7:30 am
Posts: 0
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Can't believe I haven't posted for over a month but pleased to say still gamble free, 170 days today. Life's been busy with work moving house and celebrating my 40 th birthday. Life is good at the moment with the new house which I love. 13 days and I will be 6 months gamble free which when looking back on day 1 is incredible for me. No more secrets or lies, no more hiding bank statement, new house, new car and a Micheal kor handbag for my 40th which I would never of dreamed of buying when gambling. Still have my Internet blocks in place and happy to sit and go through my bank statement each month with my oh. Tbh not even thought about gambling but if it creeps up on me I just reflect on how bad it had got back on day 1 which I for one don't ever want to feel that way again. Well will stop rambling now and I hope everyone's doing well.

Posted : 22nd July 2016 3:51 am
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