Excellent achievement merc
Great to see another solider smashing the day's In
Deano x
Great to see you doing so well I remember how low you was the first couple of weeks and look at you know new house new car and a new handbag. Proud of you Hun x
I mirror my other two partners in crime Claire , well done on your 170 days of winning for real , it's a fantastic achievment and one you should be so proud of :))
Keep enjoying life and all the benefits that go with it !
Talk to you soon and have a great day x
Who would of thought it 6 months gf yesterday!!!
Well done on half a year g free ☺
Keep doing what you're doing, it's definitely working!
Those days will keep adding up & the rewards they keeps bringing are priceless,take each and everyone to heart - it's yours for keeping ☺
Well done!
S x
Yeahhhh 6 mnths of no play !
Well done merc....xxx
xmercx wrote: Can't believe I haven't posted for over a month but pleased to say still gamble free, 170 days today. Life's been busy with work moving house and celebrating my 40 th birthday. Life is good at the moment with the new house which I love. 13 days and I will be 6 months gamble free which when looking back on day 1 is incredible for me. No more secrets or lies, no more hiding bank statement, new house, new car and a Micheal kor handbag for my 40th which I would never of dreamed of buying when gambling. Still have my Internet blocks in place and happy to sit and go through my bank statement each month with my oh. Tbh not even thought about gambling but if it creeps up on me I just reflect on how bad it had got back on day 1 which I for one don't ever want to feel that way again. Well will stop rambling now and I hope everyone's doing well.
How are the meetings going xmercx, you've not mentioned them in a while?
Hi triangle I haven't been to one as have moved from Manchester am still gamble free. I still have all my blocks in place and chat to friends from here and my oh is very supportive. Both my children now no as have been supporting my son who if been estranged from for 6 years to get off drugs so with moving new job and family haven't had time to look for a new meeting but am doing well.
Well who would of thought that 300 days ago I would be where I am right now. 300 days ago when I was that low I could of quite easily ended it all but thanks to loxxie Annie deano Oldham Alan bal and wcid to name a few I'm still gf. So thankyou so much for all your amazing support when I was having such a low point in my life. And an added bonus I will be smoke free 4 weeks on Thursday bloody hell I be saying I'm alcohol free next but I like gin and tonic 2 much lol. So here's to the next 65 days when I can say I'm a whole year gf so thanks again everyone xx
Happy Spartans day merc
Smoke free aswell? Good to see life is improving greatly. I see a new bag coming lol xx
Massive well done love..
Been a pleasure fighting along side you...
Well done r kid as Deano said a couple of months to a new bag you have to have one for your first birthday
Seems we have over shot the big occasion. So I'm just popping bye to say well done on your first year bet free. See you on the other side
Deano x
So I randomly pick a page from my diary and post tj send a message to and it’s you.
I know you don’t use here anymore but will post a message tj give your diary a bump so other can have a read.
I’m fortunate to still have some contact with outside this forum and will send you a message there. I know how well you are doing in some difficult times you’ve down amazing x
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