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Hi thankyou oldham tilly Alan and annie xx well day 13 gf two whole weeks tomorrow, never thought I'd be saying that 🙂 just off to work and just for today I will not gamble xx

Posted : 16th February 2016 6:34 pm
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Well 14 days gf two whole weeks. I haven't really thought about it past couple of days and despising the advert after advert that is constantly rammed down your throat makes me so mad. Oh has been brilliant as per usual. Just got up for work he's made me food to take with me I'm so lucky to have him. Looking forward to going bk to my Ga meeting monday never thought I'd be saying that and continue to read all your amazing posts on here gives me such hope and just for today I will not gamble x

Posted : 17th February 2016 5:24 pm
Posts: 0

Merc, my lovely, you are doing so well with 2 weeks under your belt already. Glad you're looking forward to your GA meeting, that's real progress. You're right about those bl00dy adverts which seems to be on increasingly as the night progresses - targetting the vulnerable and weak. However, it is our job to continue to grow stronger and resist the temptation to veer from the road of recovery and you are doing a real good job xx

Posted : 17th February 2016 11:32 pm
Posts: 1789

Well done on the 2 weeks keep going the way you are just for today we will not gamble.


Posted : 18th February 2016 12:23 am
Posts: 1831

Well done on over 2 weeks merc...doing great....agree with you about the adverts ...they are

Posted : 18th February 2016 9:54 am
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Hi and thankyou annie oldham and loxxie for posting not had much chance to be online due to work. Sat on bus off to work 2 more shifts then a whole week off which will be a real test but barriers all in place and got lots planned to keep me busy. Finally payday Monday it's been a very long month without any money but that won't be happening again am determined of that. Well day 15 gf and haven't even thought about gambling. I make sure I say to myself everyday just for today I will not gamble, and think about what would happen if I did which keeps me going as I don't want to be that horrible secretive deceitful person ever again.

Posted : 18th February 2016 6:45 pm
Posts: 1831

Hi merc...hope those last two shifts fly by....then a will be around all week so if in doubt....just shout...we can have a cyber coffee ! ...have a great weejend xx

Posted : 19th February 2016 5:25 pm
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Hi loxxie hun xx thanks and last shift tonight only 8 and half hours to go. Day 16 gf and still not thought about gambling tbh 2 busy with work. Got lots planned for next week and my next meeting on Monday. Hoping oh can get some time off so we can go on some days out together as not done that for a long time. Sounds like you had a lovely day with your family xx since I stopped I spend more time with my daughter which has been lovely. Well I suppose I better get some work done tc xx

Posted : 19th February 2016 11:38 pm
Posts: 1831

Have a good shift love...and I hope you and oh get some quality time....I owe my recovery to my youngest daughter....what a girl for ""pulling"" mother up...I must have done something rite while she was growing up lol.....I've had such a lovely day...nothing flash...just normal....I don't want the bubble to burst !. ...all guards in fingers crossed..big night shift hug to you xx

Posted : 19th February 2016 11:43 pm
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Hi loxxie hun

Didnt even come on yesterday slept nearly all day and night. Looking forward to my week off and day 18 gf. Oh at work again some just in the middle of blitzing my kitchen and chicken stew and dumplings for tea. Well tomorrow is finally payday has been a long month oh has all cards we will sit down tomorrow and pay all the bills. Well back to my cleaning and just for today i will not gamble.

Posted : 21st February 2016 10:56 am
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Day 19 gf and feeling ok today. Next Ga meeting tonight which am looking forward to. Smoky pulled pork cooking in slow cooker smells devine. Oh gave me 20 pounds this morning so I could buy some new makeup which was such a refreshing change treating myself as normally blown all my wages on payday which is today. I wouldn't of thought twice about blowing 200 pounds on slots so 20 pounds and having something to show for it is such a big thing for me, probably sounds daft to other people. It's nice having a week off work and going out for the day tomorrow with my daughter for lunch which I'm looking forward to. Hope everyone is well 🙂 and just for today I will not gamble.

Posted : 22nd February 2016 1:45 pm
Posts: 1789

Hi Merc I might consider this make up thing but I think I will need more than £20 to sort this ugly mug out lol. Enjoy tonight I hope you get lots out if it.

Posted : 22nd February 2016 1:53 pm
Posts: 0

Merc, well done on 19 days! Hope you have a fab week off - I was off last week and felt it really refreshed my batteries. I love the fact that you are spending money on you and not wasting it in the dreaded slots! Just before Christmas, after a few weeks of being gf I had a Shellac nail do and every time I looked at it I felt proud of what I achieved. (mind you it didn't last long, a bit like my recovery!).

I really think as compulsive gamblers on the path of recovery, we have reflected on our odious addiction and quite often we do not feel we are worthy of a wee treat however, the odd wee treat can really boost our confidence. It also reinforces how well we are doing. I'm sure you are like me; looking forward to the road of recovery and the treats along the way and I, for one, am already planning on my wee treats (and they might get bigger along the way!!)

Take care my love and enjoy your days off xx

Posted : 22nd February 2016 7:57 pm
Posts: 0

hi merc, thanks for the post!! 14 days.. smashed it! keep going

Posted : 22nd February 2016 8:06 pm
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Thankyou oldham annie and Chris for your continued support. Well oldham meeting went really well as I did therapy tonight which really helped and met some new members. Felt really positive when I came out. And annie I totally agree about not feeling worthy of treats when I was gambling because of the guilt so was really nice today. I feel more refreshed already for being off work got another 8 nights off yet. Looking forward to tomorrow taking my daughter for lunch and I can't remember the last time we did that. As for treats I hope they get bigger like I said payday normally all my wage I would of gambled but all bills payed and still plenty left which feels so good knowing me and oh don't have to struggle this month and all my hard work and long hours were not to give my evil addiction a profit. Barriers all in place and I know this is early days but feel more positive than previously but also realise I'm just one bet away from slipping But that is not happening. I love my oh and daughter to much to destroy them again. Along with here ga and my family I'm so determined not to let it win and just for today I will not gamble.

Posted : 22nd February 2016 11:05 pm
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