Ok here i go!

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Posts: 534

Who are you in debt to....is it something that can be helped with by one of the agencies?

Posted : 27th January 2017 3:00 pm
Posts: 0
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Not them sort of debts , everything and I mean everything is screaming at me to go to bookies, feel like locking my self in a dark room! Really thought it was going to get easier day by day!.

Told my best mate today as well. Didn't react how I thought, just don't think he understands it and disappointed.

Posted : 27th January 2017 6:55 pm
Posts: 534

Stay strong Blown...you knew he might not understand...it will get easier

Posted : 27th January 2017 9:17 pm
Posts: 386

Hang in there Blown...It may not be easy right now but if you go back to gambling it's absolutely guaranteed to get worse!

Keep posting...Read read and read some more.

Take Care

M x

Posted : 27th January 2017 9:21 pm
Posts: 0
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That's all I do read and read on here! And it really helps

Posted : 27th January 2017 10:09 pm
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Day 8

Been difficult today as I have 60 quid and a whole lot of money I need to find. So obvousley everything telling me to go make it more!

Had a mates car today so having my daughter was a lot easier! But dropped her off now so just sat waiting for chat room to open.... rebel me for a Saturday night.

Posted : 28th January 2017 7:41 pm
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Day 9 (morning )

Again struggerling again why won't it just P**s off. My only logic being it's hard to fight something when you have nothing to loose.

Posted : 29th January 2017 11:19 am
Posts: 534

Come on Blown....you have a lot to lose...your self respect for a start. If you gamble you will just dig an even bigger hole. You can do this, life will get better, you have turned things around before and you can do so again. If the urges are bad get in touch with gamcare, talk one to one, phone Samaritans, read the forum.....don't make that first bet, because even if you win you will not stop....and you won't win anyway. Come on, we are behind you.

Posted : 29th January 2017 11:25 am
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Your both talking complete sence I know it's just a hard day. I won't be going back to the bookies it's just why can't my head accept this and move on! I mean it when I say my last time at bookies was the lowest iv dealt because of something iv done myself by a million fold. And I know if I go in you can't count down the money until I feel even worse, iv never tried quitting before, because in the group of people I was in money was easy come easy go for them unfortuanly the money I used I'd built up over time. So no money coming in and a bucket load going out.

I swear ALOT by way it's just part of my everyday life so it's really really hard to put stuff with out swearing, but if you put a "ed" or "y" at end of every swear word you know that's how I feel

Posted : 29th January 2017 12:22 pm
Posts: 0
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End of day 9

Not been bookies

Not feeling great

But day 9 done

Posted : 29th January 2017 8:08 pm
Posts: 386

Double figures tomorrow blown 🙂

M x

Posted : 29th January 2017 8:38 pm
Posts: 0
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This is true that is quite good I'll be happy at day 14 don't know why just will be its my first goal

Posted : 29th January 2017 10:33 pm
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Day 10 (morning )

Have nothing better to do then think about going to bookies so need to be constructive. Going to go join a library to use computer to try do a cv. So can start trying to find a job.

Pushing all my short term problems to back of my head at moment and just trying to be constructive

Posted : 30th January 2017 12:09 pm
Posts: 0
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Yeah stay 7 days behind me!

My entire working life iv never worked for anyone else always done my own thing, problem being my "buying" money went to bookies , well abit of it to start then the rest trying to win back what id put in!

Iv that many memory's of thinking even if the machine pays me back half I'll be happy, crappy exchange rate that really lol.

Don't have any Id about me so couldn't join library going to write it out and try find some one to type it out for me, but nearly through day 10!

Drove past bookies earlier saw some one playing on machine and actually fealt jealous so I'm not fixed yet

Posted : 30th January 2017 5:55 pm
Posts: 0
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Yeah know all the points are 100 percent valid! But unfortunalty just not thinking that way 100% yet enough to keep me outta bookys tho!

Posted : 30th January 2017 6:45 pm
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