Ok here i go!

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I would give a kidney to some one that needed it, iv got 2 and il get away with only one I don't drink or owt.

And rang a pal who's dropped me a couple of sleeping tablets off, do tonight I'll be sleeping lol

Sam welcome bud and you've come to right place if you want to quit it's helped me a lot ........ now get of my diary and start your own

Joking bud

Posted : 17th February 2017 11:32 pm
Posts: 534

Oh Blown, yet again you made me laugh xx

Posted : 17th February 2017 11:37 pm
Posts: 0

Blown, will you get them prescribed....the inner medic in me is having a heart attack about friends 'dropping off sleeping pills'..may the lord have mercy on us all, I will say a decade of the rosary for you and your sleep...I hope they work, but I want you into that GP next week, and get them prescribed...You really are a Del Boy.....Lord!!!!!!!

Thanks for the offer of the kidney, should I need to call in that favour, I will give you good notice, and treat you to a good weekend in Dublin for your trouble.....

I was thinking that about Sam bless them too, talk about pitching up the tent and camping out...

Sleep well.....ish!!

Posted : 17th February 2017 11:46 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks, yes thanks for asking, I'm OK Rhoda. Like yourself battling the slots. Very cross that I have slipped recently.. I really need to move on from this. Even if I win I hate myself ..I hate myself for not being normal.normal people don't think it's OK to just waste money.

Posted : 17th February 2017 11:57 pm
Posts: 39

Haha oh dear I can only apologise.. it was my first day on here and this where I stumbled across ha!

Time for a work, it's made it tougher to get out of bed but hope to power through and have a good day

Posted : 18th February 2017 6:33 am
Posts: 0
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Don't be daft mate start a diary and keep checking in it really really has helped me!

Today been my easiest day to be gamble free I haven't stopped since 7am so not thought of any urges, so far I'll be busy to 11 tonight so no real chance to gamble.

Posted : 19th February 2017 4:03 pm
Posts: 386

Hey Blown 🙂

Busy is good but remember to have some "you" time....

By my workings out I think you may have hit the full month gamble free today!!!

Go go go you!

Mari x

Posted : 19th February 2017 5:22 pm
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Full month never at all thought Possible!!

Posted : 19th February 2017 6:22 pm
Posts: 0
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Start a diary pal iv not seen one yet! If you want to stop you will do start a diary and keep us updated

Posted : 19th February 2017 6:44 pm
Posts: 534

Hiya Blown, I have no intention of giving up giving up. In the last 76 days I have gambled once for two hours..and that is something I am pretty proud of. So don't worry...I'm going to keep nagging you x

Posted : 19th February 2017 7:15 pm
Posts: 39

nYes mate I'm going to get one going!

I've had weekend packed so not had any urges! Hoping to try keep Myself after work this week

Posted : 19th February 2017 10:48 pm
Posts: 39

Diary up and running, sorry or intruding like I did I really didn't mean too haha. Hope to stay in touch. Thank you for your communication !

Posted : 19th February 2017 10:56 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks for the message matey, just been busy house keeping...prep for the week.

Hopefully catch you in chat this week.

Julie x

Posted : 20th February 2017 12:24 am
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Well still gamble free and enjoying not feeling as low, still having debates in my head wether to go to bookies or not followed by a big head ache, although these are getting less frequent.

I get the come on it'll just be 40 quid a bit of fun is all. Then have to reason with my self that it's a terrible idea! I know if I go the only person I'll be cheating is myself!

Had a interesting email from forum telling me that it's offensive to use the word *** and to pretend to be *** on chat room... really?? I'm a great believer in laughter fixes a lot, and dean and me were just having a laugh no harm intended that and the *** lads I do know are not offended when I call them *** or a whole host of different words to describe the same thing

Dean hope you got the same email love x

Posted : 22nd February 2017 5:55 pm
Forum admin
Posts: 6072

Hello Blownitagaib,

You've mentioned that the headaches have subsided... are you getting better quality sleep? It is good that you've been using the gym to reduce your stress levels, and as others have recommended you could also talk with your GP about how you've been feeling.

About the forum etiquette, that exists to support appropriate use of the forum and chat rooms, as resources to facilitate recovery from problem gambling. On the forum you are sharing the space with people who have different sensibilities and sensitivities, one person's term of endearment might be another person's term of abuse, so a forum member needs to be mindful of the language they use even if their intention is good-humoured and playful. Banter that is intended as affectionate teasing could be perceived as intimidating mockery, so we need to take care on a public forum.

Well done on remaining gambling-free for over a month, we hope that the peer support you have been sharing on the forum continues to nourish your recovery.

Take care,

Forum admin.

Posted : 26th February 2017 7:00 pm
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