One big hit and your addicted

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hey chicago

just a note to say- well done on your 22 weeks, and every good wish for your continued recovery

take care


Posted : 15th June 2013 7:45 am
Posts: 0

Hey Chicago

Well done to see you are still going strong with all your goals. You are doing fantastic. I too, am just entering into my twenty second week of abstinance and it feels so good again to be able to feel "normal".

Sorry to hear you are now unemployed. Hopefully, it won't be for long.

Take care.


Posted : 15th June 2013 9:12 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hey all,

Everything is going great. Hope all of you are doing well on your journey of abstinence. This Monday I will be 24 weeks gamble free and 12 weeks of eating healthy. My next weigh in is on July 1 st. It's great to have made such a turn around in my life. I'am really reaping the rewards of sobriety and grow stronger each day. I'am at my brothers house and were getting ready to grill out 3 lbs of salmon. G.A. is going great I attend 2 meetings a week and I'am still a out patient at the addictive center. Hopefully I will be discharged by August 1 st. I'am reaching out to some connections with my line of work and the plan is to be back working by August 1 st in construction. Life is truly wonderful without gambling in it. Fishing has been very good at the river also, I spend a lot of my days fishing, something I didn't do while I was gambling, great to have taken it back. I wish you all the best in your recovery process.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 22nd June 2013 1:54 am
Posts: 4422

Mr. Chicago.

Fella with great pleasure i read your post.

I salute you.

A massive well done on continuing the great work.

To abstain and maintain.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 22nd June 2013 9:06 am
Posts: 0

Hey Chicago,

week 24!! that is absolutely wonderful, you should be very very proud of yourself. The good things that are happening in your life right now are the rewards of your efforts. Keep it up, you are in inspiration to fledgling quitters like myself.

take care


Posted : 22nd June 2013 9:15 am
Posts: 357

Great to hear you still doing well, chicagoguy. Genuinely happy for you. Keep it up. Isn't it great this change lark? Today is my 6 month milestone and it still hasn't quite sunk in. I felt so hopelessly addicted at one point. Yet, I suppose by the end of my gambling days, I knew it was something that was harmful and today I feel blessed to be rid of it. Thanks for your support again.

Wish you well in your continued recovery and progress.

All the best


Posted : 22nd June 2013 6:04 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Chicago

Great to see your in heaven ! keep up the great work and efforts, after all, we can all feel and see that sobriety is worth it. Dark Place

Posted : 5th July 2013 9:38 am
Posts: 357

Give us an update, chicagoguy. Hope you're doing well.

All the best


Posted : 5th July 2013 1:57 pm
Posts: 944

Hope you are ok as we have not heard from you for some time. just hope it means no news is good news.


Posted : 10th July 2013 12:39 am
Posts: 0

ditto CH Guy ...

Im guessing you are fishing and trying to keep cool in the heat xx

Posted : 10th July 2013 8:05 am
Posts: 2163

Hi Chicago,

Same as everyone else. Just dropping by to say hello just in case you are still reading. Hope all is well and looking forward to hearing from you soon. -joanxxx

Posted : 10th July 2013 3:07 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hey all,

Miss you all very much, iam still going strong, and now 193 days gamble free! Been very busy, iam still attending GA and my addiction center as an outpatient. I was going to be discharged July 31 st, but i requested an extension for 3 months, have alot on my plate at the Moment. The support is wonderful, and i want to continue to gain strength in my new life, as i continue on my journey. Iam in school at the moment, and getting some certifications in my line of work, hopefully that will help with employment. I may have to give up my apartment if iam not employed by the end of August, but i remain strong and determined, and have put it in the hands of my higher power. I still work out and eat healthy, but most of the focus has gone into seeking employment, trying to balance everything out is tuff. I will catch up with all of you soon, thanks for still caring about me, your not forgotten.

Recovering compulsive gambler


PS. I still find time to fish, and enjoy it so much more this year then i ever had before in my life.

Posted : 19th July 2013 2:47 am
Posts: 2163

Hi Chicago!

Am so glad to hear that you are still going strong!! I am always inspired by your posts. Keeping everything in balance is tough and not made any easier with stress due to deadlines. Taking time out to destress by fishing is brilliant man! You got this!! Stay strong. -joanxxx

Posted : 19th July 2013 11:39 am
Posts: 0

Hi Chicago

I was so happy to see your post and read that things are still good with you.

You've been working so hard over the past months, you deserve to reaping the rewards of not gambling. Keep it up 🙂

Take care



Posted : 22nd July 2013 4:50 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hey everyone,

Hope all of you are doing great, and ready to enjoy your weekend. Hard to believe 200 days has gone by already since the last time i gambled. For those that are just starting there journey, hang in there, it gets much better as you gain traction in abstinence of this terrible disease. Have yourself a good plan in place, and try your best to stick to it. The more honest you are with yourself and your loved ones the healthier the road to recovery will be. Seek as many avenues of support as you can find, G.A., counseling, therapy, Gamcare. You have to realize this is a lifetime disease we now have, and you must treat it. I wish you the best in your recovery process.

Recovering compulsive gambler,


Posted : 26th July 2013 10:27 pm
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