One big hit and your addicted

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Well sounds like your on a good path and sticking to it so good for you. Sounds like your from the states too and the windy city none the less. Guess here in Wisconsin there aint all the glamor of gambling that there is there but enough it hooked me in. Lol yeah all it took was one jackpot won and I was into it too. Guess I went awol for a bit there but back for another shot at staying clean. Wishing ya well in your recovery.

Posted : 25th February 2013 3:21 pm
Posts: 0
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Goodmournng everyone,

I've been reflecting on the maddness gambling had created in my life before I stopped. You really don't get that clearer of a picture until you stop. I never want to go back to that guy, I guess when I think about some of that craziness I was doing at the casino, it helps me to not get to comfortable where I'am at right now. I don't want to let my guard down. Gambling is always lurking around the corner of your thoughts, like the boggie man. I guess thats part of this strong addiction, compulsion. Would I like to go have a day of gambling, sure I would. But when I remember all the great people that have supported me on here, and all the therapy I've worked on to abstain from this, I say no way, not today, not ever, I'am I going back to that casino. I know I'am new at this and just started my recovery, but I really feel empowered not gambling. I just have to continue to support others on here, and myself, for all of us with this addiction just want to have our dignity and self respect back. I thank-you all for your words of encouragement, because of you all, I'am 49 days gamble free today.

Thank-you all,


Posted : 25th February 2013 4:50 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Chicargoguy

Glad all is still going very well for you. Just wanted to wish you even more congratulations on fastly approaching day 50 tomorrow!! I can imagine just how great you must be feeling right now.

Keep up the good work and your great efforts in yourself but also for encouraging and supporting your Gamcare friends.

Take care.


Posted : 25th February 2013 5:02 pm
Posts: 0

Congratulations on 49 days being gamble free, the big balls eye is tomorrow, be proud I am of you, keep it up.


Posted : 25th February 2013 5:35 pm
Posts: 0 ... well done on 49 days x

Posted : 25th February 2013 7:40 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Chicago, pleased to see you're still going strong đŸ™‚ keep it up fella

Posted : 25th February 2013 7:45 pm
Posts: 0
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Goodmourning everyone,

Still going strong, although I do find myself thinking about gambling now and then. I'am really proud of myself that I stopped the madness I was doing with my addiction. I have not returned to the casino to hide my emotions in the slots. I'am learning that life can be so much better without gambling. I often think about how I got so tangled up in the mess with gambling, and some of my crazy chasing days. Absolutley complete madness, I remember one time taking a withdrawl of $500.00, on my way down to the casino from a ATM machine, and lossing that in no time on the slots. Then going to get a postive debit for another $500.00, and lossing that, and of course might as well take the last $500.00 I'am allowed for the day on another positive debit, to also lose all of that. Now that in itself is complete madness, but oh no, I left the casino and not having any checks on me, which I never carried around with me when I was gambling, and went across the street to my bank and had them print me up some temporary checks. So I wrote myself a check out for $500.00 and drove right back over to the casino, and lost that in about 30 minutes. You think at that point that would've been a clue to myself, or maybe a light bulb would of turned on in my head and said, that's it. Nope, right back to the bank down the street, and wrote myself another check for $500.00. Didn't go home though, went right back to the casino thinking lets win it all back, wrong,wrong,wrong. Lost alot that day, not only money, myself, but I wanted to share this with everyone because this is what you call "chassing" your losses, and it will happen to you if you don't stop gambling, I promise you. And it's a nice reminder to myself if I think about returning to play the slots how bad it was at one point, how sick I was. And yes it could get alot worse if I ever went back. Well as of (Jan. 7, 2013) I have abstained from gambling for 50 days, the lightbulb has come back on, and I want to keep it lighted up. I wish all of you the best in your recovery.



Posted : 26th February 2013 5:52 pm
Posts: 944

Hi there

know just what you mean, have lived in that exact same darkness.

Stay in the bright light you are doing brilliantly.


Posted : 26th February 2013 5:57 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Chicago,

Thank you for your post I can relate to your last post Like most other compulsive gamblers will. I often think about how I went into gambling mode or f**k it mode when I gambled, it seems like it was a different person.

I used to sit up till 1am on pay ad till my wages hit my bank so I could gamble all night and so the madness would continue till it was all gone.

It terrifies me to ever go,back to that but if I won't gamble today and tomorrow I can decide again,

Keep going

Take care


Posted : 26th February 2013 6:19 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Chicargo

Thanks for your post. You too are doing great and making a tremendous effort to stay positive for yourself and all your friends on here!!

Take care and keep doing what your'e doing.


Posted : 26th February 2013 7:33 pm
Posts: 0

Thanks Chigago guy ...

I shall ask GC to see if they can post your thread on supporters....we are always glad of info to help us understand

Posted : 26th February 2013 7:43 pm
Posts: 0
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Goodevening everyone,

I'am snowed in tonite, roads out here are bad, and I'am having problems with the brakes on my truck. Back into the shop it goes, soon. Just wanted to stop by and say hello, hope all is well with everyone tonite. This site has been like finding gold, I so appreciate all the support and advive I recieve. Stay strong, and for today I will not gamble.


Posted : 27th February 2013 12:26 am
Posts: 0
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Hello everyone,

I know it's late over there, but I just posted some more information on compusive gambling, in my thread on the intros forum under (A Chart Of Compulsive Gambling and Recovery) if any of you are looking for some interesting reading material. Stay strong and today I will not gamble.


Posted : 27th February 2013 2:47 am
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Hello everyone,

The snow finally stopped last nite. Cold day back here in Chi-town. Things are going well today, it's been really nice to meet so many supportive people on this journey to a gamble free life, on Gamcare. At some point down the road I would like to do a interview with the local paper over here, on my story of being a compulsive gambler, and how it all started. I think so many people are inflicted with this addiction buy don't know how to go about getting help and feel alone. If I can help some people change there path they are headed down that would give me some redemption against those casinos. I just want to have some lengthy soberity behind my belt before doing this. I wish you all the best in your recovery process. And today I will not gamble.


Posted : 27th February 2013 3:48 pm
Posts: 348

Hi Chicagoguy,

Just wanted to stop by and thank you for posting on my diary, I really appreciate all the help and advice I can get at the moment, so, thanks đŸ™‚

Good to see your doing well in your journey đŸ™‚


Posted : 27th February 2013 9:03 pm
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