Goodmourning everyone,
Hope everyone is enjoying there weekend. I got together with my brother yesterday and we went to a local fishing store to check out some gear for the spring. Didn't buy anything just window shopping. Went out to a new buger joint in town and had a great grilled chicken breast sandwich, and then went back to his house to watch a show called "yukon men" it's about a group of people living off the outdoors, hunting and fishing, great show. In the past I would've left his house and went down to the casino to gamble. He lives real close to the one I went to all the time. Not last nite, came home, had thoughts of it on the ride home but I didn't give in to the idea. Come along way, there weren't to many times that I didn't venture down there after visiting him. Glad to see my progress comming along. Hoping to get together with a good friend of mine later today and catch up. Tomorrow will be 8 weeks sober. We can do this! I wish you all the best in your recovery.
Alright Chicagoguy? đŸ™‚
Pleased to see you're still going strong... 8 weeks is awesome! I'm still chasing you! 49 days today đŸ™‚
Keep it up buddy, you're doing great!
Goodmourning everyone,
Got a big snow storm comming are way, hope it's the last of it, I'am really ready for spring time over here. Today I've been gamble free for 8 weeks! This is by far the most time I've been away from the casino in the last 2 and a half years, going back from my last day of action on Jan 7 2013. Still have thoughts of going down to gamble, but I know where that will lead me. I'am very thankful for all the support I recieve on here from everyone posting on my thread. Pushing forward to that 90 day mark and beyond. I wish you all the best in your recovery.
Thanks for your post on my thread. I appreciate it! I caught up a bit with yours and you're making good progress. It is great to be able to recognise that in the past you would have gambled in a certain situation but not this time. Replacing bad habits with good ones is crucial so that non gambling becomes the norm. Well done. DB
Goodmourning everyone,
Getting snowed in back here in Chi-town. Talking up to a foot possible by the time it's done snowing. All is going well as I progress forward in my journey. Just taking it one day at a time. Somedays I don't even think about gambling as I seem to distance myself from my last day of action. From what I'am reading in others diaries, as the further you get along on your recovery, thoughts of gambling begin to fade over time. You still have to remain on guard though. I gave my notice to my landlord to move out May 1, so I will be searching for a new place to reside, and get things in order. This will definately help me keep focused going forward.
My group therapy meeting was just cancelled for tonight due to the snow storm, I still have 1 on 1 therapy on Thursday, I'll look forward to that. Anyone reading my thread on the intros under "chart of compulsive gambling and recovery" will have to wait til next week for me to post more new info under that.
You're stuck in snow storm and we have enjoyed warmest day of the year so far which has so cheered me up as felt that spring was never going to arrive. Saw first fishermen walking along riverbank today as well, must be frustrating for you to have new equipment you can't use yet. New accommodation sounds good idea, a new start and something to plan and look forward to.
You are doing a brill job and supporting so many newcomers on here at the same time which is just what everyone needs. Stay strong and keep up the enthusiasm, it is so refreshing.
Hey Chicagoguy
Just wanted to thank you for your continued support on my thread. Hope this post finds you well and staying strong in your efforts to stay gamble free. Sorry to hear about the snow storm. Have a great week. Best wishes.
Hey New Chicagoguy,
I know you, your that guy that use to sit at the slot machines for hours upon hours at the local casino. You use to put 100 dollar bills into that machine endlessly. You had a look on your face like you lost your soul and will to live at times. You use to pound your fists against the steering wheel on the way home from the casino as tears rolled down your face. Guess what Chicago, your not that guy anymore. I never see you at the casino anymore. You've got a new look on life and what's importantant to you now. I even heard you took up some counseling, and your sticking to it. You even found a great support site to seek help and advice from others and now your giving advice back. I even noticed on your last bank statement there wasn't any Pos debits from the ATM you used all the time at that casino. Somebody else is now parking in your secret spot down there, where nobody would notice your vechicle when you gambled before. Chicago you've really come a long way, I'am proud of you. I just want to remind you of something, keep your guard up at all times, keep working hard towards your new goals and new you, but don't ever forget the Old Chicagoguy.
Hi chicagoguy,
Brilliant post and a reminder to you of how far you have come well done.
I was just reading your post about your councelling session and your dad, sorry to hear of your loss I understand how that feels.
I had many regrets when my dad died suddenly but I know they are just that and I can't change them, what I can do is live my life to the fullest and be the best I can be in memory of my dad.
I know he knew I loved him deeply they were the last words I said to him. I have forgiven myself for the things I could of done and I know that's what he would say to me to.
My recovery is for me but the higher power that is driving me is my dad.
Your doing brilliant and your dad will be beaming from ear to ear with pride.
Take care
Love yourself, keep doing it, you must be proud of what you have achieved, well done you!!!!!
Well way to go with beating them urges and you'll always come out a winner keeping up that routine. Hope ya see lots of rivers and even more fish in your future. Lol Time far better spent and good times to remeber that dont leave that bad taste in your mouth like gambling does. Keep doing what your doing cause it's working.
Goodevening everyone,
Today was a good day. I just got back from my 1 on 1 therapy session. It's really great to go talk to someone and work through different issues you may be having in your life. I highly suggest it if you haven't tried it. The weather is starting to warm up also, springs just around the corner. And as some of you may know, my lease is comming up at the place I'am living at, and I've been looking and reaching out to different contacts of mine for a new place to move in to. A month ago I called the owner of an apartment complex I had lived at on and off a few times in the last 15 years. I got to know the owner on a personal basis because I did alot of concrete work for him over the years around the site. Tearing out patios and sidewalks and replacing them with new. Anyhow after my parents got divorced, my father ended up renting a nice two bedroom in one of his buildings, there's four buildings on the owners property. My dad always liked his two bedroom apartment on the third floor right by the river. We had a couple thanksgiving's and christmas's there, and made many nice memories. He lived there for two years before he bought his house, where he ended up being at for ten years until May 25 of 2010 when he passed away. He truley loved his house though. Well this mourning I got a phone from the owner of those four buildings along the river, and he said a one bedroom had become available on the third floor for May 1 or before. Now here's where it gets really neat, happens to be two doors down from my dad's place he rented years ago. I really think that was dad's doing, he knows I really enjoyed being by the river, and it's a nice place to find a new start along with my recovery. Out of four buildings and 18 units per building I believe it's him. I'am trying hard to turn my life around and find the true me once again. This could be the place to do it.
Hi Chicagoguy
That's a nice notion and I certainly think that you stand a great chance of recovery in a place which has personal resonance and family memories. After years of addiction it is very hard to draw a line under everything but you are doing a good job. I think your Dad would be immeasurably proud of the fresh start you have made.
Since my last bet I have thought occasionally how the ones that love me (my family and girlfriend in particular) have suffered watching me tormented by this affliction. Until now I could only conceive of my anguish at the money I'd squandered. I am doing this for myself but also for them. I don't want them to suffer any longer and I would like to regain some of the trust that they once had in me.
All the best, Myles
Goodmourning everyone,
Today is 60 days gamble free for me. It's been a long 60 days, but I have learned alot about myself and this addiction. I very much look forward to my continued success. I want to thank all of you that have been supporting me on my diary, and giving me your words of encouragement. Today I'am meeting my brother for lunch at his new favorite spot, and we will break bread. I look forward to another day of no gambling and I'am really starting to feel the positive effects of soberity.
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