SadG wants to be happyG

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Hi G my friend, Sorry i have not been in touch. Been so so busy with the children, they are still with me and i will fly them back to Finland on the 12th June. So far we have done Thorpe park/legoland 3 times/london dungeons/london eye/london aquarium and chessington now at the weekend ! its been really great spending so much time with them and for them to be with their little half brother. I have not had a moments thought for gambling, we have both come so far ! gutted for the bear but i dont know really what to say about him.

Great to hear you have packed up smoking ! must be a challenge to match stopping gambling I can only assume ? its not something i have ever been addicted too. I hope you can kick it and develop the 6 pack in its place, your wife must think she has a new fella with all these changes 🙂 keep well my firend and will post on my site as soon as things calm down. Dark Place

Posted : 6th June 2013 9:11 am
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Strange afternoon. Was on my way to the gym when I saw a guy on the opposite side of the street mugging a young girl for her handbag. He wrestled it from her, took something out of it and ran off up the street. Now in hindsight I should have reacted a little bit quicker but I didn't so he had a head start on me but I gave chase and caught up with him in an alleyway behind some flats(all that running in the gym must be paying off I thought). Turns out he lived in one of the flats and had just had a domestic with the girl who was his ex-girlfriend. He'd grabbed her passport from her bag, ripped out the visa part of it(she was from Mauritius) and launched the passport in to a garden as he was running away. Couple of other people helped keep the two of them there till police turned up, statements given etc. Female arresting officer was cute. Other officers turned up then they asked me if I was an off duty policeman as I'd given chase then given a detailed statement of what had happened ha ha. Maybe I have a new future career but I can't see it. I left them all to it. I was only going to the gym but it certainly livened up my afternoon. Glad the guy didn't put up any resistance as he was a really big bloke. It wasn't actually all that dramatic.

Ok so the smoking thing hasn't gone too well so far.

Bought some on the way home from work last night after 2 days of nothing but then my gambling didn't stop overnight. I had to learn and teach myself and I'll do the same with the smoking. The gambling is under control and have no urges whatsoever. Coming up for nearly 7 months gamble free. I think I will try the patches after all and see how that works as I've never tried them before.

Well day 4 of the abs challenge is over. Only 24 more days to go. HIIT session this afternoon followed by some abs work has left me drained. Will eat now then get some rest before work tonight.

Gutted that TheBear has slipped after clocking up a magnificent 100 days gamble free but you only have to read his post to understand how gutted he is himself. Hopefully that will act as a catalyst to go on and repeat his efforts. If we can go further each and every time then we will get there. He writes about the impact that gambling session has had on him and his girlfriend and how he feels. Gambling has no place in our lives. It is such a distraction from happiness and contentment and can be so destructive. It certainly has no place in my life any more.

I wish you all well on your journeys.


Posted : 6th June 2013 5:43 pm
Posts: 4422


fella gambling certainly doesn't have a place in our life.

A statement of pure fact.

Keep up the good work.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 6th June 2013 8:46 pm
Posts: 0

Hi SG,

Well what an afternoon ! interesting the police finally turned up, normally only interested in traffic offences !

Dont worry your not getting rid of me just yet, keep working on that smoking habit, as you said ! you will find the way to kick it eventually. Have a good evening at work, Dark Place

Posted : 6th June 2013 8:55 pm
Posts: 0

Hey SadG,

Great post! Excellent job on the chase, more people in this world need to help one another when in need. Glad your workouts are going good, I just started back on the free weights myself this week, time to kick it up a notch. I do a hill program on the treadmill, but I know Hitt programs are great. Enjoy your weekend and congrats on all your hard work.


Posted : 8th June 2013 5:12 am
Posts: 0


Just checking in your diary and read about your superhero exploits - top work!

I share your disappointment re. Bear, but as I said to him, he did amazingly well to come as far as he did and I've got my fingers crossed he can go again.

I'm with you on giving up the tabs... Have been promising myself to do it for years now, and although I'm not a heavy smoker the time has come to stop. If anything, my other vices have increased since I kicked gambling (6 months earlier this week...). In the past, they might have paved the way back into gambling, but like you, I feel pretty resolute in never going back there again.

Keep up the good work pal


Posted : 12th June 2013 1:59 pm
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Day 10 of the abs program. It's hard but strangely enjoyable. Just thought I'd post on here quickly as hardly been on in the last week then I'm off to the gym.

Still happily gamble free. Happy to say I never even think about gambling these days. I have moved on but always feel the need to come on here and post. It's an ongoing part of my recovery and very important to me.

Great to read about D123 hitting his 6 month gamble free mark. Fantastic achievement and deserves a lot of credit for choosing to walk a new path.

Busy weekend ahead. My little boys 6th birthday tomorrow and party to come on Sunday. Can't wait. I adore my little man. So glad I can give him the life he deserves now I quit the gambling. Denied him too much in the first 5 years of his life due to my addiction. I am the father I wanted to be now and can afford him the time he rightly deserves.

Have a lovely week everyone. Don't say it often but stay strong. Do the right thing. Reap the rewards.

I am winning because I choose not to gamble.


Posted : 12th June 2013 3:14 pm
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Day 15 of the abs program. Actually day 14 for me as I had to miss a day over the weekend due to my 6 year old's birthday party yesterday so I'll catch up this week by missing one of the rest days. Also after said party was exhausted and in no mood to cook so the whole family had a big old chinese take out and lazed on the sofa watching Hairspray the movie. The stage show in the West End was fantastic and the movie is very funny too. My wife loves the music. So Lots of tasty but unhealthy(if you're after a 6 pack and training hard for it) chinese food means I need to go work it off in the gym today. Not very motivated right now. Got Monday morning blues I need to shake off. Time to get on one.

Good to see JasonTT(now jason33) back on this site posting again after slipping. He was one of the first to offer support to me when I joined this site and I would love to read that he's getting over his addiction to gambling so if you get the time please go on his thread and give him your support. He's been away for a while but back now. Thanks all. Have a great day everyone.


Posted : 17th June 2013 9:52 am
Posts: 0

Hello G

Apologies for not being on so much, congrats on your daughters birthday ! 6 years is a great age for kids. Sounds like your weekend was a good one and chinese every now and then is always a good idea even if its not that healthy.

I have been so so busy, dropped my 2 children back to Finland last Wednesday and had an evening with my old finnish boss in Helsinki, he is retired now but a great man and an inspiration to anyone. Holiday was really great, to be honest i was a bit tired when i went back to work monday hmmm i thought the idea was to relax 😉 but still it was great.

Some little thoughts of gambling but to be honest i dont think i could go back even if i wanted, its been to destructive in my life and i cannot allow it to happen again. Keep up that abs programme my friend and great to see your doing well.

Dark Place

Posted : 18th June 2013 2:10 pm
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Just passed the 7 month mark a few days ago.

Looking back those first couple of months were tough but these days gambling just doesn't enter my head.

Got given a tip for horses at work last week. Just told the guy not interested. I don't gamble any more. Saw him at work a few days later and asked how his tip panned out. Came 3rd he said. I laughed. Money still in the pocket for G instead of being wasted on some tip. That's where I am these days. I am winning because I choose not to give my money to gambling any more. Feels good too. 3 years of debt and loan payments ahead of me but in time I will clear it. Life is just better and far less stressful these days.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Posted : 22nd June 2013 2:49 pm
Posts: 4422

Mr g.

fella so glad to see your still finding the time to contribute to the forum.

For me it is great to read that gambling is taking no part in your life today.

for something that consumed so much of our lives and only reeked havoc upon it, to see that cut out, to find a better life through abstinence is amazing.

thanks for sharing fella.

I hope it inspires others to find the same determination.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 22nd June 2013 8:52 pm
Posts: 0

Hi Brother

What's happening man ? not heard from you long time 🙁 hope everything is ok ? im still beating my head but have things under control, as mentioned before i had great time with my children over from Finland but well and truly back to work now. Hope to hear from you soon, Dark Place

Posted : 26th June 2013 9:03 am
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Hey DP

Thanks for the concern my friend. I'm still very much gamble free. just going through an incredibly busy period at work and not really had much time for getting on the pc and catching up with everything. Any spare time I get is spent in the gym.

Will be back up in London on Wednesday and will log in for a good catch up with everyone hopefully. Be good to read a few diaries and see what everyone's been up to.

Absolutely no thoughts on gambling at all. Those days are very much gone for me. Have a nice day today everyone. Sun is shining here in Kent. Time for a day out I think.


Posted : 30th June 2013 10:07 am
Posts: 4422


Glad to see that your still gamble free fella, life through it serves you well.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 3rd July 2013 11:34 am
Posts: 0

Hi Sadg

Thanks for your post and nice to hear from you.

Every word you wrote i can agree with, reality is that everyone who comes on here is reaching out and calling for help saying ! i am done with this disease and what it is doing to me, we are better people for leaving it behind us. Great to hear all is well with you, have a great weekend my friend, it seems like it is bbq weather ! time to make chicagoguy envious when we write about what we cooked on Monday 🙂 all the best Dark Place /

Posted : 5th July 2013 9:43 am
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