SadG wants to be happyG

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Don't think I've ever posted on your diary before but I have to say I love that last post. Doubt there'll be any naysayers but if there are, ignore! I'm of the same mind as you... at least at the moment! 🙂

Posted : 15th November 2013 4:11 am
Posts: 0

Hello G

Good to hear from you, i totally agree with Carla, fantastic post from you ! you are so right and what a great idea. I have kind of been doing the same thing (different field) without realising it recentley ! here is the story.

I have always been lucky in sports, what ever i have taken up i have normally played at a very good level. Brighton hove albion schoolboys football, Boxing for county and so on ! last couple of years i have started playing darts and for the first time it has presented me a huge challenge ! i tend to jolt at the ockey, not stand still bit eratic and not consistent. Anyhow i moved through the league's to premier league with my team and to be honest i was out of 12 one of the weakest 3 players ! this year i got the feeling i was dropped and not really neeeded in the team, even though they were my friends ! they brought in a couple of top players and so without being asked i just transfered to another team ! this caused a bit of eruption but anyhow i left and said if i am not wanted then i will play where i am. (sorry to ramble on) Anyhow, last 7 weeks since this happened i was so intent on improving myself mentally/physically and i have kept ajusting my technique to make me a top player ! well i can say i really have.

This wednesday our match was cancelled so i was out with old friends in the team i left, their match was cancelled too. So i played against them and few beers, imagine my delight when i put all of that effort i had made into my game and they saw a completely differnt player, beating them in frist 3 legs (my old captain) 17 darts/18 darts & 15 darts. You should have seen their faces, so my point is, if you make up your mind to do something or achieve it ! if you REALLY want to do it, i can assure you, most of the time you will ! i left that evening with the nice comments ringing in my ear, "why did you leave" "do you want to transfer back"

So i like you will transfer your thought process/idea to improve everything else about me as a person.

Sorry this is a long post and fairly boring i expect ! have a great weekend my good friend & catch you next week when your back in London.

Dark Place /

Posted : 15th November 2013 11:12 am
Posts: 0

Hi G,- read your post earlier,gave my food for thought,what a great,positive outlook to have on your future,gona take your thoughts on board to hopefully make myself a better person.

Keep up the good work,all the best Robby.

Posted : 15th November 2013 3:44 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

No thoughts of gambling. I'm back in the same mindset again and starting to feel strong again. The anger at lapsing doesn't go away and I don't feel any better for it but I can only beat myself up over it for so long.

Work has been good this week. Had my annual appraisal last night. All good. My manager is very happy with me and called me a valued member of the team, which was good to hear, so no problems there.

I don't normally get Saturdays off but I had last weekend off and got the next two off too. Went shopping with my wife and kids on Saturday. What's that all about??? Never again I heard myself saying. It was soooo busy everywhere. I normally go shopping on a Monday after dropping my son at school. It's always so quiet. I forgot how busy Saturdays are for 'normal' people.

Then went out with my wife Saturday night to watch Gravity at the cinema. Saw it in 3D. Great film. Highly recommend it to any cinema goers.

Sunday was a relaxing day with the kids and meeting with some friends for a drink. Monday back in the gym with my wife then back to work in London Monday night. Nice weekend with no gambling urges which is exactly how I like it. Still spent loads of money but it's in a productive way and not a wasteful gambling way.

Have a great week people. Thanks for all the support.


Posted : 20th November 2013 3:43 pm
Posts: 0

Hi sadg great to see you are back on schedule I'm sure the slip up will add to your strength now,as you have always said to me you can do this me you and dark place have been up and down but we are now back on the right path lets stay there have a good week mate

The bear

Posted : 20th November 2013 4:12 pm
Posts: 0

Hi G

Pleased to hear your mind is calming down and your getting back to where you are, of course you cannot wipe away the debt or feelings of despair this recent lapse has brought but we can move on.

Hope you a have a great weekend my friend, tricky game for West Ham saturday, home to chelsea. I am just starting to be a little worried about my team !

All the best, Dark Place

Posted : 21st November 2013 12:42 pm
Posts: 789

Don't have much time at the mo but came across this and it made me think of you...…one-in-the-universe-1.2434823

Posted : 22nd November 2013 2:25 pm
Posts: 0
Topic starter

Thanks Carla. Just watched it.

Pretty inspirational guy CMDR Hadfield. That man makes smart choices in his life it seems. I can learn something from that so thanks.

Quiet weekend over and now back in London for work. Family coming to us this weekend which I'm looking forward to.

Payday on Friday but I am well prepared to move the funds to a safe account where it can't be gambled. Need to do this again for a while till I can get back in to a routine and resist any urges around payday. In a strong mindset again right now but no need to take any chances so the funds will be moved for safe keeping. Don't want to ruin xmas for me. my wife or the kids.

Suffering with a bit of a cold and niggling sore throat right now which put me of going to the gym today but worked hard yesterday so a day off from it won't hurt. Will be back on it tomorrow.

Have a good week all.


Posted : 26th November 2013 8:27 pm
Posts: 0

Hello matey

Hope all is going well with your recovery and family, im keeping going and on day 46. Really pleased we are taking this journey together again, 1 year drinks are back on even if they have been delayed. Have a great weekend.

Dark Place

Posted : 30th November 2013 11:07 am
Posts: 0

thanks for your post my friend....

little worried about you tho, your not using your diary with the same intensity you did before. Hope your still keeping all your resolve however.

Dark Place

Posted : 5th December 2013 10:23 pm
Posts: 0

Hi G

Where are you my fiend ? worried about you, long time since your last post ! i hope it does not mean what i think it means :-/

Hope to hear from you soon.

Dark Place

Posted : 15th December 2013 12:38 pm
Posts: 0

Happy Christmas to you and your family mate, hope all is well where ever you are. Dark Place

Posted : 26th December 2013 8:52 am
Posts: 0

Hi G

Happy New Year my friend, really great to hear from you and doing well.

I totally get what your saying about this site, its kind of like the medicine turns into the poison. Its weird cos i have been thinking the same, that is why i have not been on myself so much recently.

Guess we all fight our own bespoke battles but we keep fighting.

We will meet for those beers in shep... market, will give you my contact info but just need to think of a way without publishing it on here. Hmmm not easy, let me know if you have any ideas.

My children and family are well, trust yours are the same.

Keep well my friend, speak soon.

Dark Place

Posted : 3rd January 2014 9:42 am
Posts: 0

Hi G

How are you my freind ? long time no here ?

Hope to to here good news from you soon.

Dark Place

Posted : 20th January 2014 5:22 pm
Posts: 0

Hey sad G, I don't know if you remember me but I used to post on your diary as " lukeyt"

We were making progress at a similar pace at the start and then I fell off the wagon and let's just say the rest of 2013 was a bit of a roller coaster.

We'll I have returned in 2014 to try again. Would be great to hear from you.

Hope you are doing ok? Sorry to hear about your slip.


Posted : 24th January 2014 3:31 pm
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