Has anyone struggled with spending any money on themselves whilst having gambling debts whilst having debts to pay of making me feel guilty to spend any money on myself doing somethig I enjoy.
yes its taken me years to finally be in a position where i treat myself..... As a gambler we all learn to think about everything in terms of win or lose i used to think plus 20 minus 10 plus 15 etc all the time thru the years it got me to the point where i used to not buy myself anytihng apart from gambling tokens.....
Five years later i dont gamble and am learning to spend money more freely on friends, faamily and begrudgingly on myself
One good thing is that when i stopped gambling and continued to not spend money on myself i started to and carried on till this day saving an awful lot of money.... believe me if youre anytihng like me and it sounds like you are debts will reduce quickly should you not gamble again.
All the best
Thanks Adam
I’m the exact same constantly calculating everything adding up essentials but spend on gambling freely then regret it later.
The problem I’ve had on the past is the debts reduce quickly I start to forget about the damage caused and do it all over again.
I've always had a strange relationship with money. Then again I've always had a strange relationship with life itself by feeling an outsider or loner with little connection to it. Money itself is a drug but gambling addiction is a stronger drug
I've used money as a crutch to compensate for the loneliness and emptiness I pretended was not an issue. I went through a real shopaholic phase in my early twenties and the gambling was on a back-burner then. I've had gaps in my gambling which I mistook as any sign of control
Over time I became more jaded with life and more jaded about buying things mixed with a strange over caution ie...I'd better not have that now and wait until I'm more comfortable or flush....only that moment never came because I was confused and very ill with an addiction
I would see a DAC or a pair of nice Grado headphones for my hi fi...think not now and then go and put twice as much in a gambling machine.....so I could have had that stuff with something to show for my money
I would resent having to buy more mundane items like socks or underwear then think I will go and win that back on a machine as if that was some sort of a casual or clever plan.
So much of my disposable income was gambled away for many years....thousands per year. I have to let that go but will use it as a reminder of how I'll I was and how gambling does NOT pay
I could have had many nice things and many good nights out with the occasional holiday. Instead I handed it all to gambling dens while in an internally drugged state or trance.
I have got some nice stuff but it's a fraction of what I could have now.
When I stopped gambling my money started to build up again and coupled with sensible spending I'm doing fine
I'm learning again to spend my money in a healthy way and not get worked up about anything. I'm quite calm because it's about some peace of mind or serenity....the birds sing and the sun comes up
Best wishes to everyone on the forum
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