Start of quitting

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big bessie
Posts: 102
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Hello, Today i'm starting a new, gamble free life. I'm totally addicted to betting on football and roulette machines. It makes me ashamed when i think of my losses. Having read through the forums i am going to post on here to hopefully help me beat this thing. I've gambled every day for the last ten years, but i must stop now because i cant go any lower. Tomorrow i will log on and tell you what my first gamble free day was like,( i hope). This morning i have excluded from all sites that i use and this afternoon will take the embarrassing step of going round all my local bookies and self excluding myself. Any other tips for me for day one would be appriciated?

Posted : 21st December 2011 8:26 am
Posts: 0


Total honesty is the key to a good recovery. Try posting at the start of the day and telling yourself how you are going to combat the demons of the day. Make sure you leave no door unopened to gamble in the future. Tell someone close to you about your problem and they can watch out for you. Keep it simple and take it one day at a time. We never beat this addiction just learn to live side by side with it. Take care

Posted : 21st December 2011 8:47 am
Posts: 0

Hi Bessie,

Well done. Firstly admitting your problem to yourself and then starting a diary. Also the self exclusion, Fantastic! Very humbling experience but one you won't regret.

Further advice could be getting blocks placed on your PC/Laptops. Betfilter is the cheapest option and works perfectly. Let a loved one or trusted friend create password for it. Also hand over your bank/credit cards to them too. Tell them and as many close friends as you can about your addiction. All this has helped me immensely. I feel safe that now that even if the day comes that I want to gamble, the door is firmly shut.

Nice to see that you have signed up to Dan's list too! You can do this, especially now you are not alone in battle.

Best wishes. IanB.

Posted : 21st December 2011 12:13 pm
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Thanks smiler and Ian for your advise, all of which I've taken onboard. Busy afternoon ahead, 11 bookmakers to visit after work to exclude from. I will feel better once that is over!

Posted : 21st December 2011 12:47 pm
Posts: 0

Hi BB....

Hope your visits went well. I've self-exlcuded in person before.... it's not easy.... so well done!

Stay strong... always look forward,,, NEVER back. You can't change the past... but you can determine your own future!

Good luck!!

Posted : 21st December 2011 1:06 pm
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Made through yesterday! I've successfully self excluded from every site/shop I've every used. I've realised that im going to have a lot of free time on hands each day because I used to spent at least 3 hours a day gambling or watching scores etc... Last night instead if watching all the premier league football results coming in, I played on my sons wii. My first target now is to make it to the new year without gambling. Day 2, I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY!!!

Posted : 22nd December 2011 12:14 pm
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Made it to day 3! I feel completely different, not having to lie about where I've been, making up excuses for the 3 hours spent in the bookies . I tried to watch spurs v Chelsea last night but lost interest, looks like I never liked football, just gambling on it. I still feel strong and determined to beat this, long may that continue. Day 3-- I will not gamble today.

Posted : 23rd December 2011 8:53 am
Posts: 0

Well done. Stay strong and believe.

Positive thinking is the way forward. IanB.

Posted : 23rd December 2011 11:12 am
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Thanks Ian for your help, I appreciate it.

Posted : 23rd December 2011 11:58 am
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Day 4. Looking forward to a gamble free christmas. I ruined last christmas for myself by losing 2k in a casino on christmas eve, NEVER AGAIN! Even after 4 days i feel so much better, no stress of results etc.. to worry about. Its only when u can look back with a clearer mind that i can see how i neglected my wife and kids, pushing them away as only gambling mattered. Tomorow will be a better day than last year that's for sure. I'm lucky that my job pays not too bad so financially i will be back on my feet in 6 months or so, that's the aim. Day 4 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY!!

Posted : 24th December 2011 11:33 am
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Day 5/6/7 I've had a great Christmas, the first for an eternity without any betting . Enjoyed Christmas day and boxing day without any sneaking off gambling. I still feel strong and determined to conquer this addiction. Good luck to everyone who is going through what I am, you can do it. Day 7 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY!!

Posted : 27th December 2011 11:11 am
Posts: 0

Well done BB, I am the oposite I have totally screwed up my Christmas as I always done for the last 30 years, I lost 1000s yesterday in the bookies & today is my first day of my recovery I will take note of your last 7 days & I to will now go & play with my kids as opposed to going to the bookies as I did yesterday, you have just given me the strenght that I neede & thank you for that.

Keep going..

Posted : 27th December 2011 2:22 pm
Posts: 0

Just goes to show what life will be like when we don't gamble.

And long may this continue!

All the very best,


Posted : 27th December 2011 2:30 pm
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Andy 2 , stay strong, you can do it!!!

Posted : 27th December 2011 3:10 pm
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Day 8.... Back in work this morning, unfortunaetly. When on the early start like today, the first 3 hours of the day i used to spend gambling on-line or studying odds for football etc.. as im the only person here it was free easy time. So instead of doing that im going to come on here read through the forum etc. I can hardly believe the change in me over the last week, i feel so positive now, looking forward to the future and everytrhing it brings. DAY 8 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY.

Posted : 28th December 2011 7:49 am
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