Start of quitting

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Hello BB

Congrats on what you have achieved, it is absolutely wonderful, shows we all have to find our own way out of this mess, but we can if we are determined, honest and realistic, keep up the good work,



Posted : 6th June 2012 9:12 am
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Not been on for a while as I've been away for most of June. I survived euro 2012 with no gambling. It doesn't even enter my head now, betting. I know the temptation will come around again but I am strong now. Day 195 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY

Posted : 4th July 2012 4:57 pm
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Another week goes by, still no gambling. Also went through the 200 days of not gambling barrier. In that time I've changed for the better. Im kinder and more patient with other people. I rarely lose my temper, which I used to do often. I'm a better man. DAY 202 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY.

Posted : 11th July 2012 7:28 pm
Posts: 0

Hey Buddy,

Great to see your post. Passing 200 days is a huge achievement, sailed past 6 months and on to the next 6 you go. The personality changes are now noticeable and people reading your diary will take great hope that they too can have a far better life providing they remain gamble free. That includes me so thank you!


Posted : 11th July 2012 7:37 pm
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Thanks everyone for your support. Day 208 I will not gamble today

Posted : 17th July 2012 4:08 pm
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

There is an interesting article in the Daily Mail today (page 15) about the dreaded betting terminal machines in high st bookies. It highlights how addictive these machines are and the negative impact they are having on peoples lives. I, like many people on this site know the serious problems this form of gambling can cause. At present, each bookmaker can only have 4 of these terminals per shop, but the government in there wisdom are now looking at upping this to 20 per shop. I have not gambled since December 2011, and hopefully never will again, but just before i quit my hopeless addiction to these machines lead to me questioning weather i wanted to go on living on more than one occasion. Our government should be looking at banning this form of gambling, not increasing it. DAY 216 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY

Posted : 25th July 2012 7:48 am
Posts: 0

Great post bessie!

Posted : 25th July 2012 7:58 am
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Day 230 still gamble free. Busy with the kids on school holidays, trying to find things to do in this wet summer. No thoughts of gambling, my mind is still strong. Day 230 I will not gamble today.

Posted : 9th August 2012 4:47 pm
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

My friends have been banging on about the annual fantasy football league this week. No way I can get involved in it this year as you have to pay to enter and the winner gets the cash (gambling). So I've stood firm and said im not interested this year. I think it's important not to get involved in anything like this even tho it's only £10 entry fee, as any interest in players scoring goals could lead to weakness and betting again on first scorers in matches. At the peak of my gambling I used to have first scorer bets on every British game, every day of the week. I would settle back and watch all the scores like a hawk, all afternoon at weekends and every week night. It invaded my life, my mood depended solely on results, I could be unbearable and unsociable if I lost. It lead to a deepest depression i could never return to. It nearly cost me everything. Now 236 days since I stopped this, I am well on the road to being well again. I'm me pre gambling, with the hindsight of the knowledge learned from gambling mistakes. My thoughts are all positive. I remind myself every day how I felt during the dark days, it ensures I'll never go back. I couldn't go back, I couldn't survive it again. Day 236 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY.

Posted : 15th August 2012 9:48 am
Posts: 0

Hi Bessie,

Great post there mate and well done on your continued progress! It was a really good post for me to read as I was heavily into footy betting too! I never got involved in first scorers but match betting big time and it could be anywhere too! Singapore, Japan, UAE, Macedonia I've bet on some crazy stuff! However, the decision to stop gambling is highly rewarding and like you I'm now beginning to find myself again, rediscovering a life I left behind some years ago! It makes me wonder why I left that life cos it was pretty good and im very much enjoying saying no to gambling and getting that life back! It is diaries like yours that continue to encourage me to move forward!

Thank you,


Posted : 15th August 2012 10:44 am
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Still going. Still reading a lot of other diaries posted on here. Over the 250 days barrier. Been tough the last fortnight , as even after all the time I've not gambled for, I still find myself checking all the scores and scorers. I will never start again tho, i am in charge now. Day 252 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY

Posted : 1st September 2012 12:23 am
Posts: 4422


Great to see your resolve to remain gamble free serves you well, I hope like me you can relax and enjoy football for the sport it is knowing the results only count upon the league table and your money remains were it should in the pocket!!!!

A big well done from me to you through the 250 days a year not so far away.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 1st September 2012 6:57 am
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

The best thing about not gambling is.... NO LIES! Day 265 I Will not gamble today.

Posted : 15th September 2012 12:25 am
big bessie
Posts: 102
Topic starter

Not logged on for a couple of weeks ,but I'm still gamble free. I won't lie and say that I've not been tempted to have a bet now the football is going again. But my resolve is still strong, I can't go back to that again. I'm only looking forwards now. My finances are settled now, I know how much money I have to spend now, and the risk of blowing everything in my account Is gone. Stay strong everyone. DAY 277 I WILL NOT GAMBLE TODAY

Posted : 27th September 2012 10:20 am
Posts: 4422


Thats the sort of medicine I do love to take, one which shows we can do this, our finances will render themselves good, all because our resolve to abtain from the punt gets stronger each day we make the choice.

Just for today NO BET.

Abstain and maintain my friend

A massive well done from me.

Duncs stepping forward never back.

Posted : 27th September 2012 10:31 am
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